>first 50 seconds of podcast
>start talking shit about Sup Forums
how does this make you feel?
they read all your mean comments about them in the omikron threads.
>first 50 seconds of podcast
>start talking shit about Sup Forums
how does this make you feel?
they read all your mean comments about them in the omikron threads.
why do you think it's ok to shill e-celeb garbage here
tell me how you justify it in your mind, OP.
I'm genuinely curious.
I don't care about your board, So I justify it pretty easily.
Even Sup Forums talks shit about Sup Forums.
I thought they were talking about Team4Star?
then kill yourself immediately please
what happened with team4star?
>eceleb fred
they are friends with team4star, why would they talk shit about them and call them disgusting.
they are obviously talking about Sup Forums, matt quit because of the threads confirmed since they are all so salty
Totally fine. The non-Matts can handle criticism.
>Matt saw all the comments about him being the worst part of their 'channel'
>Not a single person defends or likes Matt
It must sting knowing everybody considers you a nuisance and unfunny, huh, Matt?
im just mad that matt is gonna ruin the re7 playthrough
Would have preferred liam fuck off desu
hate that fucker
I thought they were just jokingly talking trash about team4star as they tend to do that. Did Matt mention mean comments in the reddit post?
What the fuck is that minus seventeen production values I expect you to die video.
Why is Woolie extremely upset sounding in every video now?
Was there a reason you added apostrophes around "channel"? Just wondering.
they have some genuine anger there, at least pat does and liam did chime in too.
why not just ignore it?
stop giving the shitters your attention and things will be better off for you.
>>start talking shit about Sup Forums
I don't know what they said, but maybe they should grow a thicker skin or maybe they should just stay on their neogaf safe space where they can cry about every anime game being 'gross', 'toxic', or 'problematic' and no one will ever criticize them.
Everyone tells me how shit Sup Forums is, but then it turns out every other site is ten times worse than Sup Forums.
Matt doesn't see most of the negative comments because he sticks to his Tumblr/Twitter/Stream hugboxes where everyone tells him how cool and great he is.
He's very tired due to heavy editing.
Woolie is Matt's best friend. Every minute of the day he's think about Matt's break.
>there are people that actually defend omikron
They weren't talking about Sup Forums
They were talking about people who use socks to clean up cum
>Matt leaves
>audio and video quality gets even worse
But he's not the worst. Liam is the worst.
Stop posting, Liam. It will never be your channel.
Why would you think they were talking about Sup Forums? I am not seeing how what they said is about Sup Forums specifically.
Seeing their suffering towards the end was pretty entertaining. Woolie was literally floored when they tried getting the drops of shadow.
>What the fuck is that minus seventeen production values I expect you to die video
They're still trying to figure out how to make the VR setup work. Their normal mics don't work because they can't see the mic stands in front of them with the headset on/the mic stands get in the way of the VR sensors.
They tried a lapel mic on the Battlefront video, but wound up getting a bunch of echo when Woolie picked up on both his mic and Liam's.
What's the difference?
Matt's said he's done most of the editing on the channel right?
Using a sock is much more hygienic than why my roommates and I used to do.
>Sup Forums posts 5 consecutive omikron/best friend threads last week, all shitting on the zaibatsu
>matt proceeds to quit
>first podcast back they start it off by talking shit saltily, and are afraid to name Sup Forums because they're coward.
they have mentioned Sup Forums in the past
They're just pretending that they almost got caught talking shit about people, it's a gag they do all the time.
>Totally misunderstanding the joke and thinking they're talking about you
Wow. The height of autism. The joke was about racism. It's a common joke for them to act like they were saying something racist before the camera started. You are retarded.
Nah, liam and woolies comment interjecting make it seem 100% legit. if it was just pat, it would have came off as a joke.
Yet they have also mentioned Sup Forums in positive contexts before. Like thanking at the end of a best of year collab. Also Matt doesnt even come here.
I think they were doing a joke about no one in specific.
Did you also think that people at school always talked behind your back when it wasnt clear who people were shitting on?
not him but the railing on them was especially high last week
I like Woolie and all, but I still kinda preferred the days of TBF over SBF, tbdesu.
Omikron is a good game, it's so unique and mysterious and I even got David Bowie to make music for it so stop talking shit about it you fuckers
>in omikron matt says that even though people complain he wont be brought down and will continue doing what he does
>a week later he announces that he is taking a break and leaving tbfp temporarily because of stress and panic attacks
like poetry
>there are people here RIGHT NOW that believe they're shit talking Sup Forums
Literally why would they shit talk Sup Forums, it just wouldn't make sense consider Liam and probably Pat & Woolie post here. It would be like shooting ourselves in the foot.
