Sketch Turner
Sketch Turner
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His Kung Fu is pretty good.
>finally realizing what holding down C does
Godtier OST
Kept a rat in his pants.
Man, this game was the shit back in the day. Shame that the sequel got canned.
wich is...?
beated it this month on my first run ever. even by today standards the game is fucking amazing, it looks truly ahead of it´s time.
How the fuck sega managed to not make history with this title?
What the @$&!# Was that!?
HOLY @#~$, A RAT!!
Motherfucker grabs the page and RIPS SOME OF THAT CRAZY MAGICAL SHIT OFF then folds it into a FUCKING PAPER AIRPLANE and throws that shit. Do you know what it does? IT FUCKING KILLS EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES IN ONE FUCKIN HIT
Comix Zone needs a reboot so bad
Thats the A button you fucking retard. C was the block button.
It's cool, broham. I can't expect people to remember everything after 20 years of a games release.
Ya damn right! I like you.
I had one of the defective versions that auto reset when you reached a certain point in the shipyard stage.
>game has a dedicated fart feature
>defective versions
I'm sorry, user. I'm also really upset that no game developer has tried the comic book style as Comic Zone.
But it drains hp, and young me was shit so I didn't use much. I could probably beat it now if I had the chance to sit down and replay it
I kinda wonder when is the best time to use it.
the paper airplane absolutely rapes bosses, but the timing's a little tricky as you can get hit and you'll be forced out of the animation
Never tried it on a boss.
Go for it. I think it's one of those hard games of the past.
Thanks man. Feels bad, got it on emulator a while back.
>mfw the bad guy gives you an extra life sometimes if you run out of them
Who here let the girl die
>but sometimes doesn't
I guess it depends on how much he wants to fuck with you.
Don't you get a game over if she does?
I think you get that or a bad ending at least.
You get a bad ending famurai
>Start level
>Genesis BWAAAM starts playing
>you can instal-kill the final boss by ripping the comic-book page and letting him drop into an endless white void
See ya!
Yeah, it's been a while.
I could have swore you can game over if she dies, but I think you can still finish off the boss.
I dunno. I would check, but I'm, coincidentally, reading a comic.
>this is your fucking options menu theme
I played 2 levels of this at an age where I was too young to get any further
>SEE ya!
tfw this is how I always say "see ya" IRL thanks to this game
anyone got the comic about the friend who died before they beat it?
No, but I remember it.
Wasn't it also about street fighter 2 as well?
Something about the movie theater.
>André Lobineau on steroids
this game was hard as fuck. you took damage for punching shit. I only had the demo
it would have been a cakewalk without the damage, I mean it kinda already is once you figure out how to use the items. It's more puzzle game than beat em up in my opinion because of the emphasis on items.
this one?
This almost made me cry ;_;
Well, speedrunners found that if you do a Power Fist right as the final boss teleports/lands in, it instant kills him that way too.
I need to see this. Does he have an animation where he falls or does it just have his standing sprite fall through the floor