I unironically liked the story mode

I unironically liked the story mode

it's good but it's not gta

t. plebe

Good game, not a good gta game. Felt like a gta clone and not a successor.

Just say you liked it.

You liked being cucked by the FIB and that rich cunt?

They should have put all the resources and assets into the single player instead of that shitty cashgrab that is Online

i liked the mysteries

the majority of critics and regular people did too, it's a meme on Sup Forums to dislike GTA V

Just play a private lobby and act like it's additional single player content.

That shitty cashgrab worked and now that's all you're going to get.

I have completed pic related at least 10 times. I just finished replaying it, in fact, and I'm currently replaying EFLC. I might replay mainline story again when I'm done, not sure.

With the new patch? Is the performance any better?

i went back to this after playing through gta v, and other than physics, driving, and cops not headshotting you constantly, gta v was a clear step forward, and mods can fix the latter two problems. and this is even considering i had never played gta iv dlcs and i was trying those out most recently, so i wasnt bored with the story or anything. not to mention fucking gta iv shits itself in the presence of >2GB vram


The Online is better than SP for that reason, despite being a cash grab.

If only we could get the content of Online in a single player GTA.

This, unless the game is considered bad that many people make it out to be.

The single player in V is one of the worst in the series. That's hardly an unpopular opinion.

Story wasn't bad. It's potential was just spread too thinly across 3 characters. Franklin deserved more personal missions with Lamar involving gangs and stuff.

Trevor deserved more personal missions involving Trevor Enterprises Incorporated or whatever, and with the Mexicans.

Michael felt more fleshed out than the other 2 with his boring failing marriage. Personally felt like he got more attention as a character and in terms of character development than Trevor and Franklin.

Game desperately could have greatly benefited from having more SP content added in, but instead we got fed endless shit for GTAO.

And now, hearing that RDR2 is gonna have the same online GTAV had, I'm not too happy about that.

I feel like this was a gigantic elaborate secret that was under progress, but got thrown to the wayside because TakeTwo was forcing Rockstar to pump more bullshit into GTAO.

It was very obvious that GTAV was designed with GTAO intended over anything, and then had the story built around everything else.

>Franklin deserved more personal missions with Lamar involving gangs and stuff
i looked long and hard for mods even just to give franklin a house in the hood for after a certain point in the story and came up with nothing. i just want a nigger simulator 201_

Is it worth getting now?
Or should i stick with GTA SA?

How bad do you want to be black since you've been playing SA since 2005?

if you have a computer, absolutely, mods fix a decent amount of the bullshit if you just want to have fun exploring.

if youre on a console, maybe. if youve never tried it out you definitely should at least rent it

Having to switch between characters so much annoyed the shit out of me

It doesn't feel like a GTA game, it lacks the soul of a GTA game.

it was way too short. Had to be like a 10-15 hour playtime difference from IV and SA

i want more 3d era gta-s

And as it is I play exactly for the driving and physics.

Bikes are so fucking fun to ride in GTA4. Weight pitching forward to whip your tail through a corner then pitching back to grip the pavement and peel off, or just holding your weight pitch forward and doing beautiful curvy powerslides through traffic is so fucking satisfying to execute. The caveat is that this is only possible with keyboard controls since you can simultaneously lean forward or back with full power while you're turning since it's not limited by the unidirectional nuance of analog input. Also the city is a lot better than San Andreas, preference. The streets have better grading that is more fun to drive on than totally flat road.