>PS4 exclusive
>New characters introduced as MCs
>Button-based combat instead of menus
What are you thinking,Sup Forums? Will you pick it up?
Trails of Cold Steel 3
I thought it said red steel 3 and i got excited
But you're wrong.
There is a trinity system, similar to how Suikoden 3 did it, I suppose.
You play between Rean and 2 other MC's to play through their POV's of the story.
>PS4 exclusive
Good, games need to progress not stay on dead consoles
>New characters introduced as MCs
More characters is fine
>Button-based combat instead of menus
It is still the same as the wheel, but now you don't spin it.
No vita no buy, this shit is gonna bomb.
Someone post the pic of the designated love interest
Best girl, best ass
Is it still gonna be a waifubait game with generic anime personalities?
If you think Trails is waifubait then you're a fucking retard.
fuck off nigger
the edge steel games certainly seem waifuish when every fucking thread is devoted to spamming random girls that are in the game.
No gameplay discussion whatsoever
Die you fucking virgin
you too
It's a JRPG. Game play will never be the focus, You fucking tard. Get a clue
>No gameplay discussion whatsoever
Except there is.
how mad was Sup Forums when NIS said Disgaea 5 will never get a version on a dead handheld?
was it as bad as this? these threads have been pretty funny with all the people trying to justify why there should be versions on ancient hardware
So is there just one turboautist with a vendetta against JRPGs spamming every JRPG thread with the same bullshit, or do normies fundamentally misunderstand the genre?
I prefer spamming positive stuff
>used goods
One of the best things about Crossbell so yes.
HIV positive
>Cold Steel
do we still have the rean VA lines somewhere?
Your image is missing some fake spoilers.
But Rean is really edgy character
Is this series good? I have a soft spot for weebshit JRPGs, I even like the new Tales. Does each game follow the previous' story? So I should start with the 1st one?
It's good if you like serious story-driven RPGS. It's not really any more weebshit than final fantasy is.
The series tells long story, but each arc is fairly self contained. That means you can start at the beginning with the Trails in the Sky games, OR you can start at the 6th game by playing the Trails of Cold Steel games. If you know japanese then you could theoretically also start with Zero no Kiseki, but that's not out in english yet.
Trails of Cold Steel 3 requires that you play Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, but you could get away with not playing the other games (although you maybe won't get the full scale of the overall Trails storyline)
Is this the sonic OC game?
How important is the overall lore outside of this trilogy?
Well, if you play the Sky games first then you go into Cold Steel with some knowledge of the Trails antagonist group, but without them you don't really get informed of them to any significant extent until the second game. Also, you miss some references to the events that took place in the neighboring countries. You also won't really get prince Olivert's motivations as well as you would if you played the Sky games, where he is a major playable character. Other than that it's fine
Very. Its overarching, and you can piece together a lot of stuff by knowing the lore, from ancient history and politics.
Has Tita's parents ever been talked about? There out doing research or something is all I remember
My guess isOuroboros stuff
I think she shows up in the third Sky game. At least I recall hearing that once
>Play as the pink-haired tonfa girl.
>Rean tries to headpat you.
What do?
They'll show up in The 3rd
Just accept it.
What an ugly UI
Erebonia arc conceived, created, and translated before Zero let alone Ao. Fans have no work ethic
>PS4 exclusive
Farewell, any hope of troll-free discussion of the actual gameplay or story.
She's just a normal levelheaded mother.
The games are massive.
better than past game you fuck
And fans aren't a team of devs on salary,I'm exaggerating.
If the MC of the previous game is playable in some form, then you know that past lore is important.
I gotta say these character models are looking spiffy.
That doesn't make it any less ugly and even then the old UI wasn't even half as intrusive as this one
>That ground texture
Will /our guy/ finally get laid?
>thise grass textures
I still don't see why the game couldn't be on the Vita. It's not like the graphics have seen a massive jump from being a PS4 exclusive. The both Sen games would have never passed 100k+ without being multiplat. Does Falcom want the series to die? This seems like such a stupid business decision, and that's the only explanation as to why they would make the third part of a trilogy exclusive to a console that hasn't had any of the past games.
What's 2ch's reaction to this? Their opinion matters more than my speculation.
>tfw Anton was the Grandmaster all along and he's been travelling across Zemuria to oversee the progression of his plans.
