>i'd totally buy it if it was on pc
>the dumb gooks they should release the game on pc that's where the real money is
I'd totally buy it if it was on pc
You forgot
>It's gonna flop on consoles, can't wait until they release it on PC to recoup the loss
damn homie in highschool you was the man homie
>60 dollars for an anime fighting game
did anyone expect it to sell well?
I sure do like paying 50$ for a balance update and 4 new characters of which id probably play 1.
And especially after 7 months of the console release.
And no cross play.
Hell i am sure even PS4 users would benefit from the cross play.
>the classic musturd race option select
>old game
>full price
>no crossplay
>have to buy character dlc on day 1
fucking pc faggots why they don't want to eat shit?!?!?!?!
And lets not forget Console users got DLC characters for free for a limited time.
yeah, that was before I knew it was going to be $50 for a balance patch
Let's be honest here the people actually care about this game already got it on consoles.
>Full price for a patch
>Delay-based netcode
>Still missing some of the cast
>Danger Time
>New version will be announced in a few months
Didn't really seem worth it to me after buying SIGN.
SF5 is still the worse offender before you call me a capcuck.
This is why Japan doesn't like you pcucks
inb4 someone brings up street fighter
PC players are smart enough to know when they're getting jewed over
Meanwhile console users still pay $60 a year to use their own internet connection
It's really not that bad considering it sold like 30k on ps3 and 4 in Japan. And that number was probably half for the NA release. Keep perpetuating those platform wars and false flags though
Japan should learn how to make netcode that works outside of their tiny inbred island.
The PC market in Japan is nearly nonexistent. Most Japanese people play mobile or handheld games since they're always out and about.
Hell, PC markets anywhere outside of places like South Korea (who only play Starcraft) and Brazil (who play anything free/cheap) are pretty dire.
>buying games
>samefagging this hard
Because we have standards?
God forbid we don't want to get fucked over by developers.
>Buy this new version that's worse than the old version you can play for free
Too slow.
>the pcuck mindset
PCucks are the most delusional people on Sup Forums
they still haven't realized PC is a dead platform, it's hilarious
Nobody wants Xrd m8
Nobody wants anything except Tekken 7 at this point, which will probably be a disappointment just like everything else
No one here has gone to an offline tournament.
Guilty Gear fags don't actually play the game they just want to shitpost about streetfighter and blazblue while posting pictures of Ram's feet.
>Going to offline tournaments for anime games
Nobody with an ounce of self respect has ever done that.
You PCucks don't buy fighting games despite whining for them to be ported. Just deal with it.
Dumb weebshit
That's pretty good actually. I didn't think it would even make 10k.
Fighting games are a dead genre.
Prove me wrong.
Post Ram's feet.
I can't.
Even deader than RTS genre
>why isnt our 6 month old game without crossplay that will be obsolete in a year not selling for $60
Alright let's not over-exaggerate here.
Fighting games are a close second though.
This SFV is shit but at least people actually play it
>needing crossplay for a fighting game to be playable on pc
Why are pcucks so pathetic?
Than why are we literally getting every game to come out sooner or later other than exclusives Sony payed for to desperately stay relevant.
See, I don't know about that.
SFV was probably the genre's last chance, and it sold mediocrely.
At least Civ VI sold well, better than SFV in fact.
Lets not forget that the same day it came outon PC for 50fucking dollars they reduced the ps4 price to 20dollars.
Actually even wo the cross play SFV would be pretty active on PC.
Hell SFIV didn't have cross play on PC and it remained active up until SFV got released.
The cross play is just a nice extra.
Kek, whoops, brainfart.
God damn I miss C&C, why did EA have to fuck it over?
>Because we have standards?
Funny thing to say to be honest. GGXrd is a higher quality game than almost all AAA titles released over the last couple years, especially compared to other fighting games. To a noob, the fucking tutorials alone are worth the price tag. However, I can see why people dont want to drop 60 bucks on a niche game with a very limited playerbase. I mean I did so anyway, simply because I love the series, but I also have 2k euro rig so thats that.
THE anime fightning game user
this shit isn't BlazBlue/MeltyBlood/NitropluzBlasterz/ArcanaHeart
t. PCfag
The point and the fact of the matter is that multiplatform games sell better on consoles. Hilarious how every time there's a console exclusive, there's always one mustard who says "HURRR THIS GAME WILL FLOP ON CONSOLES AND THEY WILL LATER ON RELEASE IT ON PEE-CEE TO COVER THEIR LOSS AND ACTUALLY MAKE PROFITS!"
