Why is this fanbase so cancerous in particular? From the GiantDad to the Never Ever memers...

Why is this fanbase so cancerous in particular? From the GiantDad to the Never Ever memers, why is it that this one franchise has the most rabid and retarded fanbase on Sup Forums?

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PC release

PC release

PC release

Babby's first hardcore game. They think because a game requires more than a second's thought to beat it's a good game. They then become pretentious hipsters who force the franchise down everyone's throats in an attempt to seem cool or accomplished despite everyone and their normie mothers knowing that the games are decent at best, tedious at worst.

all me >;D

PC release

I've never had a problem with the fanbase.

Maiden in Black is best girl.

PC release

t. Nintoddler.

But sonyggers are literally the most rabid side of the fanbase

Well I can see how PC release is also part of their anger, elitism and all that

is this a new pasta?

You might say the fans have Dark Souls(tm),

>Babby's first hardcore game. They think because a game requires more than a second's thought to beat it's a good game. They then become pretentious hipsters who force the franchise down everyone's throats in an attempt to seem cool or accomplished despite everyone and their normie mothers knowing that the games are decent at best, tedious at worst.

Can confirm the fan base sucks. I only PvP with twink characters I made where the chance i'll win is close to 95%

Only cancerous on neo Sup Forums
Also PC release.

>game starts with a cult following
>sequels arrive
>its successful
>fanbase grows
>develops cancer

who could've predicted this

Then explain NEVER EVER

Do you know what this really means? What are you doing outside of stormwind anyhow?

PC falseflagging

PC release.
And it became more popular.

pcfags ruin everything

For one they are completely incapable of taking any form if criticism against the series.

Any argument against the game is either git gud or in bloodbornes case you haven't played it and are a jealous PCuck.

No fanbase is ever as cancerous as the people who complain about them. That is a motherfucking fact. Kill yourself OP.

>explain never ever
PC begged for console port and Sony said no buy a PS4. So the endless threads of begging and crying began.
Can't believe I had to explain this to you but I love newfags so it's cool.

What the fuck do you want me to call it you froob? A "low level, heavily geared, stacked PvP side character". Better?

Post evidence that sonyggers are in anyway rabid. They mostly respond to pc shitposts of >nogaems lol I posted it again!

Or nintendoshitters still assmad about playstation 1.

I know a worse fanbase.


CSGO is bad but LoL and the MOBA community are worse. They all suffer from an overabundance of try hard esports wannabes.

>They mostly respond to pc shitposts of >nogaems lol I posted it again!

They either scream NEVER EVER PKEKS or LMAO RETARD whenever someone criticizes their mediocre game; not to mention their constant console war baiting.

Much better. because a twink only knows how to get fucked by daddy bear. Does that sound like a heavily geared, low level, wrecking machine to you? I didn't think so.

I don't even care about the GiantDad and Never Ever shit.

It's the "PRAISE THE (X)" that annoys the piss out of me. Because nine times out of ten the only people who say this shit is the people who've played like 15 minutes of it if even, dropped it for being too hard, and watch a lets play of it.

It's on par with arrow in the knee and cake is the lie shit.


>take Ninja Gaiden
>remove jumping
>remove interesting moves
>remove huge variety of weapons
>replace actual challenge with artificial difficulty
>entire combat is just roll and stab

you have to be a retard to enjoy it so I'm not surprised

Heres a current console war thread

Back in my day (80s/90s) we called them Munchkins.

But both terms refer to the fact that they are low leveled min/maxers. Low->small = munchkin/twink/etc

>mediocre game

never ever

You forgot the 'remove button mashing' part :-)

You weren't even alive in the 80s and were probably not even conscious at any point during the 90s, kiddo.

>artificial difficulty
I've still never seen someone explain what this actually means without just getting mad

>He doesn't Praise the Sun

>add an interesting world to explore
>add multiplayer
>add hundreds of weapons and armor sets
>add stats

Only console warrior BB fags. Though some of them like me are cool.

