Will we ever get a male protagonist in a videogame ever again? I'm really depressed guys... all these great games coming out have female protagonists and that just makes them unplayable to me. The entire market is shifting towards transfaggots and women.
Will we ever get a male protagonist in a videogame ever again? I'm really depressed guys...
quit being such a bitch nigga.
No I fucking refuse, there are no games as it is and now im forced to play as some fucking dyke or anime girl in a skirt. Its not fair, what If I want to just be a guy again?
They should at least give you a choice in every game instead of forcing you to play as 1 gender.
>manchild can't play his games because of women and transgender people
Fuck off back to Sup Forums with that sexist rhetoric.
Why is this sexist just to want to play as my own gender? What the actual fuck? Is Sup Forums this fucking gay?
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.
There are shit loads of games with men. This is just what is fashionable at the moment.
Well I hope this trend dies fucking quick because playing as a female is like not having a penis.
Yeah except for the fact that I'm not, and I wish gays would stop pushing others to accept them.
??? I don't get it.
Nope, we've got to be as progressive as possible. Even at the expense of everything else in the game
is this the shitposting thread?
>like not having a penis
How autistic are you?
there is something wrong with being gay. if sticking your dick in a shit hole from a MAN (i would suck a fart out of hilary duff right now) that is fucking gross and alludes to mental health problems.
There's plenty of games out there that let you play as a guy. It's not the end of the world just because something doesn't appeal specifically to you.
>giving a shit about the protagonist's gender
You're literally an SJW except in reverse. "I can't identify with the character unless they look just like me" is exactly what they say.
You've stared so long into the abyss that you've become a nega-SJW. Let your tragic tale be a lesson to all other anons here, that they may avoid making your mistake. As for you, you're beyond hope. You've become the demons and there is no going back.
I'm actually what you call a normal male who takes pride in being one. Even in my fantasies I'm a male.
You sound really insecure.
>Buying AAA games in 2016
>getting upset when it turns out to be a complete pile of dogshit
You only have yourself to blame.
No actually because I don't care if they look like me AT ALL. As long as it's the male character. I'm not a self insert, but I really don't feel comfortable playing the female character.
>Taking pride in something means being insecure
Ok user.
You are starting to sound like a feminazi.
If the game is good, it shouldn't matter what gender, race, species, etc you play as.
Quit bitching.
Why don't you? You said that you don't self insert, but then why exactly do you feel uncomfortable playing a female MC?
If a punch of pixels can cause you this kind of torment maybe you ought to do something else.
Now you know how chick's feel.
So proud that you can't play a game with a girl in it without having a little piss and whinge on an image board.
Go away sock puppet.
>le false-flagging le outraged le ironic-meme le showing le lesson of le incongruency from le white le male
>bumping the thread
Fucking retard newfag. Here's how to sage, make sure you use it well faggot.
If you have no idea what the fuck sage even is, it's to make sure post don't bump the thread, hence making sure that it will die faster.
Why don't newfags learn to lurk?
>t. female
please fuck off back to whatever dolls you play with or kitchen you cook in. Videogames are a boys hobby bitch, and always have been.
Because it has tits or a skirt, or some high pitched voice
Haven't your yearly Halo and other shootyman games with various females telling you where to go next trained you yet?
1. I hate fps's because I can't even see my character
2. Yeah pretty much, I fucking hate women lately. Like I wish I could choke one to death or rape them until they don't want to live anymore.
resident hills
You are a complete no hoper, I know you live a sad life and feel the need to make yourself feel better by doing some really poor amatuer trolling on a video game, but how about you just grow up, it's not going to always be bad kid, you'll grow up and realise you shouldn't of acted like a peasant. you only receive what you put out in the world. lose the toxicity, be happy.
Yes it should matter because I dont fucking want to play it if I have to be a girl. Do you go in the fucking girls bathroom? Do you wear dresses? Do you get fucked in the ass? Then why would you want to in a videogame? It doesnt feel natural at all. You need help
So you're gay? You said that you're proud to be male and then you say that the problem is tits or skirt. I can understand high pitched voice but tits or skirt? Really?
Just admit that you're gay.
No its fine when i'm looking at them objectively or infront of me, not on my body. It's fucking weird for them to be on an avatar that represents my body. Are you dense?
So you admit that you self insert? You said that you don't self insert and then you say this. Do you have no idea what self insert means?
>I self insert in videogames that aren't character creation RPGs
>being so fucking retard, that he cant tell the difference between liking tits and wanting them on you
>pic related its you
>ad hominem AND projection
Truly, the master of all arguments.
