Just beat Half Genie Hero. What did you think of it? I thought it was okay...

Just beat Half Genie Hero. What did you think of it? I thought it was okay, it's a little disappointing it wasn't more of an adventure game like the first one.

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I enjoyed it, though it is hurt by a simple lack of content. There are barely any opportunities to actually make use of a lot of the transformations. I think there is only one point in the entire game where you actually have to use the spider one.

It's also really easy. I wasn't expecting it to be the next Ghosts n' Goblins or anything, but most of the enemies aren't really aggressive enough to land a hit, and even if they do they barely deal any damage. This is true even of the bosses: most of them have one or two very simple attack patterns, and you still don't have to master them because you can just soak hits if you feel like it.

>not an adventure game
what do you mean? It's a more puzzle-focused game?

People keep saying its short, how short exactly? I just got to Tassle Town and I've been kind of disappointed how the transformations are just given to you at the end of the level.

>tfw you only know about Shantae because of her r34

The game is really pretty butI can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Pirate Curse was amazing, compared to that the game feels...
proper at best

I beat it in 8 hours, it's not that short for the price. The game is still incomplete though, the game modes for Risky, Sky, Bolo, and Rotty aren't even implemented yet.

will we have to pay extra?

Its fun. It looks pretty. Music is catchy. Whats there to hate?

No, if you backed it. Yes, if you bought it.

Judging from the updates, I don't think WF knows whether or not if they want to charge for the expansions or not. They keep reassuring that any paid DLC will be free to backers, but they haven't outright said that all the DLC will be paid for non-backers either.

It probably depends on how well HGH does.

Not sure if it warranted a Kickstarter. Pirate's Curse was better.
The new engine is great though

For all of you were disappointed, just remember you were all warned.


Disappointed doesn't mean dissatisfied.

I've been having more fun with it than I did Pirate's Curse. I wish it had more humor in it, though.

someone redpill me how does this compare to shovel knight? (without the additional content obviously)

buy now or wait for a sale

I paid fifteen dollars for what amounts to a solid twenty dollar game. So fuck no, Im not disappointed.

Pickle Pee, Pump-a-Rum!

I hope you guys used your keys on the fan art gallery

I'm not too far in but so far I think I preferred the last game. I don't like how the areas are levels and not places you can openly go to.


>pay $20 for the game
>wait until it finished downloading
>go to play it
>see notifications
>I could have used a $10 voucher on the game but didn't see it

That and transforming is not a pattern like first game my only complaints

>people spent hundreds of dollars to submit MSPaint drawings

same, that's my only bitch with it really, plus the lack of dungeons. I was confused as to why I couldn't open a map, but I guess it works and hides secrets a bit better. going in each water pool after getting a couple of upgrades is annoying but at least warp dance exists.

I'd kill for pirate's curse using these new visuals, but considering that's a decent amount of work, I'd rather just get more new content.

Everyone wanted to be the next Roy.

so you just gonna do this every thread like it means something?
people have been disappointed with every game and people have warned against every game

You bet your ass I did.

Extremely annoying puzzles, stupidly easy platform segments, and a bunch of VERY awful autoscroll segments (and a bunch of less awful ones).

>Its fun. It looks pretty. Music is catchy. Whats there to hate?

The gameplay?

Rotty is cute.


>1 view

mr. reviewer plz

Uploaded it like a minute ago, and Im just a fucking faggot, please be kind.

downvoted with 1 second watched and adblock on :^)

Thank you, kind sir

It feels unfinished. Obviously the DLC will beef it up, but it's painfully obvious where some of it is going to fit in.

tuki is perfection to rival shantae herself

How many times did you fap during playing it?

pretty sick collection of figures, m8

Thank you. I have lots of statue and toy reviews too. Check me out, turn adblock on, even. Im just here to talk about figures and vidya

characters aside, the only extra content considered for now is the nega shantae chapter

Has anyone uploaded the OST yet?

get a better capture card, though, the flicker hurts the eyes. Also 30 seconds, half a minute of intro is a huge drag

I don't get what her pants are supposed to be. What's the black part? What are the red parts?

