It's only 6 AM in Japan in a few more hours it'll come
is that a benis?
Nice, another thread with zero context.
Thanks OP
w-what game?
So is the demo on japanese psn only or will the there be demo for US psn as well? Any estimate as to when the US one will update?
teehee let's all talk about the game but not mention the name because WE all know what it is but THEY don't
Nier, but that is not her human form, a mistake happened when she became a replicant. She would be fully female if one day she returned to be human.
If you don't know you're not a true Gamer and don't belong here anyways
This the new thread?
Nier automata
It's the only way to avoid the shitposting that comes from talking about it
>people will soon be spamming their combo videos trying to get in on the ground floor and be THE nier e-celeb
>no demo for Steam
So Emil is like 10.00 years old now. Can you even say he is still Emil?
>tfw Nier discussion is forever tainted by never evers and pcucks flinging shit at each other
>creating a JP PSN has been more beneficial than an NA PSN
>better selection of demos and free themes/avatars
>often better sales if you can understand/glide by with moons
If only it weren't a hassle to swap up on my Vita.
Dont forget the platinum babies and futafags.
it's so weird to see Onii-chan instead of Papa Nier
You mean never evers and sonyggers false flagging
Post more Nier/Kaine lewds
This isn't even that lewd. Why does it effect me so?
Am I even gonna be able to play this
This was a really good doujin... I really liked it...
Kaine is very cute. I like seeing that side of her.
>tfw when actually read WHERE IS THE DILDO
I need to stay away from /gif/
>being new
>not knowing vidya
back to /reddit/ with ya.
So is she futa, a guy, or just a meme?
yes her. she has a feminine penis
He's losing his memory
If you'd define a person by their memory, then I guess he's losing himself
She's a hermaphrodite
>wanting to be able to find nier in the catalog is new
fuck off, retard
Play the game and find out
>feminine penis
futa with a massive dick and she jacked off infront of a nun
truly the master of subtlety
All 3
Hermaphrodite with a huge dick that she jerks after fighting and has fucked a dude's corpse with.
Futa is gay but in the case of Kainé it's acceptable.
Not knowing a weeb game doesn't make you a redditor
Au contraire, it makes you a smart person and you guys should go subscribe to reddit that way we won't have to deal with your cancer weeb threads anymore
Make sure you know your Kaine facts friends
>was female in life, with a fiance
>replicant was born a hermaphrodite due to a glitch
>is straight
>not knowing a weeb game on a weeb imageboard doesn't make you redditor
whatever you say
>tfw Nier discussion is forever tainted by "back in my day" faggots repeating themselves endlessly
Japan only demo yeah?
>is straight
But I only seen her have sex with a corpse.
then it's a guy
Not even a human, just to cut this entire discussion short.
Isn't she literally a female stuck in a body with a penis though?
Not like mental illness shit, but she was literally transferred into a wrong type of a body
Oh cool, that's gonna be fun.
Did you return your PS4 pro yet?
Well, she got the right body, a penis just glitched onto it.
And then she had to share her body with Tyrann.
So Kainé, is a female, living in a hermaphrodites body, together with a male gestalt.
And trannies think they have issues figuring shit out.
It's early as fuck in Japan right now right? So no demo until late tonight or tomorrow for us yeah?
>very fast toobie moving at very high speed
I never bought one, but I'm still pretty disappointed with the whole process thing, definitely not buying consoles at launch anymore
Even though I still waited a year to buy the PS4
Gonna have to hold for a few years from now on.
dat ass
Kinda looks like the two bots on the bottom already came and are just chilling, and she is about to plunge herself onto the other two.
Did she really fuck all the disciples including the granpa and the shota?
Why did she do it?
gib benis pls
Well granpa had big dick.
Dito was cute
Decadus was both manly and unmanly at the same time.
I don't know why anyone would fuck Cent, the repulsive piece of shit, but I guess he had looks.
Flower makes you horny
Really horny
>there are people who unironically like this slut
when does the jap store update? need to know so i can stay up for this
its actually kaine
>there are people who like used used whores
And why did they write the story this way?
Were you actually bothered by this?
I read around on the net and seems like people actually felt bad about playing a whore.
I find it odd, everyone wants to be a whore, just not get judged for it.
not really zero is just a slut but the flower is what makes the sisters horny
Because its interesting.
Zero would be great if she wasn't such a slut.
Her being such a slut is a real turn off... I'm not a cuck...
Even her brothel backstory would be fine in its own right honestly... Compared to her willful wanton sluttiness displayed in the game...
>Hermaphrodite with a huge dick that she jerks after fighting
Sure, I'm familiar with all that.
>and has fucked a dude's corpse with.
Explain further.
this is anemone, say something nice to her
Eh, I hate sluts IRL, I love Zero's character.
In her situation, I'd take what pleasure I can get, from where I can get it.
Front and rear.
There's lots of things that are interesting. They chose the interesting thing that just so happens to involve a dick on a girl's body.
I want to fuck
Brown goddess
Your outfit is backwards in-game
Seriously, though. Where's that demo?
those are lies
luckily it's literally all the game is about
there isn't even gameplay it's just bulgeshots
Taro predicted that people will go full degenerate in the next five years with his character or something?
its a 2011 game, it had a girl with a dick before the entire tranny trend started with new age children, or the entire gay shit getting into the mainstream.
>no trigger discipline
Nah i'm fine
Please elaborate or source because I'm about to get a PS4Pro-blems just to play TLG at fucking stable 30 FPS ;_;
You guys noticed that some of the robots in the desert area wear the same masks and general outfits as the people of Facade???
What the fuck did Taro mean by this?
5~ hours till Japanese demo.
FFXV can't compare to this bae in any way, it's just a kiddy game made for fags.
Not only does Nier have better combat, characters, writing, music, graphics, animations, post-processing effects, enemy design, and actual chests, it has a M for mature rating for mature gamers like myself.
FFXV was the blunder of the year and Nier is better in every single way as proven by the demo.
When people cry enough they'll add an option to disable motion blur, maybe there already is one.
Pro has motion blur
"To make the movements more realistic"
>an android needs trigger discipline