Did you know that not every protagonist is supposed to be you? They are supposed to be their own character, not you. That's why i never self insert unless it's an actual RPG which allows character creation.
If you reply to me like this again, i won't respond. Here's your (You).
Self inserting means putting an actual version of yourself into the game you fucking autist. Playing as your own gender is what you do, when it says boy or girl you chose boy if youre a boy or girl if youre a girl. Just like the mens room and womens room in real life.
I don't want to be a character with tits, id rather be a character who stares at tits on another characters body. Holy fuck its like trying to explain an out of body experience to people who've never experienced one. People are genuinely this gay and fucking retarded.
Then why would you play as a character you cannot identify with i.e. does not have a penis/wears a skirt? Why would you chose a game with this protagonist? Why does it interest you? Does some part of you identify with this female? Are you transgender?
Xbox wins again
Unfortunately for you, not every single MC is supposed to be YOU. You're staring at the fucking screen.
>That's why i never self insert unless it's an actual RPG which allows character creation
Next time learn to read. I play all kinds of games, i'm not a pleb who dismisses a game just because it doesn't fit my criteria.
>Why does it interest you?
The gameplay.
Or is that not a viable option anymore for wanting to play a game?
>gee I wonder what ideological group made THAT happen
>controlling a character and performing actions
>based on my exact input
>not supposed to be me
Does not compute
You're actually fucking gay. You probably play as aliens and animals too in your videogames.
Do you play it for the gameplay user, or because you get to be a girl, and live out some fucking gay tranny fantasy of yours?
Will mods ever delete these autistic frogposting / wojak threads instantly?
Will you ever fuck off and die?
This is legitimate discussion and bantz, if you can't handle the bantz get the fuck out tranny
>Do you play it for the gameplay user
That is the only reason I would want to play a game.
If the gameplay wasn't good, why would I be playing it in the first place?
Even if a game offers character creation, if the game is shit, I am not going to bother making a character.
>This is legitimate discussion and bantz
No it is not. Asking people "are you trying to live out a tranny fantasy" is straight shitposting and you know it.
>here's your (You)
>Like not having a penis
Fits you like a glove then, huh?
>not supposed to be me
No, retard. You're the PLAYER. Not the Protagonist. What exactly does player mean then? Go ahead and read the definition.
>You're actually fucking gay
How can you infer that when i said that i never self insert? Do you have zero reading comprehension?
So you don-t see a character as a manifestation of your in-game self but rather an interactive movie? Please fuck off and die. These are just excuses you made up because youre a fucking tranny faggot.
But them calling me gay for not wanting to play as a woman isnt? Please unironically end your life you disgusting piece of faggotry. I hope you get cancer and I hope your children die before you do.
chicks don't play videogames
Only if you're an anime girl.
At least he'd have children.
What games I could play as a girl?
This feels like fucking inception...
Why does it say Player 1 under your name? Because that character represents YOU and who you are at that fucking moment.
>So you don-t see a character as a manifestation of your in-game self
No I don't.
>but rather an interactive movie
I don't play Telltale "games" you cancerous shitstain. I prefer games that actually have gameplay.
Cooking mama, barbie and nintendogs now fuck off
I want new games
I told you to read the definition and you didn't. Here's a screencap if you're too lazy to google.
Listen you fucking disgusting 1 bit whore (I call yo 1 bit and not two bit because women only have 1 bit that matters, their loose little cunt, yours is so loose that a slight tug would see it come off your body altogether but I digress)-
You are not welcome here. Nobody wants you here. You come to this board and what do you see? Men discussing the ACHIEVEMENTS OF MEN. Nobody has ever come to this board and made a thread a female for anything other than mocking and laughing. We talk about men here. We worship men here. We praise men. We are inspired by men. I don't want to hear your fucking Muculent cunt lips slapping together, still trying to get down the last of the cum that some fucking back alley stick waving iceman shot over them. No. I want to talk Kojima, or ZUN, or George Kamitami, or Kamiya. You know what all these men have in common? They fuck women. But they hate women. I hate women. Sup Forums hates woman. I know that as I type this I have all of Sup Forums standing behind me, chucking their penises into the air in triumph, as we say
But you are playing as a girl, therefore you cannot say you aren't playing an interactive movie because you aren't a fucking female, you detach yourself from the game completely, you might as well watch a movie withthat mindset.
