Is there any proof of Talos' divinity?
Is there any proof of Talos' divinity?
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yep, all the assblasted elves throughout Tamriel.
I really hope no dirty stormcloaks reply to this thread, else I'll crush them under my strong Imperial boot.
No, Talos is a false god that was propagated by Men in order to a create a false sense of worth and longing
No moreso than there's proof of the tribunal's divinity
Can you repeat the question?
>imb4 that copypasta about how talos is actually 12 different people
Talos reshaped Cyrodiil from jungle into generic forest.
If Talos is the god of men and the Septim blood that which ran through the Imperial emperors, why was it Akatosh who protected the Empire in the Oblivion crisis and not Talos?
Cyrodiil was never a jungle.
It was a forest in Arena.
Which Talos was the one to achieve CHIM?
He's like 6 different people.
This is retarded.
If Talos isn't real then how are my diseases cured after I pray at His alter. Checkmate knife-ears.
A mage hides inside the altar.
>appeared to the Neravarine in Morrowind
>receive a blessing at any of his shrines scatteted throughout the land
Honestly the worst thing about Talos as Tiber Septim. Faggot couldn't even use the Thu'um. And thr only reason """he""" conquerored Tamriel was the Tribunal gave him a fucking reality bending golem. Wulfharth is the true hero behind Talos.
Nice try altmer, nice try.
yep, he makes the same thread all the time like a true meme god
>Faggot couldn't even use the Thu'um.
Except that's wrong.
> The Skyrim army joined him when they saw him use the thu'um and knew him to be blood of the Dragon and heir to the Empires of Men
What the fuck was the dwemers problem exactly? Why were they so fucking angry that they an hero'd the entire race?
Are you telling me Talos invented cross regional healthcare for His followers? Do hidden mages control the ebb and flow of fate
>couldn't use the thu'um
But I thought his voice was so strong that storm clouds followed over his head?
Wulfharth's ash ghost was the one shouting for him.
>literally appears in person
I'm pretty sure Imps really don't care about talos, but just forbid it to please the elves.
We'll never know because it's been retconned.
>never a jungle
>forest in arena
lol no
After Daggerfall Talos came into existence and retroactively altered time. Arena takes place in an eradicated timeline.
>Cyrodiil was never a jungle.
Exactly, thanks to Talos.
In Oblivion you need the blood of one of the divines to open some kind of portal. You use the blood of Tiber Septim's armor and it works, so yeah
also Oblivion sucks
So does Vivec
I don't understand gods in the TES world.
The aedra only show up once in a blue moon while the deadra actually reward those who follow them. You'd think they'd be a bit more popular.
Then there's other cultures that seem to have completely separate religions based on beliefs that are probably bullshit. instead of ones that are proven to be real.
My ability to mod the game to give mer sluts a good nord dicking.
It was never tried with other blood so that's not conclusive evidence.
Azura is popular. The other Daedra are basically evil.
The Deadra terrorize people.
Like half the daedra are fucking nuts and dangerous. Then you've got the ones like Sheo and Sanguine who aren't exactly evil and may be pretty nice but anything you get from them is just as likely to fuck you up as help you. The rest of the daedra like Meridia, Azura, and Malakath are worshipped just as much as the aedra.
He's a fucking nutcase.
But yeah, most of them are evil as fuck.
How could his shrine cure you of all aliments, if he wasn't part of the Divine?
Shrines are just magical, they're not divine.
That's exactly what they did. Titus Mede knew that he'd have to appease the elves for a time to prepare for the inevitable follow-up war; a war he knew the empire could win simply because their birthrates were way higher than the altmer's. The imperials didn't bother enforcing the ban at all, especially not in Skyrim. That is until Ulfric Stormcloak stirred shit up by being a foolish patsy and essentially forced the empire to act to avoid breaking the treaty openly.
You forgot Sanguine. His personality is completely harmless, he's just really fucking irresponsible.
So then using that, couldn't all divine just be magical?
It's TES lore before getting dumbed down
It's fanfiction.
I'm done with this thread. I'm done.
>KINMUNE (Kinetically-Interlinked Nirnian Multi-User Exoform) started her existence as any other proxy-synthetic of the 9th Era aurbical mining guilds: a limited sentience deep-pressure capable "thot-box"—a dreamsleevishell used by remote mortal operators to run the rigs of Kynareth's illicit breath trade. Able to stream several live-wire mortal proxies at once, Kinmune was a top-of-the-line Hazardous Conditions Warprunner Exoform of an ayleidoon hegemony nearing another unceremonious end.
c0da is fanfiction
Rest is Todd and Kirkbride trip from when they used to take LSD together
I hate all this Kirkbride fan-fiction. There are some really interesting ideas in the more obscure parts of the Elder Scrolls lore, but this stuff is just really fucking stupid.
Is meme magic a form of zero-summing?
Did they really, or is that just a theory?
It'd make sense.
Doesn't he just want to party hard 24/7?
>forms the empire
>people begin to worship him
>hate the empire
Role playing as a nationalist Nord is Skyrim is the best option but the Nords are kind of dumb.
They got into a fight with the Chimner/Dunmer over weather Deadra like Azura were proper gods or just powerful entities
They found the Heart of Lorkhan, the dead god that actually created reality, and decided to tap into it to ascend to a higher plane.
They rewrote themselves from existence, then Vivec and whatnot got the tools, and properly tapped the heart for divinity.
>need the blood of a divine to open the portal in Oblivion's main quest
>use Talos' blood
>it works
There you go.
No but it's a tonal art for sure
Tiber Septim was from High Rock.
i prayed to him, got a buff
no he was from Atmora
He is 3 different people you scum fucks
he was from both High Rock and Atmora actually
>He was born in Atmora under the name Talos, meaning Stormcrown in the old Ehlnofey. He spent his youth in Skyrim, where he learned the ancient art of the Tongues as well as the strategies of war from the chieftains there. At the age of 20, he led the invasion of Old Hrol'dan, taking it back from the Witchmen of High Rock, his earliest known military victory.
[citation needed]
Tiber Septim were 3 different people
>being a Nord and not being a devote follower of Kyne, mother of Nords
I thought that the Dwemer didn't worship any of the Aedra or Daedra because they knew that the world they lived in wasn't "real" and they thought that was bullshit.
My understanding was that Kagrenac tried to use the tools to either ascend to a higher plane like you said, wake up the dreamer, or remake the world. Some people even say that Kagrenac fucked the Dwemer out of existence on purpose.