Christmas Thread

So Sup Forums, are you going to spend your Christmas playing video games? What games are going to buy yourself for Chrstimas?

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I thought Sup Forums like christmas

/aco/ exists. OP. Every other board has become obsolete.

Daffy's a stupid fuck, who wouldn't want that jumping on them?

He only likes blowjobs
She has no mouth

He's gay for Bugs Bunny, and quite frankly who wouldn't be Bugs' has an amazing trap game.

>No mouth

I dunno user, I bought some things for the people I love and a book for me, and as the poorfag I am I guess I'll play some of my 3ds in my room alone. Looks like everybody have plans for the 24.

Guess I'll finish my backlog as I have no new games.

Daffy is pure

>I have no new games.

i want to do this too but around here in the condo my uncle only want to play KOF13, and i suck on that game.

>Someone had this image saved just in case someone implied this obscure cartoon character had no mouth

i literally made that image yesterday.

Damn Bon Bon.

Anyone got lewd sod Frankie from Fosters Home?

*stupid duck

I had no idea I needed to see Tyr'ahnee in a spaghetti strap santa dress.
But I did.


here in my condo people only play sm4sh, and we all love it, at least is easy for everybody that doesn't practice and is good at vidya. Problem is that my backlog is big on pc but mine broke so I only have virtues last reward for 3ds currently.


>tfw Tyrahnee awoke my dick to my masked woman fetish

Those tits look fucked up.


It looks like he got finished with her upper body and just went "fuck it nobody's gonna look lower than the tits"
And she's clearly resting against that pillow, but her hair is a solid object that isn't affected by the pillows or her body. It's in some kind of alternate dimension.


mmmmm my little peenus weenus is hard

I'm trying to think what I should give my friend for Christmas. She likes strategy games, so what are some good ones, Sup Forums?
Alternatively, I can attempt to sing one of her favorite songs for her so I don't have to spend money.

>this avatarfagging spic again

>Alternatively, I can attempt to sing one of her favorite songs for her so I don't have to spend money.

Sorry homie, but i'm not a spic, it is close though.

>Alternatively, I can attempt to sing one of her favorite songs for her so I don't have to spend money.

Don't do this.

give xir Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.
If xer is not into classics then Ashes of the Singularity

Sorry, favela monkey.

>wide hips
>big tits

im a pleb sorry not sorry

No problem.

Have her drink a little, then give her the mating press

Whats the source?

Sup Forumsbooru

Do you guys hate paheal?

>Remember loving the original Duck Dodger
>Waited for a "rerun" of a sequel or other shorts
>They actually made a show later on
>It was forgettable and stopped watching before the first season ended

>>It was forgettable
The show was fucking great man.

>no straight hair

What's with the mustache tho? is this a failed post-op tranny?


I need to fuck this ayy lmao

That's her upper lip.