Yeah, I noticed that with the upload. its either Youtube fucking up or Premier's encoding.

belly dancer pantser, black part is functional (like a bikini bottom), red part is see thin see through fabric to show off

It's cute, but it's too easy.
I'm just at the castle, so far I have not died single time to any enemy and I did not even try do dodge nothing. In the ammo barron fight I just tanked him tall he died.
Also there is not really use for the transformations outside of getting through passages, I was hoping that they could implement some transformation mechanics into boss fights etc.
It is well made, but it is just too easy, I do not need challenge but I don't need easy as fuck difficulty even more.


Are you implying you DON'T have all the keys? Ayyy

>Game is easy as fuck
>Literally 2 means of being invincible
Although I have to admit the last boss would have killed me if I didn't have all that invincibility. But I didn't really try precisely because I was invincible.

>Literally 2 means of being invincible

What is the 2nd one? I just used the invincibility bubble and the tiara.


With the tiara you can use the heal dance as much as you like, infinite life
Not that you'd need to use it that much in the first place

you get the 4chin seal of approval my man

I can't play it, since my Vita isn't updated. Haven't tried the PC version yet.

We R-Type now

She's pretty good.

>How could we make the final level more difficult?
>JUST make the controls complete shit

I was hoping she would have more to do in the game. she's a cute character.

There is a really easy way to do the final level: get gud

You can use harpy feather to completely halt your movement y'know.

>The fire level is ice level
What a twist

Will Shantae Hero Mode turn into Shantae Blue for backers? If so I'll wait for that update to start.
She looks better in blue.

Real cute.

for the last section with the very narrow corridor: use Monkey Bullet, it does reach.

it's also a water level

you just had to go and post it didn't you

degenerate as fuck but goddamn do those 3 images do things to me

doesn't the jellyfish dance also make you invincible? I never used it, but the description hints it.

the hell does that form do anyway.

I want her to crawl in my anus like that jar


Blobfish, and no. It does, however, deal 10 damage on everything it bounces on.

That's Gradius, not R-Type.

I fapped to lots of hentai and I never get this fetish

It comes from snake fangs, obviously.

It is worth it. The game plays glorious on all platforms.
I like it better than Shovel Knight. But I am playing this game on a much better controller.
It is my first Shantae game so I can't compare it to them.

Make your intro 5 seconds or less.

I didn't back it though. I waited until it was released.

can I play as rotty tops?


Not yet.

Plague please go and stay go

Artist please

>jesse's pic

Not even subtle

oh, so it's an early access game that will be developed through feature creep spanning years, like every other kickstarter game, got it.


the guy who actually designed the character. you find anything more of that set though, they through a fit and stopped making images of her after those 3 vore gifs leaked.

The additional content is likely to be paid content as well.

Seems like it. I always wait until early access games are done to buy it, but I'm a backer who got it for 8 dollars cheaper.

that doesn't look like gunmouth's stuff though

Maaan that sucks for you non-backers. Oh well.

It is. It sprang up minutes after Tuki was revealed.

weird, what was the "fit" like?

what fit

Are all 3 gifs in this thread already? its amazing. She looks better without arms

he was going to release those other 2 images along with this one somewhere but was holding onto them and someone hacked something and leaked them out, and he said he wasn't releasing anything more of it because it pissed him off.

I've datamined the game and found references to the DLCs, the extra game modes are:
-1994 classic color scheme for Shantae
-pajama Shantae
-beach Shantae
-Patricia Wagon shantae
-8bit color scheme Risky boots

I found nega Shantae mentioned as a boss.

No mention of ninja Shantae, but pajama Shante is mentione twice.

His drawings of her are too weird and fetishy, especially as a thalidomide. She looks much better and cuter in WayForward's style.

pajama Shantae is used in the intro of the game.

>Pajama Shantae

I knew it.

Also, Ninja Shantae has a theme in the music files.

yeah, but what I found are descriptions of game modes, the description of the pajama mode is:
An all-new Arcade-Style adventure! Survive in naught but your jammies!

that's just bizarre, I can't imagine getting so pissed you'd stop drawing your own character