I bet if the game was just 10$ cheaper.
It would sell 25% more.
And if it was 15% cheaper it would sell 50% more.
But try explaining that to Japanese developers who are used to selling below 50000 copies.
To me it was essentially 50 dollars to play Johnny and I already own the last game. Was hoping for at least a discount considering I own Sign, but I don't know anyone else with the game on PC (friends have it on PS4 which I don't own), and these games don't really keep active online on PC. I'll probably get it later when I'm less strapped for cash.
Don't hype it up that much.
Xrd is enjoyable but still significantly dumbed down compared to the previous entries.
>GGXrd is a higher quality game than almost all AAA titles released over the last couple years
Stopped reading there.
>PC markets anywhere outside of places like South Korea (who only play Starcraft) and Brazil
Has got to be the dumbest shit I've read in a while. You have to be Anglo. Either some fat, XBONE owning American or a British Nigger who lives in London.
They knew what they were doing. When XRD came to PC they priced it properly it sold 80k~ titles. They saw there was a market and tried pull their usual overpay on patches shit.
but its a fighting game, nobody plays that shit on PC. that alone will guarantee shit sales.
>dumbed down
>we removed a couple mechanics that put an emphasis on muscle memory because you had to properly hit 1f links on a consistent basis to perform BnBs for some characters
>this is somewhat DUMBING DOWN a game
If you reduce mechanical requirements that doesnt make the game easier to grasp, it just reduces time you need to spend in training mode. None of the changed dumbed down the series, it simply made it more accessible from a mechanical standpoint. Whether thats a good or bad thing is up for debate. The only thing that really bothers me is the existence of Danger Time. Not because its a common occurrence (hardly ever gets triggered) but because the system is just retarded.
>got 9K sales in the first week
>GG only got 11K
>a much bigger IP no less
I wonder what was done differently. Both are old games by now, but clearly nitroplus did something a bit different to either catch up, or GG did something to fuck over.
>1f links
Just stop
No one ever says that.
But its a fact is even if a game sells half as much on PC.
Thats still a 50% extra profit.
You don't exactly make games for PC from the ground up.
And some games even manage to come close and in rare cases outsell console versions of games.
Hell trails in the sky SC barely sold 35000 copies on PC but its still profitable to release TC for it.
Right now PC is what 360 used to be for Japanese games.
Only i think it might be doing better than the 360 in that department.
To be fair, SIGN was already out on consoles for 1 year when it released.
Not having the DLC characters free for at least 1 week is a shitty move though.
This is what devs dont realize about pc games. The first iteration will sell the most because of memes and hype, the second will do worse and the third even worse still. Hopefully the next one flops harder so arcsys dumps the annoying pcucks forever
>I can see why people dont want to drop 60 bucks on a niche game with a very limited playerbase.
Pretty much my only issue, i bought sign on PC for $25 and i loved it for the most part, my only issue being on PC it was dead and i only really played against a couple of friends who also had it.
Considering just getting Revelator for PS4 instead.
>get it go online
great "community" PKEKS
Yeah most of those games are better than xrd
The button masher community is already small as fuck, but literally fucking nobody plays that shit on PC.
>Right now PC is what 360 used to be for Japanese games
Except the 360 got some actual games and not exclusively ports of ancient garbage. The 360 was treated with respect and dignity, only because Microsoft was there to strongarm them.
>The Japanese should release the game at the same time as the consoles
>Nah, here it is a year later
>Okay here's the updated Revelator on PS4
>Cool, when do PC users get it?
>Six months later
>Okay. Do we get the DLC with it?
>What? Is it at a discount?
>So you want us to buy a game that's been out for consoles for six months, without any of the DLC that was released including characters, when the PS4 version goes on sale for 20 dollars and the last version cost 30 on release?
Probably because it is a fucking update for 60 dollars, Not to mention it is around 6 months late.
I have it on the PS4 and even there the playerbase is somewhat dead.
TO be honest there's literally no game that can beat SF in player numbers, especially anime fighters.
And revelator was on consoles for over half a year before coming onto PC. Revelator also gave console owners the DLC free for a limited time.
They tried to jew PC.This entire release was bullshit and I won't be buying this until I can get the full version for a decent price.
Should have got it on console instead you mong, PC has shit all players for any fighting game.
SFV only gets away with it because of cross platform.
Price point. It's all about pricing. Revelator being full price for an old game with no crossplay + DLC is asking for no sales.