BB is my first souls game. Does any other area have Bell Bitches like the ones in Yahar'Gul? I know of PvP types, but any that summon/buff enemies in later areas?

chalice dungeons have em

button mashing is how you die in NG

>oh look a castle and a forest wow mind blown
>add a bunch of samey shit with different names
wow it's nothing

it means difficulty that is independent of skill

It means when you have a certain amount of gamer skill or gamer cred the problem is with the game and not with the gamer.


Pic is 4 days old tho and I've loaned my PSQuadruple, but I still have the same timestamp with me if you want further proof


PCmustards *still* assblasted! Can't wait to hear you fags still crying about not getting BB next year too!

>From the GiantDad to the Never Ever memers

To be fair the NEVER EVER face is a pretty funny and versatile meme.


post completed save file

>Remove jumping

>Remove interesting moves

Such as? It's not that kind of game

>remove huge variety of weapons


>Replace actual challenge with artificial difficulty

You have no idea what that term means

>Entire combat is just roll and stab

And cast, and throw, and block, and slash.. Besides, that's a criminally simplified and general view of the combat

Tell that to the pewter AD&D figures in my closet.

Would be nice to have another 10 years back though.

Stick around son, eventually the world will move on without you too.

Its honestly pretty sad that posting a timestamp is a requirement for saying anything bad about bloodborne.

Literally the only game ive seen people frequently ask for proof someone owns it.

>not mediocre

Enjoy your limited weapon and Armour choices

Jumping less than a foot in the air isnt jumping.


what does that have to do with sonyggers, in particular?
>implying it's not falseflagging pcunts posting NEVER EVER
there are no console warrior bb fags. most people who own a ps4 use it as their main platform and give zero shits about exclusives, and ever more give less than zero shits for bloodborne, hence it's not so stellar sales.

Bloodborne is literally just a tool for pc retards to shitpost about.

>all weapons have two forms that are usually radically different
>armor is only meant for aesthetics

Enjoy your five hundred swords and "unique weapons" that all share the exact same movesets Dsfag

Oh and as a first time souls/BB player I must say that
>Rom is easy
>Shadows are easy
>Cunt of Cainhurst isn't that bad besides his raw damage when it occasionally connects
>Undead Giant, Gascoine, Cleric, & hag, kidnapper, and frontier squid enemies were harder
>Amygdala and One Reborn are only tough due to camera being an enemy in and of itself, even without lock on
>winter lanterns and some attacks of the trolls are annoying

>two forms

Axe that turns into a longer ax or a sword turning into a bigger sword is not variety

>tfw when you imported demon souls before release here

most comfy feeling, now the fanbase is cancer

I started with Dark Souls 1 on 360, then played DeS on ps3, then dark souls 2 on 360, bloodborne, then dark souls 3 on ps4.

For a long time I wasn't sure which game I liked the most, but after extensive play time (no less than 150 hours each excluding like 40 for DeS), I have to say Bloodborne is my favorite. I think it has the best setting and lore compared to the others, and as shitty as the chalice dungeons might seem, I think they provide a good amount of content when you've done everything. Most of the complaints for it have been patched (load times are still considerably long but no where near launch levels). I think it's the all around most polished experience minus maybe DeS (after patches)

Read the thread it obvious shit posting bait. The only other platform the game is on is PS4 and its filled with typical sonygger platform war garbage.

If you saw all the smug PCfags back when BB first got leaked as Project Beast, you'd understand. NEVER EVER was completely justified with how they acted.

I'd also like to add that mediocre is too strong of a word for the game's quality, I was fueled with sonygger hating rage the day I beat the game because I felt memed into buying an entire console for a game that let me down quite a bit.

Now that my head has had enough time to really think about thte game, I think it's good, but disappointing. Sup Forums promissed me a masterpiece and all I got was Dark Souls At 1.5x speed: Lovecraftian Steampunk Edition.

OP's talking about Sup Forums you idiot

>there are no console warrior
Come on, that's just delusion. You're just shitposting now.

>Enjoy your limited weapon
As opposed to the copy and pasted weapons in Dark Souls, whereas in BB every single weapon is different, can be attuned to your build, and viable in both PvP and PvE?

>Axe that wields like a dark souls mace transforms to an Axe that controls like a halberd

Did you even play?

