Stay positive

Stay positive

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It feels so good to not be a cripple, I'd probably kill myself if I was

Cheer up!

I'd only kill myself if I was blind and toss a coin if I couldn't hear.

Oh hey my dad has that same wheelchair. Neat.

I'd like to push around her wheelchair if you know what I mean.

You sit in a chair all day anyways, whats the difference?

Blindness, deafness, and amputated dick are the only disabilities that would make me genuinely want to kill myself.


whats funny is she will still have an easier life, get more attention and have more opportunities than you simply because she's pretty

I'd rather be ugly and have my limbs myself but it's strange how the world works. If it were a fat neckbeard in that chair nobody would care, only pretend. Like how they'll pretend to care about her to get into her pants.

Which btw who has to take them off for her? Hmm.

As long as I could play vidya and somehow work out enough to not get fat, I'd be pretty happy being cripple.

That being said, OP's image made me really sad.

But don't you think that death has sweet release anyways?

BUKKAKE ... she cant avoid it either :^)

the choice

blindness is the only suicidal worthy thing

>numb dick
>losing the oportunity to be a girl


So if you fuck a cripple, is their cunt still tight?

can stop caring about how women look and have sex with all of them

no more loud sounds, just peace

get everything handed to you because you in a wheelchair

>no dick
if you wanted to become a women now is the time

Get well soon.

I'd like to believe even blind people have taste

Deafness wouldn't be that bad, not nearly as bad as blindness at least

No baloon? fuck you man. At least prey for her!

I pray for you, get well soon.

unless they get hit on the nose really hard, of course they will have taste.

>letting your situation dictate how you feel

that looks like a poorfag wheelchair wtf

well no duh user being blind doesn't mean you can't taste stuff

Why are cripple girls so cute Sup Forums?

If I was born deaf it'd be fine but the fact that I've heard nice music and sounds already. To never be able to hear an ara ara or a fuhuhu again would bring crippling depression.

This is as good as it's going to get.

I kinda want to push her around in that chair for a while. Cute crippled girls are my fetish...

Because it kicks in your protection instinct, along with it kicking in that selfish her-being-completely-dependent-on-you fantasy that a lot of people like. Which is also why a ton of people like that burned girl VN

That's actually a little bit of fucking wisdom right there user

Nice job

was thinking the same thing

Why does it seem like the only humble women are the ones that are disfigured?

>kawaii people looking sad

they don't deserve it

>Without the fuckhuge wheel to push yourself and do mad tricks

If youre gonna be a cripple may as well take advantage of the best part.

>get everything handed to you because you in a wheelchair

You don't. You will however discover what a pain in the ass it is, sometimes literally as you will have problems with your bowels. It's also insanely annoying when going anywhere since houses are nine out of ten times not designed for wheelcairs.

because when a woman can no longer function on her looks alone her brain goes crazy and has to come up with something else to attract potential mates

Looking closer at it, yes, it's a piece of shit wheelchair.

What the fuck, that thing is worthless since she can't move on her own with it.

I felt like I could handle deafness, but I would definitly kill myself If I became blind.

well, its not that she appears humble or anything

she can't run away from me if you know what I mean

How else is she supposed to look helpless and get the most pity from strangers? Use your head user

If you're not happy now, why do you think you would be happy in the future? You really think money, or more free time, or more stuff, or even a girlfriend can fix what's inside of you?

Happiness is a mindset, not a situation

That girl can walk, she was just tired

Who is she cosplaying as anyway
She's cute

Looks like a hospital/old persons home wheelchair more than a cripple chair.
Is she even crippled?

I'm tired of your jokes user

That only makes it hotter, I mean she's completly dependent of you, she literally can't even move if someone isn't around to push the chair.

So what's the story here?

Lux from LoL

law of the woobie

She was tired so her boyfriend picked up one of those folding wheelchairs they have a bunch of at those conventions and started pushing her around

but then you wouldn't be able to watch anime anymore you dumb fucking weeb

all fat murricans have the good ones.

