Took the plunge and went next-gen, what do you guys think of my starting games?
PS4 starter kit
It's decent.
Look into Odin Sphere Leifthrasir if you don't mind weeb stuff.
The Last Guardian if you liked Ico.
>took the plunge
What do you even mean
Enjoy Bloodborne.
Until Dawn is funt the first time, play along with some others for a 'MST3K' experience.
thinking about playing it with my gf, should be a cool ride. Also pumped for the new season of MST3K
That's a nice start, for westerners.
Man DOAX3 is still $70 on play asia.
Also does it even have a PS4 Pro patch?
>metro redux
>new season
I unironically want this, but will likely buy other games before I get to it.
I got a similar one minus GTA V because already bought it on PS3 and PC and Metro already completed both of them and wont bother playing the improved graphics version.
Also I got Rise of the Tomb Raider and God Eater 2 digital because they were cheap ($59 for TR, GE2 and Until Dawn). You should probably save your money for upcoming games like GR2, Nier, P5, etc
Why didn't you get the GOTY version of BB?
Metro and GTA are nice (at least on PC, haven't played them on consoles), I really don't like uncharted, but whatever.
Also listen to
Odin Sphere is really good.
friend gave me Bloodborne for free, will probably get Old Hunters down the line
You've done well OP.
You did well,
Consider the following:
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
Dragon Quest Builders
Gravity Rush Remastered in preparation for Gravity Rush 2
The Last of Us: Remastered
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
and keep in mind Yakuza 0 and Nioh for near future titles.
i'm definitely pumped for Nioh, looks great
It's fucking $70? I got it for $50 awhile back on eBay and it's not even worth that much. It's worth $20-$30 tops.
Yeah $70 on play asia, $60 on ebay right now
Stupid normie westernfag.
>next gen
It's been out for years now you poor cuck. It's current gen, fag.
Go to neofag.
>next gen
>gets the metro remake instead of the original
>gets metro for a console instead of the computer
I can't even
Similar to me, but I got Gravity Rush, Uncharted Collection and Infamous Second Son instead of GTA, Metro and Until Dawn
You need to get Final Fantasy XV asap.
Sell Metro and Until Dawn if you have to.
i played the original on PC but now its phased out and haven't played last light and it was 10$ new, its a great deal
>next gen
It's been 3 fucking years, can you people fuck off already
learn to play fighting games
>Doesn't have GOTY the witcher III
I remember playing Metro 2033 on 360 first since it was like $5 at gamestop.
Looking for new games to play :^) Any recommendations? Just recently grabbed a ps3.
2 multiplats, a movie, a piece of shit, and bloodborne
its a terrible collection but pretty much the best you can get on ps4
>Console uses years old PC architecture
It's not even current
Ignore this faggot. Get FFXV once squeenix finish the game.
where's witcher 3 complete edition?
you can get it for $30 now. it comes with the two expansions, each one has enough content as a full game.
best 100+ hours of RPG right there.
>No Senran Kagura
The Pro is technically current since it uses Polaris, and Scorpio is rumored to be Vega.
>Steven Universe
>vape case
>senran kagura
>more garbage than I care to analyze
Kill yourself.
PS3 is not dead, maybe on life support, but not dead
Wii U was a console lost in limbo that had nothing to do with the PS4 or Xbone
And FINALLY, this gen is getting actual games instead of HD remasters and ports. Current gen true start is 2017
I play everything man. I ain't a hating faggot like you.
>No Gravity Rush
>No SK
You mean you're a fat weeb who plays shitty games.
Also, wait, vape case? You mean my 3ds case?
I weigh 135, sorry. :^)
Pick up Watchdogs on the cheap as well. I know you already have gtav, but don't listen to the memesters, watchdogs is no more a gta ripoff than darksouls is a zelda ripoff. Two totally different games that just happen to have the same setting.
also, you're missing survival horror, so pick up either alien isolation and/or the evil within. those should be cheap. also, if you're looking for a quick fun open world super hero game, there's infamous second soon.
He has so much western shit, he's not a weeb. Which is why you and him should get out.
