Are these games worth 15 bucks?

are these games worth 15 bucks?

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ive only played arcanum on that list

>30+ games for $15

I'd say it's worth it, especially if you enjoy point'n'clicks. Though by the same token, if you like the genre odds are good you already have SCUMMV to play the classics for free.

The Geometry Wars games are one of my favourite sagas but they're made for people who like arcade SHMUP. I got GW3 for 15 bucks and I don't regret it.

also for an extra 5 bucks you get this

get it for space quest and timeshift, they're awesome
havent played the rest though

is this from the faggot that got passed the crown from the original creator then he took it off straight away

did you buy the bundle just for that? because it's only like $8 on steam right now

no because steam doesn't care about making the old games work on new systems.

steam has a sierra bundle that has more games for the same top price

so you are telling me all the old games will fuck up on steam?

I would get this Bundle if it wasn't for the fact that GoG keeps selling these games for fucking dirt cheap so I have almost all of them already.

Well shit...

Nah I bought it some time ago for 15$.

Phantasmagoria is worth $1.

phantasmagoria 2 has some great sex scenes.

should i follow this pic or find out myself?

I made that pic when I was like 13 years
The secret rooms are confusing. The map helps, but plot wise you have to find them anyway.

sup, boy, you wanna send a key muh way?


is police quest the worst quest series sierra made? i didn't even get good until swat

Nope, but Arcanum is good, if you like isometric RPGs, I'd pay £5 for it.

>mfw i have a vermintide key and i dont know what to do with it

put in your ass

just sell it


ill give it to a friend

>no LSL
shit bundle
I know it's not on steam but they can just give out drm free versions

is the extra 5 worth for this game?

To my knowledge, Timeshift is still unplayable on PC, but it's a great single player fps if you can get it to run. Haven't played anything else.

no, the only good chapter is the first one and it's free anyway. the rest of the game is a fucking joke maze puzzles and barely any true point and click

ty. ill stick with the $15 bundle

I never played Phantasmagoria 2, but I watched the Spoony vids on it.
>I Heard That, Curtis!

it's probably my favorite fmv game, i like it much better than GK2 that everyone seems to jizz all over.