Are video games a boys club only?

Are video games a boys club only?

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I fucking wish they still were.

You can't keep me out

Last time I checked, there was no "you must be this penis to enter" sign outside Gamestop.

>tfw no one has invented a door that can only be opened via an erect penis

Not any more, no matter how bad misogynists want it to be.

Not really. Pretty much everyone can play videogames and nobody gives a shit but girls are mad that they aren't getting the attention they feel they deserve so they make up stories like getting harassed by nerds at cons accusing them of being fake geeks or etc.

even though in real life these nerds would be too beta to say anything to her

you dont have to disclose your gender before buying or playing a game, so I'd say no

I think the was a doujin like this. All the doors had cute anime girls in them and you had to fuck em to open the door.

>tfw i am from a universe where its called BEARenstain

this, it´s been progressive and diverse for so fucking long now

and all that means for rest of us is they keep dumbing things down until everyone feels like they could do it

Your ganestop doesn't have a penis inspector in the back?

>The BEARenstain Bares

Really makes me think.

>buy a strap on
>you can rob everyones shit now



no, it must be designed in such a way that only a penis or something that functions like one can open it, maybe by detecting the transition from flaccid to erect plus a pulse

As much as Sup Forums denies it, it leans heavily to being a boys club. The video games community STILL makes a huge deal about knowing when a girl is playing a game, which puts a huge alienation on them. And that's just to start, you know damn well how much of a mockery people make about women playing games.

that misprint of Berenstein Bears is probably really rare

Not boys only, but mostly a boys thing. Just is. You can absolutley be girl, just don't feel the need to talk about it. Play games. Git gud. Deal with how guys talk and treat each other.

Thats all there is.

It never was, you twat. Girls have been playing games since the days of Atari. The only people who think girls are FINALLY getting into gaming are the same attention seeking fuckwits who spend more time running around/going online going "OMG LOOK AT MEE I PLAY GAMES LOL SUCH A NERD"...and spend less time actually PLAYING GAMES.

Green Lex Luther, Babby, dubs and an early Pepe.
I miss those days.

Can't forget about grafix cat.

It never has been, but you'd have to be dense as fuck to deny the fact that video games appeal more to men. That's not something developers can change by making their games friendlier to female audiences.

No, but for the most part more guys play it than girls.

You never see the female gamers and deviants because they are as anti-social as you are.

>fucking bear family

stare cat*

Wasn't it Berenstone?

No it's The Beersteiner Bears


Pretty much this.

As feminism drives men into hiding, women are seeking them out from those places.

That's because beta faggots ruin everything they touch. If you want to get laid get out of your basement.

We are too old for this

gud grafics are eternal

Why would anyone get laid with bitches that hate men? aka 90% of the females now?

not entirely sure, but i think females are more likely to have social lives than males so video games to them would be obsolete

>tfw i am from a universe where its called bearenstein
where the fuck am I now

Both versions exist. It is a localization error/thing


>The video games community STILL makes a huge deal about knowing when a girl is playing a game

Then why announce it?

Because bitches want muh equality or simply because they get tired of all the dick jokes because players usually think there are no grills so they make all kinds of offensive sexist jokes
Like those we love to make about vaginas smelling like fish, or about how they don't have a vagina but a massive cavern so our dick can never satisfy them.

Why do girls pretend to like video games?

Why do girls pretend to like sex?

Alright guys, you want to know where the whole Berenstain/Berenstein thing comes from? You see, There are a shit ton of parallel universes, and whenever you die, your consciousness is transported into a parallel universe most similar to your home universe. If you are at the Berenstain level, it means you theoretically died so many times in the past that you were transported to a universe that has noticeable change. Anyone who says that it was Always Berenstain is a native inhabitant to this universe.

First off, yes, secondly, wasn't it Berenstein?

That's retarded, no

Girls just play different games than guys. Or, well, guys play most games, girls mostly stick to RPGs with some exceptions.

Quick note: you post as if you are a woman that thinks she knows what ALL men who plays games are thinking. Or just projecting insecurities.

Regardless, concerning your argument:

>be grill
>be legit gamer
>be good at FPS
>get called out for being grill by le ebin troll lol
>snipe the prick every time he is in your crosshairs
>knife the fucker from behind every possible chance
>mute ensuing profanities
>keep playing

I'm failing to see what the actual issue is if you actually want to play games here.

>wasn't it Berenstein
Not in this universe.

