Did Tortanic permanently ruin this board?

Did Tortanic permanently ruin this board?

haha memes :)

Yeah it kinda did

Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums.

No, if anything it made it better.

Only newfags who weren't here a year earlier for DA2 think this.

It didn't fucking help

I don't even remember when that was, all I know is sometime around 2010 is when shit started to go down hill across the board.

It's not really as easy as "reddit" or "normies"..it's like, we just stopped caring. Bitterness won.

We just haven't had a good game release in a while.

So much this. Every game in the last 12 years has been outright fucking terrible.

Sup Forums is more or less the same
>Newfags come here with positive viewpoints
>Get their fav games shitted on
>They become jaded and join in on shitting on everyone else's fav games
>occasionally shit like tortanic or gg holds Sup Forumss interests for a while
>eventually everything reverts back to "normal"
I love this place

>in the last 12 years
More like the last 50

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that actually think the iceberg "sliced" through the Titanic rather than bending the hull and popping rivets allowing water to flow inside.

It made people thirsty for the next bid fuckup to a point where hyperbole/outright lies about games have become more commonplace, so yes.

>hyperbole/outright lies about games have become more commonplace
Name 3 examples

this board died with the post number 362634 you fucking newfag

>Only newfags who weren't here a year earlier for DA2 think this.
Yeah. DA2 was the real turning point. Though some things were going pretty bad even before that (Sup Forums's obsessive hatered for HL and anything Valve related stemming purely form misguided Reddit rivalry, the first Witcher hatered before TW2 release, the short but obnoxious "let's shit on Deus Ex" phase we went through...), DA2 was the breaking point. By TORtanic is was pretty much just a routine.
The second and more-or-less final blow this site got was the Anita kickstarter controversy. It's hilarious to look back at it, when people from the board were actually donating to it en mass because they thought it was funny how others are getting mad about it.

Yeah, none of that is true and has not been true for half a decade at least here.

I'm still not jaded,and I've been here I
For 4 or 5 years. Must suck being impressionable bitches with weak opinions huh?

yes it did

>Nintendo is finished!
>Blunder of the century!
>The SJWs!

Everything is exaggerated to hell and back and the amount of doomsaying is absurd.

Tortanic did a lot of damage to this board but it was still salvagable

The thing that killed Sup Forums was GG, brought too much attention to this site, made redditards think we were allies and made a good chunk of the userbase move to other chans because we didn't want to play their game

Tortanic wasn't even that fucking big.
Seriously, I think Sup Forums is the only board on the damn planet that even remembers that game existed.

That's just run of the mill shitposting. Post like that barely even register with me any more. I thought you meant something actually serious

Was you here for the shitstorm about Bloodborne? The fake reviews?
How about the constant 'Nintendo/Sony share crash!' When it's nothing more then a blip or a usual dip because of a new launch.

Too many retards with opinions on things they know nothing about ruined this board.

That's consolewar faggotry. It has nothing to do with people looking for a new Tortanic.

The shittier this board gets, the better I can feel about myself, that im not one of the mouthbreathers spouting memes and whatever other autism that I ignore happens here so I don't mind

Least you're not a cuckposter.