>a girl joins your guild
A girl joins your guild
nice filename
fuck off nameshit
jack I understand you want to get at the vein and become a meme, but spamming your thread on Sup Forums is not the way
also you don't know shit about video games and it really shows on your show
>a girl challenges you in a fighting game
No mercy. I'll play 10x harder than I would even play in a tournament.
>That guy who thought Hillary would win by a landslide, gloated about it for weeks until the election then said that no-one should talk politics in the chat after the result
No one will ever surpass Jack's mastery of pee pee poo poo
>her irl bf joins with her
Tripfags need to die
I got banned for some pro-Trump banter that night. Faggot sucked at that protect the president game
Do you even know what a tripfag is?
>Sissy boy trap healer joins you guild
>You never find out because he never talks in guild chat
>tfw entire guild i have been with for the past 8 years were pro-hillary
>didnt even bother arguing any points
>we make the rule every couple of months no politics
>they were just shit talking in a fever for the months leading to the election
>had to take a break from them for a month until they calmed down
>they still bring it up
jesus christ
Really dude? Did the joke go that far over your tiny penis shaped head?
>Profoundly refuse to believe she is a girl until she's pissed
>Tell her to deal with the bant since sex doesn't matter anyway
>I was only pretending
God you're retarded
Stop embarrassing yourself
disregard that, i suck cocks.
hello my name is bix nood and im a huge faggot
>a girl (neckbeard) joins your guild
Look at me everybody. I have a name and now you know who I am. Please tell me I'm important.
>a Sup Forumstard posting frequently on Sup Forums for some reason joins my guild
That's happening in my guild right now
But he's also a retard with a mac and can't even get the game to run
>implying you're the real bix nood
No, don't look at this faggot. Look at me and my name because I am the real bix nood (faggot). Please validate my existence.
Am I supposed to be offended?
>she joins and is cute and sociable
>chat on skype after raids, only you and her
>she suddenly start dating that douche that plays the same class as you with better damage IRL out of fucking nowhere
>every guild conflict now revolves around this girl
>Guild disbands less than a year later
Oh no, don't stop posting with my name, it's funny.
>people trying to pretend to be me
Keep going, you're making my tiny penis shaped head AND my tiny penis fairly erect.
Names are not trips
Oh wait, hes still not getting it....
Better post a lame ass Taiwanese cave painting reaction image...
>in a guild
>they make fun of trump all the time
>trump wins
>everyone says "I guess america is too sexist to elect hillary"
>ask why they voted for hillary
>"because she is a woman lol"
>reply with "so you're voting against trump because he is a man? isn't that sexist?"
>get kicked from the guild 2 days later because I "start way too much drama"
this guy knows
>>get kicked from the guild 2 days later because I "start way too much drama"
Been there, done that. They're just much more happy in their echo chamber of opinions.
Actually my good sir, I do indeed get it. I was merely pretending to be retarded and trying to save face on a Mongolian face painting forum. You know, cause everyone is fucking anonymous and it really matters
I never find that Jack isn't knowledgeable...
somehow i dont believe u
>doesn't know how to tell a joke
>gets mad that he comes off as a retard
>please be kind to me
>do casual 75% combos on her
>she disconnects and never talks to you ever again
lol shoulda get gud
I was also booted from a guild, because
>crazy feminazi in guild
>give her friend who's an officer a mount cause i didnt need it and i won the roll
>talk about GTA to a friend cause it came out recently and shes in the room
>she says its sexist towards women
>ask how
>she gives bullshit excuses like "just look it up online"
>ask if she played it, of course she says "no"
>tell her "if anything, gta4 is sexist towards men because they have full frontal male nudity, where as women usually wear something. Also men die by the dozen, and only one woman dies canonlogically, and only in an alternate ending. A woman druglord was even just imprisoned, where as 99% of the men are straight up murdered."
>she grows quiet
>two months pass, everything is going well
>suddenly log in and im kicked
>she said she got her friend(who i gave the mount to) to kick me because I "feign being nice" and "support rape"
>find out she has told everyone in the guild, that I was a rapist.
>make a joke whenever people ask, telling them "rapist? nigga I never even touched a woman in my life.... ;_;"
>friend asks why i was kicked in the forums
>tell him I'd like to know aswell
>get called a rapist, and that no one likes me
>she gets a billion dislikes
>receive a billion likes
>ask "if no one likes me, then how come I have so many likes and you have so many dislikes? I think if anyone should have been kicked for not being liked, its you."
>cuck says im a shit tank
>forum admins delete the drama
>find a new guild
>they struggle on heroic bosses
>get server first mythic boss kills
>their guild disbands
Moon guard, by the way.
You fell for it =)
I don't believe y-
>moon guard
>girl joins and eventually becomes the cause of the guilds seperation
this has happened twice me now and it hurts just as bad as the first one
Exactly i hate the womans. She ruined the fun.
Why do these stories allways end with
>they struggled on x raid while me and my new guild clear it ez
>guild fell apart after i left
>took all the good players with me and formed a new guild
Truth be told, their guild reformed recently, and the GM invited the same officers.
And the GM is a jew.
The cuck was kicked afterwards due to how much actual drama he starts.
A lot of girls are chill but some just need to make shit all about them.
As an outsider looking in, you should be euthanized.
>>she said she got her friend(who i gave the mount to) to kick me because I "feign being nice" and "support rape"
Because they're all bullshit power fantasies.
Want names?
Archangel is the guild.
>friend and I inflitrate top raiding guilds by impressing them with our mastery over our classes and game mechanics
>we eventually penetrate the inner circle
>offhandedly suggest to officers and raid leaders that certain female members are bringing their respective raid groups down
>they get kicked and replaced or shuffled around into different roles