They should be. Women shouldn't be permitted to be hired by videogame companies.

You seriously don't think people get felt up at cons? C'mon man. Drunk normies and scantily clad cosplayers everywhere.

>implying this is my first book
I miss when implying was still funny.

Much like My Little Ponies were just for girls?

Nah, but women think they are because ingame, they don't get more attention than everybody else.

>women seem to actually like the gameplay of classic arcade/console games, RPGs and story adventure games (telltale)
>they don't seem to like competitive multiplayer (except attention whores) and AAA cinematic shooters
Women are acquiring a based taste in vidya

If Sup Forums is any indicator,maybe a gay boys club.

I am actually a bi fag, so I understand both sides.
Like I like to pretend to be straight with normals but I enjoy the dick like bitches.
So I also have talked to those bitches pretending to be completely homo, that's how I know.

>Are video games a boys club only?
I don't see how a video game console or a PC can be discriminating, they have no way to know if you're male or female.
Do you?

Oh frylock.

Who did this to you

>so I understand both sides

I don't think you do. From your posts alone, I can guarantee that you would be the first person I mute. Your speech is atrocious.

>bitches this
>bitches that
>the dick
>muh dick

That's shits fucking grating to listen to. But your annoying presence isn't going to keep me from playing the games.

It isn't, but women who play games are creeps.


>tfw I am from a universe where it's called Bearearnstearin

Yeah I don't talk like that in games.
But here you can go to hell.

I can't imagine why we would want to alienate them...

You wish Sup Forumsazi. Video games are not a safe space for you anymore.

He's telling you why and how it's annoying.

Second, oh no, poor ladies don't like it when men get to stop walking on fucking eggshells because they assume women aren't around. Bloo Bloo Bloo.

God forbid we do something without them around.

>Best girl

They are.
Single player still exists, suck it.

That's why women suck
They need attention 24/7 or they think you are cheating on them.
But they still also want their jewels, costly dresses and fancy dinners to magically appear without them or you moving a finger.

>Giving him a you
I'm not angry at him, just regular shit bait.

But you should know better.

>That's why women suck

You're a moron.

It's not the women that suck.

It's the thinned skinned "oh I'm a lady you can't speak that way around me" asshats who are the issue.

Especially when the goddamned M U T E button exists.

I am here to pass time, don't care if an ebin ruseman laughs while choking in his dorito dust after drinking his mountain dew.

There's nothing wrong with women. But some just don't get that sometimes men do things that aren't women related.

Why this is confusing, I don't know.

Most women are like that you virgin
Seriously if you haven't lost it, don't fucking talk about women.


>implying it isn't

In six games.

>Don't feel comfortable using a mic in online games, has kept me away from competitive in Overwatch.
>Less dramatic overall if you pretend to be a dude in MMOs.
>Easier to make friends because people think they've found someone 'not like the other girls xDDDD'.
>Accept that with my current personality and introversion, I would die alone if I was a man.

It's an okay life.

>ha ha anyone who doesn't hold a Sup Forumstard opinion is a troll!
Face it dipshit. This hobby isn't just for manchildren anymore.

>dat goalpost moving

So when did the conversation go from 'girls in games' to 'girls IRL'?

>gr8 b8 m8 made me reply

It was

Last reply you get boyo

Don't forget when coolface wasn't fucking everywhere and done to death.


Women play video games and feel the need to mention they are women FOR ATTENTION
Attention they can't get irl because they are either snakes, landwhales, physical defects or just terrible personality.

>implying I care about (you)s
Keep that delusion going, little guys. It will all work out in the end! The big bad women don't share our hobby!

No, but women are self-defeating so without a man around to push them into it they will exclude themselfs

because they are like Anthony burch

Oh no please don't make a false rape allegation

anything super hardcore. Like FEAR, or survival modes

Keep crying Sup Forumstard, everything will work out in the end. :)

fighting games

see and re-read my comments here Try to see where the common denominator in all of that is.

>Hint: if you're only gaming for attention, ur doin i rong


You mean we eventually respect women? maybe, maybe.
Maybe in another 200 or more years, hopefully we will be long dead before then. Have a good day, nu male.
All females I have seen playing games only do so for attention. Once they get it they drop the fucking game and enjoy being looked upon.
Unless they start to lose attention again, then they retake the game.
If there is no single subject of interest in their surroundings, they won't ever pick up the game by themselves.

>Women are bad
Well at least we can come to a mutual understanding.