Sup Forums is a shit hole
anyone denying it is either a newfag or delusional
imageboards truly are the masterrace
>Expecting them to not get offended
Kek if they were from the States Woolie would be making jokes about Pat's height whilst being called a nigger by him. Instead of making Simpsons references Matt would keep referencing the Jews doing 9/11 and Liam would keep spouting MAGA memes.
Sure. Still doesnt mean they would bother shit talking it.
That has nothing to do with that. They only come here rarely even. It's the same joke they've made many times before.
i think you gotta have a really small dick to be both lets player and to have childish ass podcasts about internet clubs. its like they never grew up.
>implying they're not talking about blacks
I don't really browse best friends threads on Sup Forums but don't tell me you guys are actually upset that Matt isn't good at Omikron.
Sounds like you're projecting, buddy. :^)
fuck off
the channel peaked when it was Matt and Patt as the mainguys and Woolie and liam were sprinkled in as side characters every once in a blue moon
how do you know how often they come here, MATT!?!
What's wrong with acknowledging shit as shit? Offended because it's your super secret club?
we are upset because he isnt good at anything.
Except Matt's been shit for years now ever since he's started catering to Tumblr and revealing his true childish personality.
Sup Forums is shit its just not as shit as most video game boards its still fucking shit tho
I really wouldn't mind Matt if not for his fucking voice
He sounds like That Kid 24/7
If you come to these threads you should know too.
no because its redundent. its like acknowledging the sky appears blue.
got that BBC so i can shit talk few whiteys and their whitey autism youtube channels :^)
You know Woolie's nickname for Pat is Chernobyl baby right?
Okay, but why Omikron of all playthroughs? They have a reason to be bad at the game and that's because the game is objectively awful.
>kill yourself because you don't follow the rules on a board about kid's toys
You're a sad strange little man
Super best friends brawl was the golden era of the zaibatsu. Matt has gone downhill hardest, but to be honest, all of them have gotten at least slightly less funny since then.
Jesus, do you even watch their videos? The only sjw out of all of them is Matt
show me a post were people are mad at their omikron performance besides that time woolie PROVED he was retarded.
it wasn't about omikron he just took that opportunity to complain
What video game is this?
You clearly don't listen to the podcast often.
Thats just a running joke they have where they pretend to be racist but don't name the group they are racist against.
Has nothing to do with Sup Forums
Literally everyone in this thread
omikorn you brain-dead retarded cunt. read the god damn thread.
>They start talking about Star Wars Rogue One and how good it is
>Plague mentions that he sees that RLM has released a Rogue One video
>They all think RLM is going to be positive about it
russian roulette, but there are five bullets loaded.
Not him but
>not follow the rules
Atleast you shitposters can acknowledge what a cyst you are on this board
i don't know who these faggots are and i'm tired of seeing people spam threads for them
they should either move to /vg/, Sup Forums or get the fuck off this board
Re-read that post. No one is complaining that Matt is bad at playing Omikron, just laughing at how he said in the Omikron playthrough that it wouldn't kill his spirit, and then it did.
>Both Cinemassacre and RLM hated the movie
Tank God people are finally starting to realize how shit Star Wars is again.
It's a Half in the Bag review, not a Plinkett review.
>got that BBC
How much did it hurt when it pierced your white booty?
Now if only we could get Pat and Liam to quit as well.
Fuck it. If only they'd disband.
I sure did read the thread, there's zero discussion to that game, now what's this really about? Youtubers? Youtubers aren't video games user.
Hey whats up LTG?
>Woolie is becoming the new Matt
I'm just looking forward to more Pat and Paige streams now.
Holy shit if your entire career revolves around playing video games then it's video game related you spastic. I guess threads about any video game dev should be banned.
Only gripe I have with them right now is Woolies salt over Let it die and Lily Bergamo.
His salt for the name and character change made him give little to no fucks about a game he would otherwise normally love.
In turn the whole video of him playing Let it Die was DSP levels of incompetence in playing video games.
>bumping the thread to front page instead of reporting and letting it die
Great work dude.
Dont give him yous. He is the type that is only happy when Sup Forums is nothing but console war shitposting.
Yakuza 0 LP when?
Pat cant no longer use the "it will hurt sales!" excuse now that Kiwami and 6 are coming over as well
Woolie doesn't even like playing games. He just likes the industry and development, everything else is a lie to keep Pat from calling him a nigger.
t. liam
>Woolie playing let it die
>keeps pressing square instead of x when trying to do the drop kick
>blames the game
>bitchy about lily bergamo the entire time
>both him and Pat to stupid to understand shit the game explains to you
>"waaaaaaah why isn't it like souls"
>don't even make it to Coen
How do you know they are talking about Sup Forums
Which means they should love it because their personas outside of Plinkett are as casual and normie as movie goers get.
it's faggots like you that drove matthew away
They still hated it.
Will Woolie and Pat make a public apology like they did for JJBA ASB?