Is it any good Sup Forums?

I'm planning on buying Fallout 4 this christmas sale for 20 bucks yet I would like to know whether it's actually decent or it's just utter shit.

It's a pretty decent shooter with exploration.
Dogshit RPG though.

No it's garbage.

$20 is still way too fucking much. It will placate your atuism for about 15 hours collecting stuff and playing dress up, but there're really nothing in the game.

It's fucking nothing.

Butchered rpg but a top tier shoot and loot game.
Game is made for survival mode, try it as soon as you can.

Not sure about the dlc tho, people seem to like far harbor and nuka world. FH for rpg and NW for action.

Feels like a shittier Borderlands. The gunplay is slightly improved from NV but otherwise the enemies feel even more spongy than NV and the gun variety feels like shit.

Beyond that, it's a goddamn train wreck. The factions are dull, the overworld is dull, the shelter-building feels clunky as shit, the protagonist sucks because you can barely roleplay, the story is boring, and to top it off it still looks like ass.

So it's like borderlands?

Where the fuck have you been for like a year.

Where the fuck have you actually gone, if you're asking us if it's good like you've been here the whole time. If you were here - in any fucking regard - you'd know the answer, because millions of people have bitched about it alongside those people that know people bitch about it shitposting about how it's "totally good".

It's not. It never will be, and one of the DLC's are straight up plagiarized from one of the only few good Quest mods for New Vegas.

Don't buy it. If you're really that interested, just pirate it. You're not missing out on much if you go that route anyway.

Singleplayer Borderlands.

It's pretty rad dude. Me and the boys play it and Skyrim SE all the time.

Worse borderlands, where instead of co-op you have shitty base building, also guns are all boring in ""Fallout"" 4

Not in the same way, borderlands is more over the top and have you change weapons every other minute.
In f4 you stick with a gun, find upgrades and maybe get a legendary drop once every other day.

Buy NV instead if you haven't already.

Unless you really want the first bethesda game with passable graphics.

It's a mediocre WRPG maker though.

They took some elements from borderlands and put them in the game. Legendary enemies are the worst fucking thing I've seen introduced to the series.

Like Borderlands but with worse writing, yes.

>Where the fuck have you been for like a year.
Not on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is too autistic for me but once upon a time I stuble here to ask for some advices

>playing Radborn
>paying for Radborn

i don't think he could grow a beard that thick

DELETE THIS FUCKING REPLY YOU FILTHY SONS OF BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Every mountain can be climbed user. You just gotta beLIEve.

Alrighty then - What's good then?
Other games I've had in mind are:
Just Cause 3
ArmA III ( Although I've heard it's laggy as fuck )
Dying light
If none of these are good give me some top tier Sup Forums advice
I'm okay with anything that makes my autism kick in

>Borderlands has better writing than F4
Let's not say anything crazy here, user.

ARMA and Dying light are both more enjoyable
If you want things that fallout 4 offers, try

>7 Days to Die

>Any shooter

>Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas

Lurk some more before you ask, but don't let us adjust the opinion for yourself so that you're blatantly just spouting the same shit without any understanding of the basis behind it. Look for reasoning why and all that shit.

Which is pretty good on your part. You don't have to worry; it's an easy job to see how shit of a game it is. Get Fallout: New Vegas or Fallout 1 and/or 2 with Tactics in there if you want, but some people don't seem to like it, which is understandable.

Done: all the shit you need for a proper Fallout experience. There's cut content patches as well as a overhaul project for Fallout 2 that takes after some shit from Fallout 1 or what have you, so there's plenty of shit to keep you going, if not the builds and whatnot.

Go and enjoy yourself, nigga.

And don't fucking come back.

>Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas
Absolutely nothing like Fallout 4

That's a good thing.

Turn on Survival Mode and the game becomes way better.

Fun if you can get a FOV tool, otherwise enjoy 55 FOV.
Terrible perfomance. In fact, insanely terrible perfomance.
>Dying Light
Shit's fun.
Like EU4 in space. 1.5 patch is going to fix a lot of the game's issues.

As for Fallout 4, it's a solid shooter and a decent sequel to FO3, but the writing and dialogue is downright awful. It's like they took no hints from New Vegas.

I would damn near kill for a game with as tight setting and factions like NV but with the updated FO4 engine.

Doesn't fix the dialogue and writing.

>Just Cause 3
get just cause 2 instead
only if you got a beef pc with a boner for operatan
mite b cool
>Dying light
legit zambambo game, can recommend

>turn on the enemies one shot you mode that adds more it's fucking nothing mechanics to the already it's fucking norhing game

you're the worst kind

It works both ways fagtron, enemies take more damage as well.

>caring about dialogue and writing in a zombie game

For what purpose? Shit's not some RPG where they need a story/worldbuilding backbone to prop up mediocre gameplay. And besides, what else are they going to do with a zombie scenario that hasn't already been done a dozen times?

Balancing is laughably broken, but I also went sneaky with silencer death. Needless to say, I haven't one-shot an enemy in a very long time. I went into the glowing sea at level 40 in the hopes of getting some challenge but was one hitting legendary glowing death claws/rad scorpions so I figured I was fucked.