>Three games and two movies
Get Destiny and download Let it Die and DMC4 Special Edition
The library isn't optimised for the hardware so that's a deal breaker
fucking sony and their no bc. ps4 pro was literally the best time to include ps3 parts into a ps4 for native bc, in order to combat xbones native bc. Anyway, I'm thinking of grabbing a ps3 myself in order to grab a bunch of exclusive weeb games.
This right here
Seconding this, Odin Sphere is great.
If you like fighting games, Guilty Gear Revelator is the best fighting game this gen. SFV is ok, check that out too, as is the new Blazblue. Though I'd wait for a price drop on that last one.
Titanfall 2 is also worth checking out btw, great game.
I bought a PS4 last month, Bloodborne, GTAV, Guilty Gear, Odin Sphere, and Titanfall 2 have been most of what I've played. I've been enjoying myself a lot.
I would also advice you wait on FFXV, it's not worth full price imo, unless you're a FF fan.
Also, as question, I just beat Bloodborne, and haven't played any other Souls game, nor do I have a PS3 or PC, is it cool to jump right into Dark Souls 3, or would it really be best till I get access to DS1 and start from there? I need more to quench my Souls thirst, BB was amazing.
I'm hoping BlazBlue or KOF drops price next week or in this supposed week flash sale.
Aw man, if Central Fiction drops in price, I'm totally picking it up.
Gonna third Odin Sphere.
Is Bloodborne really that good? I've never played a single souls game. They all looked clunky and slow to me. But I'm trading in the Uncharted 4 that came with my bundle for amazon cash, and BB is on sale right now.
I'm this guyBloodborne is the best game I've played since Symphony of the Night. It was also my first Souls game,
and apparently it's recommended to start with BB, and then move onto the rest of the series, as apparently BB teaches you how to play Souls properly.
BB is a lot more action packed than the others apparently. If you like Metroidvanias, do NOT pass on Bloodborne, imo, it's what Castlevania should have been when it went to 3D.
Being that the PlayStation 5 and Xbox One Two (?) are not due for a few years, the OP is moving from his old console to one of the current ones.
Get a life, third world loser.
Oh yeah. I was saying I thirded getting OS and then asked the question to the general thread. Wasn't asking you specifically but thanks for the answer regardless.
I'm unsure if I like Metroidvania. The only games in that genre that I've played were Ori and the Blind Forest and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse.
Playing through 1/2 genre hero now and I like it. No idea if the games I listed are really considered metroidvania. I've seen different opinions.
>Buying a PS4 to play Westcuck games
What are better games to play?
all from glourious nippon
Anything not made by a smelly American or Slav.
I haven't really played those two, so I can't say. Well, I played a bit of Shantae, but it's very different. Metroidvanias tend to be very maze-like.
Try emulating Super Metroid, or playing one of the Primes on Dolphin to see if it's up your alley. Or play the DS Castlevanias.
I personally like it a lot, but I do admit that Metroidvanias aren't for everyone. That said, maybe BB will make you appreciate them a lot more. If you like the SNES era of games, and their difficulty, then you might like BB, as it kinda harks back to that in terms of game design. It's not AS hard a people say. but if you're not used to classic games and how punishing they are, then you might find BB to be very difficult.
It's all a matter of what you're used to. If you're not sure, perhaps borrow it from a friend, or see if you can get it for cheap. Like I said, it's an instant classic for me, easily in my top 10, but it's also a question of personal taste.
I would sell the movies and multiplats, use the spare cash get the multiplats on PC, buy FFXV, Odin Sphere, and leave whatever is leftover for Nioh.
you forgot to get a ps4
I rate it 2.5/5
Not him, but the multiplats run just fine on PS4, and if you don't have a gaming PC, it's a worthwhile experience, especially since PS4 has a bigger community for a lot of multiplat games.
Only the Bethesda games would I say yeah, don't ever bother playing those on console, but everything else is serviceable.
Also, FFXV is more of a movie than say BB or Uncharted. I'd say he should wait on that unless he's a huge FF fanboy, and instead get Gravity Rush
Bloodborne is great. But be forewarned it's short as fuck even with the DLC. Beat it all first playthrough in less than 20 hours.
I would play DS1 first then 3, don't bother with 2 imo
i'm loving it so far!!!
>people recommending XV
Fucking what? The game is a steaming pile of shit. That's why it's literally 35 fucking USD already. Literally the worst combat of any real time action game I've ever played, terrible frame rate despite shit graphics, boring fetch quests which is 95% of the game, car is stupid as fuck and a retarded gimmick, shit world in general. The game is a mess.
