If you identify as LGBT you get a 20% EXP boost in Overwatch to celebrate Tracer coming out

>If you identify as LGBT you get a 20% EXP boost in Overwatch to celebrate Tracer coming out

Is this game Gay2Win?

how does it detect it? if hanzo is your most played?

First win of the Gay

He just changed the First win of the day text.


Shouldn't everyone playing the game get a bonus then? Cuz I'm absolutely sure everyone that still plays this shit game is a faggot

if you have any play time in mei

No, I don't think it's that at all.

We see through you, blizzard shill. You pretend to come on this site, act like "one of us". Down with SJWs and all that,
>le green text to let them know your really hip and with it.

But there is no such thing as bad publicity. Sup Forums's retard rage is just some free publicity to you and your corporate overlords.

it checks what % of your screen is taken up by male ass over the match

>2010 : check your privilege
>2017 : check MY privilege
that whole sjw movement is becoming a fucking school case of human fucking up everything

I'm legitimately trying to figure out if you're retarded or a troll

For anyone else, it's a shoop

So I can get lootboxes quicker if I say I'm gay? I guess I'm gay then.

You put it in your profi!e

It checks to see if you have cum stains up your ass.

Or if your vagina has 20 piercings on it.

Its real, you only have to whine, complain and report everyone that its giving you dick or ggez

At the end if the game you will get the homosexual bonus

poe's law applies here

This has to be fake.


It's sad knowing there are people that somehow can't tell the image is shopped


Obvious b8 is obvious.