Resident Evil VII datamine

Demo has literally entire plot progression.
-You enter a building on the plantation through a backdoor.
-You quickly meet Mia, but she's imprisoned in the basement of the building.
-You work to try to get her out, but you begin to meet the Moulded and fighting for survival as you solve puzzles.
-You get a phone call and meet Zoe, who claims she wants to help you.
-You work some fuses and get a chain cutter, and go to save Mia, but in the process your arm gets cut. Unsure what cuts it.
-You try to care for your hand, and get back to Mia.
-You break Mia out and you two work to try to escape.
-While escaping you black out from your cut.
-You wake up and look for Mia, open new areas with items obtained.
-You meet up with Mia but she gets kidnapped (Unsure, but I think by Lucas).
-You try to fight the kidnapper in a few different areas as you give chase. You follow up a stairwell but get knocked out.

-You wake up to the dinner scene.
-You get a key to go under the floorboards and enter the washroom (a save room with a phone).
-You try to find a way out and while doing so a knock comes from a window and you meet a police officer.
-To try and help you defend yourself, the police officer gives you a knife.
-You turn the breaker on and open a sealed garage switch to enter the garage.

-You enter the main hall of the Main Building of the Plantation. See thematic locked doors, and the way out of this house is with three dog crests.
-Main bit of chapter is exploring the house, getting crests and keys, you encounter Jack & the Molded, and do so as you explore.
-There's optional content in this chapter, such as an ability for you to get a shotgun.
-Lots of room names you explore while doing this, like Freezer, Taxidermy Room, Workshop, and such.
-To get the last crest you need to fight Jack a second time for the second boss battle as he comes at you with a chainsaw.
-With all crests, you can finish exploring or leave to the next area.

-You go outside to the grounds of the plantation, and find a Trailer, which is used as a shop in the game.
-You go down a boardwalk to the fourth main setting of the game, the Greenhouse.
-Inside you encounter Marguerite and a room where Mia was captured by Marguerite. You go to try and free her in the Greenhouse.
-There are two notable scenes here. The first is the "Insect Fall" battle. Sounds like a bunch of insects begin to crawl over the ceiling to drop on you and crawl through holes and you have to fight them back.
-Second scene is the "Insect Hole". It seems you are dropped down a well and then need to escape the well, which is crawling with enemy insects.
-Then a third boss battle against Marguerite, labelled as "Long Hand Marguerite" battle.
-You get the lantern that she drops and with it can solve a new puzzle of the area.
-You get something called the "Evline Arm".
-You get a phone call (you get several but most aren't objectives an optional) apparently from Lucas.
-You do Shadow Puzzles with the lantern and objects you find around the Greenhouse to open up secret passages around the building. You also get keys and open p some areas in the previous area.
-As you go to leave Greenhouse, Marguerite comes back as "Long Haired Marguerite"

-You go back to the Main House again and a lot of new areas are openable, including a child room, and Lucas begins to play with you. Lucas seems to have the whole thing set-up where he can monitor the place and has a control room where he watches you.
-You explore and open up more, but then Lucas plays his cards to release new types of Molded to rush you down so as you do a new puzzle set to unlock a new area new types of Molded enter the picture.
-There's some timed event, it's not specific but there's a lot of objectives like "Wait 10 seconds." "wait 20 seconds," "wait 13 seconds", which are probably related to something.
-After surviving Lucas' games, you enter a new area of his main forray. It's apparently a super dark place and light plays a big role.
-Apparently a big puzzle in the area involving a Birthday Cake Room, valves, Candles, and the like.
-Apparently Lucas has a weird love of childish games and so lots of weird puzzles, including something about a cake bomb, something about beds, and creepy puppets.
-Of note it seems during this section of the game, Zoe's phone calls get replaced by Lucas calls, as you go through his ordeals.
-Eventually manage to escape through to the backyard.

This is ONLY the first half, theres tons more being dug

How many types of enemies?

Dunno specifics.

I called for it months ago
my neckbeard team is unbeatable

Why don't you just link to my reddit thread instead of copypasting from it?

why don't you paste it here yourself for me to check?

PCucks are really a fucking mistake.

Well then fucking find out you stupid faggot.



Holy shit! And to think the trolls claimed this game was a PT clone featuring rednecks you run away from until they die in a cutscene.


Dead_Presidents (reference to "Kennedy" presumably)


>make progress within a week of release
>consolefags played the first demo for over 100 hours still wondering what the dummy finger is for

consolefags really are holding the industry back


Who the fuck is zoe

This is the reason devs don't release on pc
Imagine this info back after E3, when the original demo dropped


They shouldn't have put that data into the Demo in the first place knowing how PC users do exactly this with everything they get

they act pretty stupid in that matter, adding unused assets, subtitles and menus...

i am reading a gaf thread
this is my first time there

and i have to say.. that it sounds pretty much like this place

they are memeing wesker into stardom as we speak

And people still wonder why PC is considered by game devs a second-tier gaming platform

Fuck off, reddit.


