ITT: Overrated indie pixelshit

ITT: Overrated indie pixelshit

itt millenials

None of those words apply to the game you posted.

It's a great game but it is very overrated

>replying to low-effort bait threads without sage

>he is too young to know who 3D0 are
jesus fucking christ these millennials.

it's a great game until endgame archangels and haste artifacts ruin everything

i got this on gog awhile back out of nostalgia. its not as good as i remember.

im not sure why i think i may have just cheated when i had it way back when so i had much cooler armies than i do now

remember when it came with that thick ass manual and foldout card with all the monsters and their stats?


oh fuck yes. it was hype as fuck. i cant tell you how many times i took a shit while glazing over those. man i fucking miss manuals

100 times this. Doom is not even a real fps.

fuck yes. I loved it. Miss the old days.

Shovel knight
Stardew Valley


literally anyone born after 1982 is a millenial, but then again youd know that if you were an actual adult huh

>Shovel Knight

>Plague Knight

are you retarded? how else would i have $1000 for a 3d0 and some games in the early 90s?

Oh, look. Another weak-ass bait thread on Sup Forums.


It's actually an attempt at a joke but I guess you're too retarded to realize that people might post something on an anonymous image that isn't an attempt to troll you.

Oh, I get it. Funny.

I don't know about overrated, but this game is pretty underrated.