Gets multiple $2k donations in a row

>gets multiple $2k donations in a row
>isn't even phased by it

alright, what are the tips needed to become a good twitch streamer?

Other urls found in this thread:

can a man even have worse taste in anime?

That's ONE way to launder money.

>wears a hat indoors


they got 180 days to refund it trough paypal

How much do you think he makes in a year?

>be likeable
>be interesting
>be natural performer
>be normal-looking
>be comfortable in front of an audience
face it OP, you're fucked

im guessing he is bald lmao

>be comfortable in front of an audience
This is the big one.

If you dispute it they don't get the money back


ffs just end this entire culture already allah

other streamers who are public about their subscounts (7000~9000 subs) i.e. cohhcarnage makes atleast 17 500$ a month alone in subscribers, more in ads and donations probally another 5 000 to 15 000, plus youtube account adviews which is another 2 000 - 10 000

not including, sponsorships, which other streamers like lirik has revealed is 10 000 a month, plus revenue that comes from people using your referal code.

He is a normie after all


are you cucks into financial dom or something

What's your favorite anime, hotshot?

Twitch is what is killing video games prove me wrong

Anyone on here ever donate? Just trying to understand why. Why would someone give this guy 2 grand? There is so much you can do with 2k, why give it to him?

makes $360,000+ a year from subs
~$1,000,000 a year from donations
obviously makes some from ad revenue, sponsorships, etc

it's well over $1 million a year

i don't get how people get anxious in front of an expectant audience. i've never, ever felt afraid of crowds or when producing or presenting to an audience.

i cant

Maybe it's a bored arab prince.

>Hating Attack on Titan.

Kill yourself pig nigger

G2A gives like 10 000$ a month alone, just that sponsorship for you to shill them.

Aren't you special.


Wasn't there a new policy that at least made the whole thing much harder ?

anime aot is pure shit

>Liking entry tier garbage.

nope, they just publically refused refund to some entitled millionaire kid because he was underage.

they blocked his account, and media ran with it as streamer won case.

basically, parents decided he needed to be taught a lesson and didn't pursue in court.

I'm not even big on anime but it's pretty plain from his ugly sub-human face he wouldn't like anything that was actually good.

Anime is mindless "DUDE THAT WAS COOL HES FAST!" entertainment to these people.

Not everyone cares about obscure old anime films that are actually god-like compared to AoT, SAO and TTGL shit.

probably relatively high income autismo programmers who watch streams as substitute for human contact competing for attention

Are you more afraid of one on one interviews/presentations? Cause alot of people are like that.

I think not.


Fuck you

I've donated a few dollars here and there to smaller streams like 10-20 average viewers when they have goals for things like a better camera if their setup is shit but seem pretty cool. I can't imagine even giving like $20 to some guy like Summit that doesn't need the shit at all and definitely not 2 fucking thousand.

>literally normie animu core in the background

Don't complain when Sup Forums has shit taste

>average twitch viewer

Who is donating money to them

>those donations
What makes people do this

Big streamers are such trash, people throw money away and they dont even care, just sit back and go 'lol these dopes'

>30 something year old lookin guy
>anime posters
>hat indoors
>screams at games
>looks like a faggot
>acts like one too

likeable like your dick faggot

it's a fucking cartoon

Better question would be, why do people even watch streamers and other people play games when they could just play games themselves.

best anime ever made

you are a very nice person that makes the world a better place by making people happy for the right reasons

not really. i just do a little preparation beforehand, and know my material as best as i can.

why? you want something - e.g. give me a job - and they're there for a reason - evaluate your fit for the role. know what they'll expect, how you'll fit their expectations, and how you'll prove it, and you're solid. they're not going to fucking ... eat your face, or anything, you're both grown-ups, there by choice, for an express purpose. hence why i don't get the 'i turned red and shat myself' stories.

There is a time and a place for passive entertainment versus active participating.

Plus the social factor/curiosity.


I liked at least a few from every category except /m/. /m/ a shit.

>Attack on Titan
I can forgive TTGL, since it's good in its own right, but this faggot has shit taste otherwise.

if you look at streamers like CohhCarnage, you'll see that he has set up such an intricate hugbox and calls out his other viewers to "shower them with hearts and 'good vibes".

it's very clever, it probally releases some sort of pleasure/comfort within the heard of the viewer/donator to be recognized.

and it involves spending money, so you receive instant gratification.

some people get hooked to it, and donate to more and more people, often. probally everytime they get a paycheck.

it's an addiciton.

"you can only have fun if you spend money".

it's kinda the mentality these days, nobody wants to go hiking or into the forest because it's free. betcha moment someone cashes in on it with some sort of fancy flashing gimmick and taking money for it people would line up.

Fuck off to reddit

nah it's still very easy to wreck streamers

it's almost as though peoples' opinions on whether other people are likeable may differ. really makes you think, huh.

My favorite streamer doesn't accept donations though he probably to would get thousands.

I respect him a lot for that.

Become a 6'5" god

See, that I get. I can see throwing a few bucks to someone to help with funding an actual goal. Its the big dollar thing I don't get. I see it with guys and girls. People just throwing money at sub par content for no reason. I just can't wrap my head around it.

I think perhaps I should start doing this. I am not a very attractive person, but socially speaking people tend to be drawn to me and I am easily and generally well liked. I wonder if that translates well to this particular medium.

In that instant he has made more than I made in years combined.