>only one type of enemy


>Present your new Resident Evil as if it's a serious rebirth for the franchise.
>It's actually a total bait and switch and everything is just as retarded as ever.



>meanwhile OP and the reddit nigger forgot to paste the second half of the leak, that is already available

its like you are not even trying fellas

Protagonist's wife, probably.

>Capcom put information into demo which would spoil later parts of the game
>PC folks datamine demo

Come on now

Mia is the protags wife



still don't care about this shit

only after i installed the demo, did i remember that crapcom snuck into their user's pcs. feelsbadman

Thanks for your opinion

postan second half

-You go through the woods and appreoach a nearby river and enter a boat house.
-Inside Zoe has been captured and apparently infected with something as you need to help get her materials to make a serum.
-You board a beached boat on the shore by the pier to get what's needed.
-Jack is around this area as he attacks. And we enter our fourth boss battle here. The Battle is against what's called "Mukade Jack". A Mukade is a type of centipede with many legs, so it seems like Jack has mutated into some centipede monster at this point.
-You get keys to open up different parts of the ship and apparently also with traps.
-Apparently somewhere in this you also get an Evlin Head.
-You get into the final battle with Jack as he further mutates for the fifth boss battle.
-Jack in his dying moments goes to destroy the boat to take you with him.
-You go back to the pier and seems a big choice event occurs in the game that changes the rest of the game for you. The full details aren't made clear, but you either have to choose Mia or choose Zoe.
-The chapter ends with an escape sequence from the boat with who I assume is the person who choose to escape with as the boat explodes.
-Notably the file makes it seem like you save Mia no matter what, seems if you try to save Zoe she complains and refuses (there's even a "Zoe Complain" event around this period of events).

-It seems in this chapter you play as Mia.
-This chapter plays with a combination of you getting Ethan to saftey then exploring and surviving the area, and apparenly flashback scenarios. There's also a character named Eveline here (I see them use both the spelling Eveline AND Evelyn in the code).
-Chapter has you starting up an elevator, it seems you go into some sort of industrial plant/lab. Need to get fuses and repair something, and probably not alone, but are some flashback scene mentions and something called "Mia Head Mode".

-Seems in this chapter we head to some caves, a mine of some sort.
-There's a side-quest in this chapter to open up a locker with a machinegun in it.
-Hard to piece together, but it seems something happens to Mia and she becomes an enemy in this chapter. Mentions of "Mia Enemy", "Mia Battle", and stuff of the sort.
-Seem Eveline is around here too, and as you go deeper into the mines you enter some other living area, mentions of a study, a "spiral room", and Enecrotoxin.
-There's a boss here but not clear what it is.

Reminds me of how the entire script of Mass Effect 3 was in the Beta/Demo's files for some reason.


-Seems this chapter has you go through a series of things to the climax, seems you deal with things. There are five main events in this chapter. The first three are labelled "FB 1-3", which I would assume stands for final boss 1-3. Then comes a stage known as "Evelyn's Anger" (is there any reason it keeps swapping between the two spellings? Are they two seperate characters?).
-After this, you start the actual final boss battle, which mentions a gun case drops at some point for you to use. and you get a gun labeled Albert.
-There is a branching event and more than one ending apparently.
-Ending plays, then the credits roll.
-Epilogue scene after credits.

I'm pretty sure this happens with every resident evil game now. Happened with 5 and 6 at least.

>consolefags only have their brain to solve the demo
>PCucks need to datamine literally everything in the demo files to even go as far as consolefags went

shit, I guess consolefags really are holding the industry back

>-After this, you start the actual final boss battle, which mentions a gun case drops at some point for you to use. and you get a gun labeled Albert.
So what about the albert shotgun and albert tentacles

>and dumbass niggers blame PC players for DEVELOPER STUPIDITY.

How does one get so retarded they end up pointing fingers at the wrong person? That's like blaming your car because the factory mechanic left the oil tank open.


>and Enecrotoxin.
The E stands for Evel(i/y)n(e)

For Mass Effect 3 I think it was actually the 360 version the script was datamined from

What is the story with 7?

Is it standalone? It looks it, but with the RE plotline I couldn't even tell. I stopped playing when zombies became earth worm jim.

>slow molded
>quick molded
>fat molded

3 T Y P E S O F E N E M I E S

There's a bunch of mutant hillbillies that live on a former plantation and it's like an umbrella site featuring a new mold-based BOW
you need to find your wife or something

I don't get it guys. I just tried to leave the house and got the bad ending. Really not excited for the full game if it's all shit like that where you get random game overs.

this thread clearly shows the massive shilling campaign through the Week: how that there's a leak, no body is bumping the thread

Data mining in relation to video games has existed for decades at this point with or without PC. Anyone blaming anybody that's not the devs is a faggot.

don't get hit by the squid face dummy

I am assuming you watched the video and then checked out the fireplace?

