What is the best setup to play games Sup Forums

What is the best setup to play games Sup Forums

I use a monitor at my desk for my PS4 and like it much better than playing on a TV. Not only does it feel more responsive because there's less lag between my inputs and the display, I also don't have to strain my eyes to see everything because I can sit close to the screen. The latter might be a personal problem, though.

monitors have less input lag, and can do 144hz

tvs have more input lag and can only do 60hz. you do the math

Monitors are way better, even for consoles.

Also the resolution on them can be god awful. I have an uncle who straight up uses a 40 inch TV screen for his computer and it looks like complete ass.

tv, I would much rather lay back on my couch than be hunched over a desk like a gremlin

Why are you reposting this thinly veiled console war b8?

Don't forget that TVs fuck the picture in software to "improve" it

A yuge telly is cheaper and more pleasing to use with a controller

Using a monitor but a recent tv like the ks8000 would probably be fine as well for anything non-fighting game, with around 20 ms input lag and 120hz refresh rate.

monitors for PC
televisions for casual gaming experiences so consoles

Ruins the picture and adds input lag.

wew lad

Desk + monitor + headphones for PC

Sofa + TV + 5.1 for consoles

how is this console war, when each console can use a TV or a monitor? you fucking idiot

I don't know what is technically best or whatever, but I game on a TV in the living room.

Sit at a PC at work all day and so I don't really want to game on a similar set up.

I have both plugged into my computer and go for the TV 100% of the time. I don't see how you can play a game on a monitor. That's like watching a movie on a phone screen. Yea, it looks better since it is OLED, but it's way too small for me to give a shit.

Not if you turn game mode on. That turns off all processing and basically makes it a monitor.

having to sit at a desk made me quit pc gaming

>tfw too lazy and depressed to remain upright very long

>he doesn't have his PC and Gaming systems set up so he can lay in bed

It's up to you. I like playing console games on my 55 inch TV because I get more immersed when the image is so big. But I bought a gaming TV with low latency and input delay. I also play PC games that use a controller on the TV.

It all really comes down to the game. I played Dark Souls on my TV, but not another RPG. Pick what suits you, there is no "best" setup.

For consoles it's best to use a TV.
Consoles games run at set resolutions, and TV's have built in scalers to handle that whereas monitors don't. You get horrible upscaling (with all its artifacts and drawbacks) on monitors as a result.
The input lag argument is mostly redundant and it depends on the model, some TV's aren't good in that area but then some monitors aren't either. Check displaylag.com.
NEVER go by manufacturer specs as they are lies.

For PC gaming there's no doubt using a monitor is best.

My friends just got a tv for their second PC and its kinda cool cus for one its huge and for 2 you can use the remote from the couch.

I'm 6'2"
I want to play lying down facing forward
A 40 inch monitor is like ten billion pounds

i used to hook up my PC to my TV to play WoW back in the day and have my iHome play standup, while I relaxed on the couch with wireless Keyboard and mouse,on one of those lap tables. So comfy boys.

>not having your PC hooked up to both

>not using Shift-Win-Arrow shortcut keys to switch games between them on the fly depending on what mood your in or what game you're playing.

I tried playing DaS3 on my 60" Samsung through HDMI and get terrible lag. Is it just because my PC's a toaster? There's no "game mode" in the TV's options. It sucks because now I have a huge expensive TV but nothing to use it for.

Game mode is in system settings on Samsung.. I'm pretty sure they all have it. It reduces lag by like 40-60ms

no that's a normal experience for a TV

It's not. Look for the setting harder. It's not a snake oil setting, and it definitely has it. Even my LG TV from 2007 has game mode.

Thanks, I found it. I had assumed it was under picture settings.

20ms is still really bad, most gaming monitors now boast

Monitor, I use one even for my consoles.

The lowest monitor input lag is 9 seconds, and most of them are like 10-11. You're thinking of response time which has nothing do with input lag and is only advertised to make retards such as yourself fall for it.

>32" 4X 240hz 5ms television on wall mount w/console
>protip: there's no seating in this room


full 9 seconds will be horrible.

So true. PC gamers are like ogres under a bridge, proclaiming their dingy swamp is the greatest.

> hurr look at the normies playing games for FUN, losers

Recommend me a monitor boys, just built my first rig with a 1070 8gb and currently playing in a shitter monitor with low resolution.

>omg liek so true xd
Do consolebabbies even pretend they have an argument anymore?

>mfw pc elitists literally think that 9 seconds of input enhancement is bad

It's more cinematic PCucks, I like having 9 seconds to think about my next move. It gives games a more mystical feel.

>input enhancement

Mine is pretty much the best.

>having to sit at a desk made me quit pc gaming
I mean, I'm not a twitch streamer, who does "gaming" as a job at his desk.
And it looks like modern PC games are made exclusively for this audience.

A TV is all you need for consoles. Consoles run at 20-30 fps so you'll never get use out of a 60-144hz monitor

>I use a monitor at my desk for my PS4 and like it much better than playing on a TV.
You play without audio?

are you 13?

13 years old have all that shit? Holy crap lucky bastards I had a shitty small CTR and my pc was a win97 owned by my uncle

I have a decent pc and the last part I need is a good monitor. I used a friend's 1440p 144hz gsync monitor and I'm torn. It looks nice and clear and all that but for regular use everything seems so small and webpages sort of hurt my eyes. I suppose I'll get used to the new resolution but in a game it still sort of looked like there was motion blur and looked about the same as my 1080p 60hz screen . I made sure it was running at 144hz and with gsync. And yes his pc was good enough to run things at a very high frame rate.

Am I just weird or is it normal to not be blown away?

You can plug headphones into the dualshock controller if you're playing on a monitor

Why do you need an XBOGE hueg scren?

You can see everything iee on otewptetwetwe an 212 inch 20 22 inch monitor perfecltkly fince iand you dont need some fucking shity 8120 inch tv

Where can I get a 8120 inch TV?

U wot

TV obviously, don't fall for the input lag memers. If you configure your TV properly it is nonexistant in anything but twitchy shooters, which you shouldn't be playing on the couch anyway. Don't listen to poorfag kids on this board that think some 144hz monitor and a desk is better for playing games than a 55 inch Sony TV and a couch.

I have a Samsung too, where is it?

Actually hold on, I've found it, but it's greyed out for some reason.

I have my PC and PS3 hooked up to my monitor and I love it. But I'm used to playing in an office chair, which I completely understand isn't for everyone. I played games on couch a couple of times and it just felt wrong.

Can't speak to the technical aspect though.

There's plenty of TVs that can do 120hz. There's also plenty of TVs that have low input lag and even lower on game modes. Regardless, he's playing a PS4 so all he needs is 60hz

Most monitors have built in sieges speakers and HDMI carries audio