Why do game companies have to force characters sexuality onto me?

Why do game companies have to force characters sexuality onto me?

no one forced you to read the comic

Why is Santa cucking rein? I know one thing, Rein is going to feel sad in the morning.

>blizzard promoting midget fetish

Nobody's forcing anything on you, you fucking moron.

The manlets are at it again.

>I missed the joke

Fucking Blizzard brainwashing kids into thinking this bullshit is ok

Only degenerates would date a dwarf with one hand

How thick is torbs semen?

Because they're hacks that cannot into good writing, so they go with bottom feeding techniques to trick people into caring with "LE WHO'S DATING WHO????", type garbage.

Overwatch's audience is mostly tumblr users, nu-males, and fat women, so of course they eat it right up.

The most offensive thing here is that they give short men hope that a woman will fall in love with them.

this is normal and natural bigot

he has two hands in that pic though

amputee fags BTFO AGAIN

>trying to be sarcastic in a text form

>implying there was humor involved

>those five-heads


>deliberate false equivalence
>"It was l-le joke, I sware!"

Why are some asian?

how the fuck is it legal for midgets to breed? If they wanna have kids just stick to adopting. Don't create more midgets.

if 7 op dies of a stroke before christmas

So are those kids around Reinhardt his kids?

That's an average Asian man and woman who just came to visit

>boss spawns miniature versions of itself

I'm a 6'5" and I laugh at short men.

Torb probably builds some pretty fucked up sextoys, she'll stay with him for that. I mean shit that makes Omnic/Human couples jealous.

Who will work in our candy factories?

The devs that design the game act like their ideology is a religion and must evangelize the world.

I wish Blizzard would stop trying to cater to heterosexual midgets.

It's all done with machines now

It's weird that dwarfs are allowed to have deformed kids but siblings aren't.

>being this pathetic

>caring about and playing overwatch

He's swedish though.
He loves kotbullar, ikea and snow.


Real swedes hate ikea, it's like walmart.
t. American who watched wallender and girl with dragon and tattoo

Lies! There are no midgets in Sweden.

Us Santa-sexuals are finally getting representation in a major video game and you want to complain?

Reinhardt once again being the best part of Overwatch

>surrounded by adoring teens and sweet children
>probably reading about Beowulf or something
>buys their parents some alone time

reinhardt is best hero, ultimate uncle and wonder-wingman

you literally cannot go wrong with the champion of prussia

>they cannot into good writing
more like they don't give a shit, it's a fucking multiplayer only fps, fuck the story.
they'll just do stuff that sells