Hey guys, can you recommend any good games that came out recently that I may have missed? Thanks

Hey guys, can you recommend any good games that came out recently that I may have missed? Thanks.



No, because there were none.

Depression quest

The last guardian
Final fantasy xv
Don't listen to what Sup Forums says about them, they're really comfy.

You tryna trigger me mate!!?!??

no man's sky

Whatever happened to that fedoralord?

Goes by Mister Metokur now.

He's MisterMetokur now.

didn't he had a meltdown on stream or something?

>Get a big titted Asian girlfriend who's also a white supremacist
>Now spends his time shitposting on twitter

He lives the dream.

Post pics of his GF.


Nah, but he gave his asian gf head on a stream about GG a couple years ago.

East Asians are honorary as fuck, Cletus.

Why do you have this faggoty fucking picture saved?


I was in a Last Guardian thread the other night. Don't worry. Of the people who played it, Sup Forums seems to unanimously like it. I know it's hard to tell until the post-release shitposting fades.

to fuck with you

>he doesn't know you can link images
fucking newfags