It's on sale for like 7-8 right now on psn which is why I asked.
I'd say the hardest games I've played was DMC3 and the harder difficulties of MGR. If I can beat those with only a bit of difficulty every now and again how would I fair?
Another option is to use the money from UC4 and getting Xenoverse 2 for cheap. I've never played a game in the series but watching some videos on it makes it look kinda cool. I love DBZ.
Hardest difficulty DMC3 is harder than BB, hardest difficulty MGR is easier than bloodborne.
Which DMC3 difficulty would you put the game at then?
dont listen to these nerds. you did pretty good op
Also no idea how I managed to say MGR and leave out Bayonetta's 1 and 2. Those were harder.
No NG?
Did you just rush to all the bosses?
I've only just beaten Vicar Amelia, and got told there's another 30 hours or so of content.
I have no experience with the series, so I don't really know what to expect.
I don't think anyone would ever talk about BB as a moviegame.
But yeah if you don't have a PC, it's not like you have an alternative.
>That's why it's literally 35 fucking USD already
Holy fuck it's $40 on Amazon. I thought it was just shitposting.
>tfw the only game i am even interested in is Nioh
>Would probably play BB and Witcher 3
>tfw all together it would cost me 500 fucking euros
When is this fucking shit gonna drop price?
There's just no point, i still have so many games to play on PS3.
Never played them. Never had the chance to.
Well, it looks like you bought the right console if that unironically constitutes as a starter pack.
Isn't it about $250 though?
BB is like $20-30.
Nioh will be $60 of course, and W3 you can get for your PC with ALL content for like, $50.
Unless you're a shitter and pay for online, then yeah it's gonna add up.
I still don't get how people enjoy such boring garbage like Uncharted
it came bundled with it
There's no fucking point in getting a console with no online capability and there's no way around it. You are just memeing or you don't play enough video games if you say other wise.
Also you do know that "Euro" isn't the European word for "Dollar" right?
People like different things, user.
Like my roommate, he plays Uncharted 4 every day. When I lent him my PS4 to try BB, he played for like 30 minutes, died a handful of times, and went back to play Uncharted.
I use my PS4 for single player desu.
Nah, it's pretty shit, but the combat is at least better than XCX. In fact the game as a whole is a more polished XCX, though that's not saying much, as that game too was trash. I only wish Nintendo fans were as critical of it.
Well, expect die, and embrace death. Trial and error are actual mechanics here, again, like classic games. You will die, a lot, but that intentional design.
Also, if you do get it, you don't have to refight the mobs if you know where to go.
Two of the three games i listed would be missing features like that.
I'd say BB is harder than Bayo2, but it's less methodical. You're given more time to think in BB, and spacing is more important than combos.
It's about as hard as Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
>There's no fucking point in getting a console with no online capability and there's no way around it
Before Overwatch came along I didn't play online on ps4 like at all.
I agree with you on XCX. It was a major step down for me after playing XC before it.
Maybe I'll pick up BB at a later time then.
Doesn't really sound like my type of game.
Tough shit. Give shekels for the privilege of using your internet connection then :^)
That's why I play online in other platforms.
I played XCX for like 10 hours and remember the world design being fucking amazing, while XV's is pretty much what I'd get if I drove 10 minutes out of town and walked around with a thin coat of Vaseline smeared on my glasses.
Everything else I experienced in XCX was a sea of shit though.
Give it a go eventually if you can find it for cheap. You might like it. Perhaps watch some people rant on about the Souls series on YouTube and see if those are the sorts of games you'd like to play.
Bloodborne is the only one there worth owning if you don't have a PC.
Until Dawn and UC4 are worth a rent. Metro and GTAV are best on PC.
no gaming PC so this is the die i cast
XCX us very pretty. It's a pity the art direction is wasted on such a poorly directed game. I didn't enjoy XV very much either, but I at least felt the combat was a lot more fun.
The problem is that both games strawberry lacking in the role play element, that said, XV seems to do a slightly better job in that department.
Bretty gud, need some weab games in there though.
Personally thought GTA5 was pretty shite and Metro is only worth playing on PC.
>normiecore starter kit