And then there's imaqtpie who makes 2 million a year welcoming everyone to the big dick club.

If i want the social factor i'd hang out with my friends and not watch some guy play games while the chat is filled with 12 year olds screaming KAPPA KAPPA.

Nothing wrong with liking normie anime. Hell, Cowboy Bebop is normie and its fucking fantastic. Just because it's not as "abscure" as Witch Hunter Robin, Btooom, black lagoon, or phsyco pass doesn't mean it isn't good.

Also, stop watching the dubbed pig nigger.

You don't "become" one. It's way too late. Maybe 5 years ago if you asked, people could help you.

You can get a partnership pretty easy though. Just dump a couple hundred bucks into viewbots. But don't just spike yourself to 800 viewers like a fucking idiot. Find your little niche game that you can get 5-6 viewers in, and slowly pump it up. 20 one night, 30 the next, 35, then another 35, then 50, then 80, then 100, then if you're smart and have been teasing a "giveaway" (can be fake if you want), blow it up to 200-250, and then cut it back 15%, then slowly build it back up 1% every night until you're around 200 viewers, at this point it should have been about 2 weeks. Continue on until your package runs out, should be about another 2 weeks, and before it expires, apply for partnership.

Benefit of that is having more regular viewers because you'll be on top of the channel listings because you have more viewers than everyone else.

Worked for me in paragon. I have partnership and a nice comfortable 40 person viewerbase. All real people, too.

>these fucking poster

This is fucking embarrassing.

Where did i ever say i watched dubbed? Are you some angry faggot that got his panties in a twist or something ?

Best streams are those where the donations don't show up.

there are exceptions, but mainly you will be quite obnoxious and self-centered. you need to be comfortable leading a cult of desperate, adoring orbiters. you'll be their idol, but you also need to be their punching bag when appropriate. you need to be pretty shameless, if your dirty laundry gets aired in public you'll just have to roll with it.

not everyone is like this, but some really massive ones like sodapoppin are like pretty full on life-streamers more than just game players really. soda is successful at being an hyper ADD retard, his donation/resub rate is actually unbelievable, but he's constantly fucking on it, in and out of game. if he doesn't do hard drugs i don't know how he gets anything done.

"How much did you pay them to scream?"
"I paid for the viewbots because I'm a fundamentally unlikeable individual with all the charisma of a squashed grape, who nevertheless wants to be a Succesful Youtube Videogame Streamer Personality. The bots somehow started screaming by themselves."

>wants to be a successful blah blah blah
lel no I just wanted the shit from epic. Anyone who streams paragon to more than like 10 people gets featured and gets free shit.

Who gives a shit if i'm unlikable? Still got more viewers than you, bud. Says something about you I suppose.

Anyway, it's just the way twitch is. It's nearly impossible to grow in the current, entirely over-saturated market, so you have to turn to alternative methods if you want to grow or be noticed. Even speedrunning is flooded with these faggots, and that used to be a pretty good way to get partnered.

>not watching dubbed is all you can respond to.

Exacta, die in a fire pig nigger

>likeable like your dick faggot

To his targets yeah. Smart people won't donate or donate very little, if you want easy money you have to cater to retards, and retards worship other obnoxious retards like them.

what catapulted him to fame was being really fucking good at counter strike, not so much his personality.

No need to be so mad because someone online said you have bad taste. Unless you're autistic.

/m/ has objectively the best taste in that picture.

>Sup Forums doesn't like video games
>Sup Forums doesn't like talking about video games
>Sup Forums doesn't like playing video games
>Sup Forums doesn't like other people playing video games
this website should be deleted

>worst taste

>be a 40 year old man
>have anime posters on your wall and wear a baseball cap at all times

Sup Forums has objectively the best taste in that pic

>be a 40 year old man
>who gets paid $2000 to scream into a microphone every day, sometimes more from donations
>plus the tens of thousands of dollars from subscribers every month
>Plus thousands from ad revenue
He can literally dress and decorate in whatever way he chooses.
He even has a wife. lel.

>make $156,678 sitting on his ass playing games

>All I do is sit on my ass and play games all day
>make nothing

No need to be upset I called you a pig nigger. Need a safe space autistic cunt?

You can have all the money in the world, but money can't fix your shit taste.

>be some bitter nobody on the internet posting about someone vastly more succesfull

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums have better taste than Sup Forums
That's what happens when Sup Forums turns into such an elitist circlejerk

And what if your friends don't enjoy a niche game that you like? Where would you go to then?

>any 40 year old
>caring about what others think at that age
Hows high school going?

>this entire thread
>NEETs angry at other people doing exactly what they do, inbetween waiting for their parents to die so they can kill themselves, only they're getting paid and being admired for it by others. lol, just lol

Second best. Three of those are pure pleb.

only if it's his own money coming back to him.

confirmed walter white

It's been awhile since i saw someone this asshurt over having bad taste.

>he still watches cartoons as an adult

anime is for losers

>western anime fandom




>lol, just lol

Why would i have to go anywhere ? I'd just enjoy playing said game.

>tfw I still have a Naruto poster up that my late grandmother got me for Christmas years ago

Usually arabs. Not even memeing it's usually arabs. Porn streams, twitch whores, nine times outta ten it's arabs.

the other 1/10 it's japs. They have so much money and no free time from their work.

why is he so popular?

it's always arabs
the kids have trillions in daddy's oil money, what's 20k?