Nitoplus has exclusively waifus, lower pricing, and tons of people got a 25% off coupon for it on top of all that
>But it's a niche fighter
Because you fucks will absolutely pay the same shit for worse games like SFV and Mortal Kombat X.
Fighting games didn't die 2001-2008, it's mainstream retards who are too scared to try something new.
And it's happening again where even Japanese indies are pretty much fucking dead.
>tfw I bought that game this week end
>Somehow it's actually decent
Even if its 3F its still tight as fuck for anyone who lacks the patience to spend hours in training mode doing the same shit over and over til it becomes muscle memory.
Id rather focus my mind on reading the opponent or setting up combos than thinking and panicking if i am gonna accidentally drop my combo.
Anything that requires timing between 1-3 frames is just making the game complicated for complicated sake so all the hardcore players can feel superior for spending countless hours in training mode.
Name one competitive genre other than fighting games that has strict timing inputs.
>complicated for complicated
The funny thing is that tight frame windows have literally nothing to do with complexity. They dont make the game complicated, they make the game inaccessible for no good reason whatsoever. They add virtually nothing in regards to depth.
Never played Guilty Gear before, should i get it for PC or console?
How is the playerbase on console compared to pc?
>you are now alive in a time where the based Japanese developers are even more egregious with their full priced updates than Activision is with CoD
Is GG Japanese Madden? Only difference between them are new characters/players and different numbers/stats.
If you think 3 frame timings are hard you won't play revelator either.
Most were 4 frames and could be easily hit with pretty minimal practice. That's twice the window of most links in SF4.
The lowest it got was 2 frames and that was a very small portion of them.
Chipp had a 1 frame FRC but that was only in Slash.
When Sign came out the PSN lobbies basically died until Revelator was released. If they really changed the payment model, then the Steam version might very well have way more players as soon as the game goes on sale. I wouldnt be surprised, at least. At least thats what happened on EU. Almost all people who were in lobbies on a daily basis transitioned to PC because of how well optimized the game was and how much more enjoyable lobby play was with an actual keyboard and voice coms.
No that's Neptunia
Cod at lest gives you a decent SP campaign most of the time.
A zombie/alien survival game that would sell as a standalone indie title on PC for 30$ and a multiplayer that regardless of taste is guarantied to be alive for years.
You get a lot of content for that 60$.
even thou map packs are still BS.
Nitroplus Blasterz, a super niche game that came out on steam like 4 days before Revelator, sold the same number of copies. ASW fucked up with the pricing for a 6 months old game that was 15$ on console the week before the pc announcement.
>At least thats what happened on EU
That and the fact that they absolutely fucked the EU release of sign, meaning anyone serious about the game imported a US copy and anyone not that serious just waited for PC.
Wasn't this full priced + denuvo?
No way it's going to sell well.
>20 dollars for a physical ps4 copy
>or 60 dollars for a digital pc copy
Well, the people who I am talking about all bought the JP release which came out 2 weeks before the US one and received on English patch on day one and all of us transitioned to Steam the second Sign was available for PC. It made playing so much more enjoyable, being able to chat, being able to chill on TS without any issues and so on. Now youd just use Discord, which makes it even easier.
Speaking of the EU, do they still need to reprogram games for PAL/50Hz like they used to? I find it strange that people still pursue a market where a game's base code has been set in stone, and then has to be re-tinkered to work.
Yes, sadly. I have to buy PAL games on my PC or they wont run properly.
I fucking hate the EU so god damn much.
Why should I buy when I can pirate?
>The point and the fact of the matter is that multiplatform games sell better on consoles.
*when you combine sales from multiple consoles and the PC version is delayed by several months yet costs full price despite lower distribution and costs than with proprietary consoles.
They haven't done this shit in like a decade
50Hz TVs don't even exist anymore
Worst part is everyone was arguing over the games price before it even released.
I was almost reedy to buy it even.
But the devs didn't listen to the complaints.
And you had the Ark defense force saying we should be happy we even got the game.
How its so much better than SFV.
Say what you want about SFV but you can still play it online whit anyone regardless if you drop money for the season passes.
Hell if you are one of those guys who only plays shotos you basically don't ave to spend any money on the game ever again.
>do they still need to reprogram games for PAL/50Hz like they used to?
Hah, no thank fucking god.
Digital TVs did away with all of that because they handle the timing themselves now instead of relying on the power supply.
What are you smoking?
I find some business decisions to be completely baffling.
>hey we made this Famicom shooter, we should take it outside Japan
>sure, should we release it in the USA, where the NES actually has a foothold?
>nah fuck that, let's release it in Europe, where the console was always dead, and especially in 1991