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But will it have 2's web slinging?

I don't mind exclusivity. It allows games to adhere to a higher standard. FFXV would have been better had it been exclusive and optimized for the PS4


If at least one person on the team actually wants to make a decent game, yes.

The same fuckin game since spiderman 2. Yay, it's exclusive now. And? The formula is old and tired, and the game will most likely be some edgy shitfest like the Amazing Spiderman


>exclusive and optimized for the PS4
Blame the stupid ass Luminous engine. Notice how they switched to Unreal for KH3 and FF7r in shame. I mean none of the other AAA games from other devs looked as bad as FFXV.

>I only own a PC/XBOX

The only reason anyone on this board seems to care so much about it is because its an exclusive, your just the same as the people who only gave a shit about Nier: Automata is because it originally was exclusive despite Nier being on the 360.

Regardless it will probably be a good game because its made by Insomniac.

Sure it is.

>I'm a fuckin medium, I can read minds
Your assumptions are shit brother

Later on Xbox One & Switch

>This delusion

if this somehow ends up being on par with or better than 2 I might actually buy a playstation.

I have little hope of that coming true, however. will probably be AAA scripted garbage with sky swinging

Screw 2, I want another Web of Shadows.

I really want to play it because I'm a huge spider-man fan and the game looks really good to me the fact that it's a PS4 exclusive has nothing to do with it.

>People only care about it because its exclusive
>Regardless it will be a good game

Actually, you can't anyway.

>*also available on PC

Is there even a release window for this?

Not yet.

Probably around the time homecoming is in theatres

Summer of 2017? I think it'll be after that.

uninformed the post.

t. PS4 owner

Also obligatory: youtube.com/watch?v=czTksCF6X8Y

how does Sony compensate third party game developers for exclusivity rights? Do the devs just get a much higher percentage of the sales or something?

I would guess Sony foots more of the bill as publisher.

Was the audio really this fucking bad? I don't even remember anymore

Sony treats third parties REALLY well. They singlehandedly started up Kojima's entire company for fucks sake


the publisher always foots the bill anyway, like 100% of it

>that shit costume design
You can keep it.

That costume is one of the best in recent memory.

>Wait for the inevitable DLC Costume Packs

>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it 'White Man's Burden.' Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.'
>'The niggers, the spics, the chinks...it's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day Of The Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in ten years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party.

I mean, I love Spiderman, but this was a bit much.

Summer 2018 is what I heard.

Also what's up with this scene? Are they going to keep it in the videogame?
Looks a little bit extreme to me

Fuck. Ah well, other shit could hold me off until then I guess

You faggots really do only care if a game is exclusive

Literally every spiderman in the past 10 years has been completely shit but now that this one is a PS4 exclusive you suddenly think it's going to be the cat's pajamas

Same with Nier, so much fucking hype around that game until it was announced for PC too now everyone barely talks about it unless there is new information announced

This meme is fucking awful and you fa/tv/irgins need to stop forcing this shit

Insomniac is making Spiderman and Platinum is handling Neris gameplay.

Exclusivity is irrelevant, these studios with Insomniac in particular are known for good gameplay with great graphics

>It's the studios user
you don't seriously believe this
Uncharted was shit and so was the last of us but because they were both exclusives they were praised as god tier
the only good exclusives have been ratchet and clank and bloodborne

>Same with Nier, so much fucking hype around that game until it was announced for PC too now everyone barely talks about it

That's bullshit and you know it.

Uncharted has nothing to do with Insomniac or Platinum games though. What are you talking about


>he hasn't seen the director's cut

>purchasing DLC
I'm 100% buying it if it has not shit unlockables and is at least WoS tier
can forgive moon swinging, already gave up on a spidie game not having that

you sound like a fucking idiot you know that right

>best Goblin game is still Spiderman the Movie Game
glider > webs

its gonna sell the ps4 for me

Why? The reason they gave is shit, I want the real one

Do we know if its just the same premise as homecoming or an original plot?

I hope this is good, the world needs a good spiderman game

It's supposed to be the start of a separate Marvel games universe.

I've literally never heard "The cat's pajamas" Lol. Just couldn't do the ol' Bee's knees thing? Too played out?

Oh shit they're gonna make other Marvel games? Cool

Maybe try reading the rest of the image, then use some critical thinking skills
confirmed to be set in its own world, no tie in. Trailer showed some Mr. Negative goons, which is pretty cool.


Their reason is shit user.