He has to realize his love for Ricky first
So this is a sort of mock-up bullshot, right?
Cuz with the way this is set up, you don't really get to see much of the battlefield, which is weird since positioning on the field is something that the game generally pays attention to.
>Anton is a stupid joke character.
>But in the final game he hits on the Grandmaster and she actually falls for him, dropping her plans.
>I still don't see why the game couldn't be on the Vita.
Because the previous games already ran like shit on Vita.
It's not just about textures. It's about how large they can make the game. They had to cut things from CS1 and CS2 because they couldnt' fit everything on the Vita cards. Now quit whining and get a PS4.
I bet it's probably big areas and scenes with a ton of character models on screen at once are why it's not also on Vita. If you played the Vita versions then it's times when there's a shitload of characters on screen is when it chugs, like the school festival. They'd also not be limited by the 3.5 GB limit that Vita games has which effected both Sen 1 and 2 in scope.
I think so, not that I would know. I doubt they want to give us a good look at Altina and the other new character so they zoomed it in
Of course.
There is literally nothing wrong with button menus you pleb
That's a busy fucking screen.
I have a PS4, you ass. Telling me to buy one makes you look like a shill. The game doesn't look that great graphically which is why I asked.
>post pic of your PS4
If I do that, then you should post a pic of you eating your own shit.
>cut content
They could have done a multicart release like SD Gundam or do what they did with Ys 8.
Do I have to get into older games, if I want to play this?
You'll want to do Cold Steel I & II at least
You have to play coldsteel 1 and 2 defintely but trails in the sky is optional but recommended ince they do make references to the events and characters from it.
Cold Steel 1 and 2 is mandatory. Trails in the Sky is also recommended if you want a full grasp of the game's world.
It's nearly as funny as people mad that the later TitS games weren't going to be on PSP, and only on PC.
As recently as last year.
Sony won again baby.
Is there ever an in-universe explanation for why they give fucking jaguars a dual-bladed knife?
>tfw want to get into this series but forced english dub
Are Cold steel 1 and 2 even localized?
They are mercenary trained panthers.
Disgaea is self contained. No one would have given a fuck if this is the start of a new Trails series but the fact that it's the third in a trilogy means that not only do you screw over fans who stuck by the old systems but you also screw new players out of experiencing the first 2 games.
I'm trying to get hyped for this but do we have any confirmation we will get this title in the west? I mean yeah, we got cold steel 1 and 2 but that doesn't really mean we will get the 3rd.
Y'know I was planning to get into tits eventually because everyone always praises it for the world building but now it seems like there are just so many fucking games that I could never get through all of them.
Yearly releases are a curse IMO. Even Ace Attorney, which I adore, couldn't maintain my interest after 10 games.
No. Bunch of EOPs are just circlejerking to this game anyway
The Cold Steel games are all you need to play. At the same time, though, consider doing the Sky games. This will sound like nostalgiafaggotry to an outside perspective, but they're much better games. Trust me on this.
I always thought there was no such thing as a stupid question, but you are really making me wonder
You don't have a time limit in which you have to complete them all. Just savor them one at a time.
It's not confirmed, but we got cold steel 1 and 2 because falcom insisted on it from what i recall. I'm sure we'll get 3 as well
If you have a vita that's on 3.6, then grab the undub versions like this user said Japanese dub is full of great VAs
>Yui Horie
>Mariya Ise
>Saori Hayami
>Satomi Sato
Well fuck you too.
I'm not a turboweeb so I don't know who those are.
get out.
A lot more daunting knowing how often they make these. I had the same problem with yakuza. When I started playing those 3 was the latest one. I managed to get through the first three but now there are like a dozen fucking games and I just couldn't see myself ever getting through them all even though I really enjoyed the ones that I did play.
I dunno, I prefer shorter franchises I guess.
Cold Steel is the localized name.
Yeah but didn't 1 and 2 sell like hot garbage?
i have it on cartridge
is there a way to get the undub onto my cart?
I'm a turboweeb- fluent in moon and everything - and even I don't know the name of random VAs. KYS senpai.
Kill yourself
Oh, I'm sorry. What I mean to say was 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡. What's your fucking problem man?
Nah mate, iirc they surpassed expectations pretty hard.
Uhh no.
Does the second game have a undub yet? I know the first one does but I haven't seen an undub patch for the 2nd one.