Try the lever for the fireplace before watching the video. You get a different item in that secret room.

Time to avoid Sup Forums for a few months

implying anyone cares about this game here

>no body is bumping the thread
>clearly shows the massive shilling campaign

So is there any action in the end or is it just run and hide?

So this game is half P.T and half Zombi U?

Read the thread

well there's a dozen weapons listed so you fucking tell me

they don't want to bump the leak, negro

Will the full game be retarded like that? I don't mind searching for secrets but I don't want to start over only to change sequences so ghost hands change the outcome. If the game just had zombies and all that shit and none of that P.T. supernatural bullshit it would be really good.

>he doesnt realize the game has combat and has been shown off


Are there any mob enemies that aren't molded i.e. generic zombie-ish goons? The pasta doesn't imply so.

No. The enemies are just molded and the hillbilly chasers.

mildews are just zombs with mold instead of having a virus or parasite or being black

Having weapons doesn't mean anything if it's all scripted battles. And having weapons doesn't mean the combat will be good or even the focus of the game. I'm seriously asking because I'm still skeptic about 7, as someone who loved very main entry in the series.

>So is there any action in the end or is it just run and hide?

Wesker is a recurring boss, it seems if you kill him instead of fleeing you can loot his weapons (think Nemesis) After the final boss fight with him you gain his pistol, presumably Samurai Edge.

So clearly the game features plenty of combat.

In terms of those instant game overs I doubt it, however I wouldn't be surprised if there was some hidden stuff for doing things out of intended order.


Why would they bring him back... I thought character in 7 was not related to the first games?

Please let this be just bait. From all RE elements to bring back they would decide to bring back fucking Wesker?

To pander to the Reddit audience.

I tried and it wouldn't let me pull it until after the video.

...didn't wesker get blown to shit in a fucking volcano?

can't wait to hear this ass pull

Considering that the game isn't even out yet we have no real way of knowing if the combat will be good. However I think it is safe to say that it isn't the primary focus like it is in RE 4-6.

From what we have seen and if the datamine is accurate it seems to be more RE1 esque, with an emphasis on exploration, puzzle solving, and some combat.

This isn't bait, there are entries like Albert_Bossfight, Albert_Shotgun and Albert_Pistol

The name Wesker isn't listed, but it's unlikely to be a different Albert.

Note that rather than a smug guy in shades he might be, for example, a hideous mutant, twisted and deformed by his half-baked resurrection process.

Isn't wesker super powerful and can regenerate like deadpool

He prob bit off his tongue and tossed it on a ledge and grew back. Or he did the batman beyond joker and it isn't actually him but someone else whos been brainwashed into being wesker implanted with his memory.

or it was an illusion

>wesker's back
>mfw they play it straight

Bu RE1 had different types of enemies.

This game literally has only one type of enemy.

Is it possible it could be a clone? He was shot with rpg's in a fucking volcano. 5 was constantly making you use explosives or fire for bosses.


Opening the room before the video gives you a fuse that you can use to access the attic, which allows you to go to the rest of the demo.

this isn't metal gear

Molders, Bakers, Mutants, Humans, and whatever the fuck a Necrotoxin is at least

That'd be kinda shit. Then you'd never be able to fight anyone else but Albert Wesker because of the clone excuse.

>being this misinformed


>...didn't wesker get blown to shit in a fucking volcano?
RE7 seems to feature psychic powers, Marguerite has control over insect swarms (I guess it could be pheromones), the grandma character (whatever her name is) seems to be able to teleport.

It wouldn't surprise me if Wesker's consciousness was transferred into a patch of black mold which grew into his new body, or something.

Molded is the only mob enemy you can kill.

The hillbillies are just invincible chasers.

Necrotoxin is the virus you stupid fuck. Not an enemy.

>The various types of bogmonsters
>The Bakers
>The insects

This of course is assuming that the datamine is accurate

>EvelinNecrotoxin listed among the stages for Jack and Marguerite





>slow molded
>fast molded
>fat molded

Wow. How fucking creative.

Generic hillbilly chaser family that aren't even scary.


Sounds like an environmental hazard.

Well I mean he is like the one recurring villain.

Unless you count miss wong

>Wesker regenerates but is significantly weaker
>Spends his days hiding out and infecting small out-of-the-way communities with new virus

>stupid sexy Ada

no one would count Ada, more like an anti-hero

I never cared about themes on ps4. But I really want the RE7 because the fantastic save music that plays.

the game looks pretty polished desu

How did they datamine this? I understand they might leave assets, but even if they dumped the dialogue how do they know what scenes happened?


names of events/ flags
and their order