I miss fallout 3 and actually fearing super mutant masters.

He's talking about Fallout 4, not Dying Light. There's a Survival Mode there that adds hunger and stuff like that.

Right then, my bad. Yeah, Fallout 4 is beyond saving in that regard, carry on.

>As for Fallout 4, it's a solid shooter and a decent sequel to FO3

>a decent sequel to FO3

It retcons point of FO3 lore like it was nothing, what the fuck are you talking about

>retcons FO3 """lore""""

But that's a good thing.

>But that's a good thing.
They manage to make it even more retarded.

I didn't explain that thouroughly enough, my bad.

This is going to sound really, really obvious, but it's a sequel to FO3, and FO3 only. It doesn't have any of the spirit from the original games in it, and it learnt nothing from New Vegas. The dialogue is butchered and the forced protagnist and his/her voiceacting completely destroys all roleplay. It has nothing in it that made the previous games good, just improved combat.

See what I mean?

>Game about robots and androids
>They still needed to cram FEV and Super Mutants there, because FALLOUT

>no robobrains

they just didn't care

combat is fun for a first playthrough

the problem is your second run, when you realize the 99% of quests just aren't worth doing

Damn, forgot I was talking about Bethesda here.

>no robobrains

But there are.

>defined backstory that you can't escape
>voiced protag
>on top of that, only a SINGLE male voice option
>dialogue wheel to disguise just how shit the options are
gameplay is decent though
power armors legitimately makes you feel like an unstoppable force

It's entertaining. If you liked FO3 and Skyrim then go for it, if you hated those then avoid it.


come on man

It's realistically worth 20 dollars, compared to other games with a similar pricetag.

>but the gameplay is decent
>it is le entertaining

it's boring and pointless as fuck, it's aimed at nothing and isn't connected with anythyng in the world around you.

it has slightly better controls

might as well just play stalker then

i like nora, curie, piper, nick, and a few others.

the opening plot hook is fine.

the shooting is competent.

the world and lore is not that special, however the soundtrack and score are 10/10, at least thats something that never changes.

overall the complete DLC package is fine, but only because it rounds out the crafting and building, and far harbor is good. i would have felt underwhelmed if i brought a season pass, though, because nuka cola, whilst pretty huge, is really badly handled.

the story, factions, endgame etc, descends into mind-boggling badness. i rage quit my first character. i had to start again and ignore the main plot entirely.

overall the RPG mechanics are only passable with 60 mods. the dialogue system is god awful.

i think people are rightly really down on fo4, but i actually kinda like it anyway. 7/10.

I liked building and managing the settlements, thats about all

The romance is boring, combat is boring

>able to use console commands and still get all achievements

reason i stopped playing so much, max inventory with console command etc

you fucking autist, theres a reason he isn't already, in comparison the missions in fallout 4 may include some radial quests but thats half the fucking game in stalker, which has "ay stalker go get this backpack and ill give you some moneys" and oh yeah go break into here and get these plans and take them to this guy. This is in comparison to fallout 4 which has pretty good gunplay, and a good story structure, sure the stories pretty shit but the pacing of the game is good, it consistantly gives you somewhere to go and see new stuff aswell s leading you away to see other things, whether this be side quests or unmarked locations.

tl;dr you're a fucking retard.

Since the main story has been bashed to death for how horrible it is, i'm going to tackle what people think its the best aspect of FO4 which is its exploration.

Pic related is FO4's exploration in a nutshell, except for a few exceptions, all locations are like this, just dungeons with enemies to shoot and loot to be found

Its all about just how long you go before realising you have just been doing what pic related says for hours. Also

>legendary enemies don't actually mutate, its just an added glow and a full HP restore, its no better than those old beat-em ups who throw a stronger recolored mook at you. You'd think they mutate into something fun, maybe a human could grow deathclaw arms or a Mirelurk could start spraying acid at you but nothing happens.
>since perks are reserved for magazines now, you might end up finding comic books you won't use for the entirety of the game
>companion quests are terribly written and are just "go to this dungeon and find X item"
>companions are also retarded, they can go from hate to love to hate in the span of 15 minutes, also, no hug/handshake/sex animations, so they falling in love with you is meaningless since its just words
>enemy variety is abysmally low
>gun variety is too low, is like they expected the different upgrades to make up for new weapon types
>legendaries suck balls, whoever designed that system thought that the one used in Borderlands was the pinnacle of game design for some reason
>factions are useless and underdeveloped, same as the rest of Boston, nothing gets done without your imput
>the glowing sea is actually a really cool location where nothing happens, same as with many other areas in the game

Its just a bad game, they released it unfinished and expected the modders to do their thing

This was pic related

It's pretty good, the game is enormous, even after beating the main quest you have a shit ton of side quests, DLCs, random encounters, random battles that can quickly escalate into a miniwar between multiple factions with you caught in the crossfire.

If you play it be sure to play Survival mode.

>also guns are all boring in ""Fallout"" 4

I take it. You know shit about mods.

Utter shit