Sir, your BOTW killer

>sir, your BOTW killer

Other urls found in this thread: video game

It's literally an RPG killer


>sir, your SJW pandering TF2 clone

What the hell is a BOTW?

>sir, your fap bait with little gameplay

Just toss it in the trash compactor, right next to Skyrim.

>sir, your undisputed console king

>Sir, your Blog of the Week killer

What the fuck does that mean? Does it mean only fat tumblr using dykes who've never played a real RPG like TW3? In that case it's accurate.

>sir, your undisputed best title from its series

>your flop, sir

Hello, I'd like to order the best RPG of all time. Make it snappy.

>Assuming my pronoun

It's 'zir', thank you very much

>sir, your best RPG of all time

Coming right up


Neck yourself Alfred.

This establishment has no taste, I am gone.

>implying he's wrong

GR is just waifubait.

dude what the fuck

>what's the matter sir? too raw? okay, I have new fap bait with no gameplay for you

back to butler school buddy

>sir, your best RPG of all time, compliments of the chef

Monsieur, Ze' "Best Game in Le Series" is ready.

>Your template, sir.


wrong thread

use this instead

That isn't Wind Waker you dumb frenchie.

This isn't even an rpg, I will get your fat fuck of a chef for this.

... This is fucking weird. I don't even have the image I posted. I cut the image from the HALO 2 one, and I posted that, but it brought up this random shit I don't even think I have. What the fuck.

I'll get some proof, brb.

>not legend of the seven stars
Objectively the best Mario rpg

>i maed le maumay xd so random roflmao longcat firin muh lazur brofist !

is this our newest meme?

I demand a WRPG that isn't shit.

>sir, your shitpost

>sir, the best gaming system of the generation and the top 10 games for it, just like you ordered

How can it kill something that it predates?

>your video game discussion board, sir


>Sir, your favorite game

>your best WRPG of all time, sir

thank you kindly. i presume you have gone to gamestop to preorder knack 2 for your master?

Alright the Boiled Beets aren't too bad, but the other side is gross get me another one

This is why you don't employ Sonyggers

It's perfect!

I demand a JRPG that is actually an RPG.

"Killer" games only ever kill themselves, though.


Can you even read? That isn't even a ARPG.

good thing he said JRPG you fucking donut

Take it back.

Okay, pic related.

SJWs are mad though because she's not pharrah and mercy

What the fuck. I edited a ton of shit on it. With my whole image library. Well fuck it. I guess I just didn't click "yes" on the save screen?

Jeeves, serve me up one of your finest stoner games.
Oh, and a pizza.

that is actually an RPG you bagel
also that is me


is that dog vomit or one of those hide chew toys?

Yes, I'd like to order the worst game of 2016 please.

Just as I ordered, my compliments to the chef


Your PS4 games, my lord.

Just as you ordered sir

Waiter? I'd like to try something new... give me your pleb filter the game.

Give me the MOTHER trilogy then I'll pay you.

>implying the volleyball isnt 10/10 video game

Sorry sir, we only had the best game

witch was made by WB, huh color me shocked.

I'll have 2 number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, one number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese and a large soda.

Give me the most overrated game of the decade, and make it quick.


Can i have one greatest Strategy RPG ever on the double?

Kill yourself