>Islam is clear in its prohibition of homosexual acts. Islamic scholars cite these reasons for condemning homosexuality, based on teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah: It clashes with the "natural" order in which God created human beings. It brings destruction of the family and the institutions of marriage.
Explain to me how thats any different than what I jus fucking said?
>the same religion that allows CP
Fuck off and kill yourself mudslime.
Nice pasta, did you make it yourself?
>What games I could play
Look online and take your pick. There's a plethora of games on every system from NES to XBox to PS3.
>as a girl
tits or gtfo
I want a game where I go on a full blown genocide where only females are the expendable bad goons. Why is it okay for females to eradicate males, but not the other way around. True sexism.
You control them, they are not supposed to be an EXACT representation of you. Unless it's an RPG with character creation, they're supposed to be their own character and you just control them.
>because you aren't a fucking female
>implying I'm not
You can't play as a girl in PS4?
You could play gta5 and just change the ped grouos to all female and go to town killing them. Me, personally I like to torture them in hitman games.
>bringing islam into it
Way to oust yourself, Sup Forumstard.
Final Fantasy XV has an all-male party
Does it have games?
>Jason's game Friday the 13th
There you go
Please fuckign read, when did I say exact representation ever? They represent your avatar of whom you want to be represented as in the fucking game. Who represents you, not who is you. I want to be represented as a male, because I am male.
I think so. It's a game system, right?
This thread sure wasnt made by vice gaming or kotaku staff writers because they have nothing else to report on. No siree
Then play games with males as protagonists? Do you think every single game that has existed in the world is supposed to pander to you?
No that's modding and modding defeats the purpose. I want a game that's officially about a name protagonist surrounded by expendable female only goons. The vice versa of Tomb Raider.
Then if you are fuck off and leave this thread. You werent welcome here in the first place you fat fucking tumblr hag.
Its ps4 only therefore it sucks cock
That game is fucking lame though, even if it is a male character. I have to be interested in the game first. A planet overrun by mechanical beasts seems really cool, or a planet overgrown and taken by clicking zombies sounds cool, or being an ninja android in a dystopian future looks cool but unfortunately they've failed the 2nd checkmark by not being a male protagonist and the 3rd checkmark by not being on PC or being on it too late.
No but why does it pander to a minority instead of the majority? It makes 0 fucking sense, 5% of the population of gamers vs. The other 95%. Women have no right to even fucking say anything after making fun of us for playing videogames for decades. They should enjoy what they get and be happy for it, not beg for more.
>you might as well watch a movie withthat mindset.
You're a dense motherfucker, aren't you?
An interactive movie means there is typically more cutscene that gameplay. (See: Asura's Wrath, any Telltale game)
If I enjoy using a controller to make a character run around onscreen, dodge bullets, collect ammo, solve puzzles, grab platformers, etc...that is less "Omg that's me doing the thing!" (the self insert method you are asserting) and more "Holy shit this game is fun!" (the actual applied agency needed to get the main character [whoever it is] from point A to point B around obstacle C).
Is that clear enough for you, or are you about to fall back on to the 'muh self insertion' rhetoric?
>*Also on on Windows 10
what was the last game you played where you were an overweight shut in that does nothing but eat and browse Sup Forums
can YOU relate to any fucking game youve ever played? or do you genuinely think youre kratos or any other such charcaters
Girls are rubbing their icky vaginas all over your precious vidya right this moment and there's nothing you can do to stop them.
Well then there's your answer.
>You werent welcome here in the first place you fat fucking tumblr hag
>implying I'm female
>implying I'm tumblrina
>Buy a indie game
>Is the same pile of dogshit but with worse graphics, absent gameplay swapped with a boring self-fulfilling story and there's a political agenda spread all over it
Not every single male is this insecure about their gender. Don't think that just because you have this opinion, everyone must have the same opinion too.
You might want to think, that just maybe, it's supposed to pander to males. Maybe people just like cute girls.
This would be nice, maybe try postal?
I fucking hate bald characters, it even bothers me that agent 47 has no hair.
Yeah instead of rubbing them on this dick they are ruining and trifling in affairs to which they know nothing about/have very little interest in.
>insecure because I want to play as my own gender
Please explain? I like cute girls too, just not becoming one or controlling one. You people have no concept of vicariousness
Who the fuck buys video games past the age of 16 anyway?
I download most but I've bought some like Torchlight 2, Dark Souls, etc to enjoy the co-op with my gf.
You're not alone, user. Plenty of gamers hate playing the opposite sex. This is a major factor to why female protagonist games don't sale as well as their mail counterparts.