>what are subtitles?

actually when you are deaf you keep earing noise all the time, like white noise or vibrations. All the noise makes you unable to hear anything else

Her name is XBabycakessX. Just because she is disabled doesn't mean she can't do what she loves! Respect.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, if you go full on deaf your still left with a constant tinnitus like noise in your ear as a phantom pain like thing.

Supposedly the only way to be proper deaf is to be born deaf.

>hear white noise all the time for the rest of your life
i would go crazy in a month or two.

>streams on twitch to pay for her medical bills
>pic related

we may or may not be getting rused here my friends.

This is true, but you could've worded it less cynically

I guess thats ok I already have that when there is silence

she's really tired. I thought you guys joking.

I always wanted to face fuck a girl in a wheelchair. It seems like it'd be really convenient.

its just the sound of your brain inside the skull

What if you were walking down the street one day and a savage dog tore your dick off, and you had to live without a dick?

I don't think I could have a happy day ever again if I didn't have a dick, I'd be fucking listless and depressed at all times, and even in my happiest moments the fact that my dick was gone would haunt me like a specter and ruin my day.

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, also known as postural tachycardia syndrome) is a condition in which a change from the supine position to an upright position causes an abnormally large increase in heart rate, called tachycardia.

I want to protect that frown

pffffahahahahaha fucking yeah right

Your a fuckin dildo if you believe half that shite you spouted. "More opportunities" ... nigga she has no use of her legs, i already have a million more opportunites at my disposal because i can fuckin walk. Stop being such a beta faggot and blaming wimen for your shit life cause attractive ones don't have to do shit.

By the way, anyone in a wheelchair by your standards "has an easier life" since none of them have to work and yes if you were FAT neckbeard in a chair no one would give a fuck, mainly because youre fat and rightly so.

Jesus Christ what a bizarre but horrible affliction.

It's not like I'm doing anything with it besides masturbating and peeing anyway.

thats pretty terrible so she is kinda like boogie but boogie did it to himself

Guess you really learn something new every day.

Yeah so you can be like this guy.

>white knighting
>on Sup Forums
she's not gonna suck your dick dude

Not with that attitude you faghot

>can stop caring about how women look and have sex with all of them
>can't watch movies in their intended way, only as audiodramas
>can't play vidya
>can't read
>lose your taste in women
>taste in music develops

Yeah, I now understand how blind people haven't killed themselves yet.

>In Wal-Mart hunting for decently priced sunscreen in Panama City FL
>Smokin' hot 10.5/10 chick
>happens to have a titanium left leg and robotic left prosthesis from the elbow down.
>Her boyfriend was an even more attractive chocolate pacific islander pretty boy
Those kids are gonna be adorable.

I wonder if she ever crawls around her house like an animal because she can't stand up

>he doesn't wear dickchainmail when going outside

thanks 4chin

>She has POTS

It sounds like bullshit but it isnt.
My sister (and me to a lesser degree apparently) have it and it basically had her bed-ridden for years.
She can function semi-normally now after intense physical therapy and physio therapy (apparently her spine was also hitting her brain, aggravating it even more or something).
I dont understand it and Im probably missing key points but its fucking shit I can say that much.

>become a woman
The jewery continues

you used a lot of buzzwords and nothing you said really made sense to me

I'd offer you the chance to try again, but I really cant be assed to entertain children like you who talk like that

Go to school, leave the memes alone. You'll be talking like a normal human again eventually.

I know I was joking I couldn't find anything positive about being in a wheelchair

I was more thinking of this guy.

I'd probably kill myself if anything in my life got slightly worse than it is now.

>can't read

>not Jonny Joestar
Missed opportunity.

Imagine if she had to resort eat food from the floor or a bowl like a dog

Did you fuck them?

we all want to get in her pants

if she was fat this thread wouldn't even exist


SO she's Huey. Does that mean we can't trust her?

I hate my penis. Just knowing its in my panties right now makes me uncomfortable. I wish it was gone.

At least she gets to sit down.

My legs are so tired...


I've seen that name somewhere before...

sorry to hear that user, thanks for clearing things up. i'm glad your sister got better after therapy.

It's always great to see /r9k/ get btfo every time they leave their containment board.