Maybe there'd be less reason to shitpost if PCunts actually bought games, which would have negated a reason for that thread to exist?

I never played BB so I was curious, how varied is weapon use in BB PVP?

>Oh look a castle and forest

And the forest, castle and 'samey shit" is all connected. It's not even samey shit. You have a castle completely ridden with traps, a giant library, a poison lake below the underground slums, a flooded underground city, a grand city, did you play for more than 30 minutes?

>Difficulty that is independent of skill

Then good, because Dark Souls is almost completely skill based, the only bosses where death is just about inevitable is the Bed of Chaos, and that's widely known as the worst boss in the game, and Seath, another low point, and he's still pathetic. Other than that, it's entirely possible to beat all the bosses without getting hit. It's not artificial in the slightest.

Why are BB fags so easily triggered

That's not what I said, try again.

And posts like the one you just made are part of the problem thanks for reaffirming my point.

>mfw when remembering sickdark

Bloodborne's one largest flaw was chalice dungeons. I wish that the unique enemies and bosses of the dungeons had been moved from their layers and reintegrated into the world.

Certain areas could be expanded (Ex: make Old Yharnam larger and add a "Keeper of the Old Lords" enemy as an invader"). Certain areas could have more to it then it seems at first (subtle clues point to returning to Yharnam proper after a certain point in the mid-game where the Bloodletting Beast can be fought in a new sub-section). And perhaps a few totally new areas could be added (a place where Queen Yharnam and the two Pthumerian bosses would fit, for instance)

How would you feel about this?

It's still jumping. It's not "SOOPER COOL NINJA FLIP WOW" jumping, but it's jumping, and going for a slower combat pace doesn't make the game worse.

>whereas in BB every single weapon is different, can be attuned to your build, and viable in both PvP and PvE
>I absolutely love havng no commitment with my character whatsoever in an RPG

So are you going to buy more games and become a part of the solution?

Oh yeah, and beat the Crow without any kind of cheesing. No poison, stunlocking, trapping, or anything.

And Alfred did nothing wrong. Analisse is a cunt who just wants to breed with some other hunter's blood instead of your own. Heard I can revive her. Don't think I will.

You definitely did. There are indeed plenty of console warrior BB players. Those are underage shitposters, as bad as the PCfags. I don't even have a computer, just a laptop.

I already do.

i am a fan and this is the first time i am hearing about GiantDad and Nevr Ever stuff.
Maybe you hang out with the wrong people, OP.

>Certain areas could be expanded (Ex: make Old Yharnam larger
Please no more. Game is full of samey brown cities as is.

>Multiple threads about upcoming steam sale
>B-but pcucks don't buy games

I definitely didn't, but I see you have corrected the error of your ways in misquoting me, by specifying "console warrior bb players" in your post.

Now while there may be the type to ardently defend bloodborne, because they genuinely like it, I do not believe these to be the same people who shitpost NEVER EVER like fucking retards, which was my point.

>Threaded Cane
>Ludwig HG / Kirkhammer
>Beast Claws

Although a handful of transformations are underwhelming, they all radically change the way you fight with them when equipped.

And you would know this, if, you know, you had actually played the fucking game



>99.9% off sales help the devs


Like with every other Souls game there are some fan favorites but if you play PvP regularly you can come across just about every weapon being used.

Builds themselves are less varied but the weapon use in PvP is more varied compared to DaS1 and DaS3 at least.


>Moving the goalpost

>And the forest, castle and 'samey shit" is all connected. It's not even samey shit. You have a castle completely ridden with traps, a giant library, a poison lake below the underground slums, a flooded underground city, a grand city, did you play for more than 30 minutes?
so basically the same as every Castlevania game


>Game is full of samey brown cities as is.
Literally only 3 areas in the main game fit that description.
Good job showing how much you know about the game.

>They then become pretentious hipsters

The funniest part is that the irony of this post will probably go completely over your head.

>i absolutely love my swords, greatswords, katanas, and curved swords all having identical movesets

Good question

The sad part is BB retards don't even realize this. Say anything negative about it and they jump on you like rabid faggots and demand you show a pic with time stamp or your plat trophy.