Is BotW the Bloodborne of Nintendo?

is BotW the Bloodborne of Nintendo?

Other urls found in this thread: most searched e3 games&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA721CA721&oq=google most searched e3 games&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.6176j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Wii U should be 0 FPS, as it was cancelled for that system

Switch should be 25 Docked, 10 Undocked

>switch 60fps
>Wiiu 30fps
Fucking kek


Nobody gives a fuck about BotW so no.

>winner of E3
>nobody gives a fuck
I'm sorry to pop your bubble, but not everyone shares your hivemind, in fact you're a minority

>winner of E3
According to literally who?

This guy got BTFO so hard by Breath of the Wild winning E3 that he it opened a dilation into a new dimension.



No, Splatooniverse is

Have you been living under a rock?

Bloodborne is boring as shit and this looks like it might be fun, so no.

>"games journalist"'s opinions
>polls with no source

It was also the most searched for game and the most talked about.

>three sony games made the list
>nintendo's only game made the list


these were the first 2 google results, feel free to look by yourself and you'll see everyone agrees, Zelda won

is there a new zelda? this is the first i've heard of it. Well I hope you nintendo fans finally get a game that doesn't suck.

You really dont learn, do you?


You're fucking retarded if you think anybody is gonna buy your bullshit without any legitimate sources.

>Nintendo's reveal was hours of unscripted gameplay
>Sony's reveals were pre rendered trailers
Really boggs the noggin

quality > quantity

literal stampedes to get to the zelda booths

8 hours line to play zelda

BotW will easily outsell the 2 million that Bloodborne made.

someone post the bag of dicks poster that got BTFO by Splatoon most searched e3 games&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA721CA721&oq=google most searched e3 games&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.6176j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

yeah that's what they said during the ps1 era...and ps2 era...and ps3 era....and ps4 era.................and...................

Horizon, spiderman, god of war, etc etc all had gameplay, nice delusion retardo.

The Wii U didnt even sell 2 million units in its lifetime, you're fucking retarded if you think the switch will get even half of that.

not with that art style. squirmish all you want, for a game to be good it needs to be an all-arounder.

good gameplay, graphics, story, etc. and that quasi cel-shade is divisive and unfitting.

that's because playstation owners aren't literally gamestarved and required to buy sony games, unlike nintendo console owners. It's literally buy botw or....NOTHING.


spiderman gameplay?

That's some fucking delusion, they literally didn't show any. Also this is apparently gameplay.

Well, yes. Because it is looking to be a launch title, or at least a little after the launch.

>The Zelda trailer from earlier this year at E3 now has 10,456,696 views.

>The God of War trailer now has 14,415,404 views.

I honestly think people are going to be shocked by how this game will sell. It's going to sell a decent amount, but no the blockbuster that everyone keeps saying.


>hold the stick up to walk in a straight line while your wife's son talks to you
>find monster
>spam square and triangle
>proceed to kill monster with QTE
that isn't gameplay, sorry

3 or 4 millions

That's because there's one GoW video and tons for Zelda.

>games besides bloodborne
that's a good joke

A trailer is free to look at
Buying another garbage Nintendo console isnt

I dont get how these autism riddled children still dont understand that.

I literally don't think there is a console fanbase that hates the company they bought from more than Playstation owners. That's absolutely hilarious.

nice cherry picking you cunt

Why does Sony's 1st party software sell like such shit?

there you go


Its still walk down hallway while the ""emotional"" story plays out until you run into the amazing combat which still consists of mashing square, only down there's way less enemies and all of them are in front of you and no cool chains.

nice cherry picked sales list retard. nintendo games HAVE to sell well on nintendo platforms because there's nothing else to buy. playstation and xbox owners have a full third party AAA library to chose from. A call of duty game on ps4 has probably sold more than every nintendo game combined.

About a minute of that video is actual gameplay though. The rest is "cinematic" walking.

Wii U must have godlike attach rate

This thread is about exclusive games you fucking idiot.

Daily reminder the market is mostly normies
they aren't brand loyal ausists like you, they bought the ps4 because it was the popular gaming machine, like wii was
Now switch is taking ps4 place

>gameplay isn't gameplay

Ok retard, feel free to kys.

Not a chance and anybody who says so like sucking their daddys dick.

COD was on Wii U as was EA sports shovelware, they didn't sell as well because Nintendo fans have better taste.

says fucking who you nigger? it's about fucking GAMES. Stop altering the "rules" to fit your rhetoric cocksuckers. Games are games, period. No one in the real world restricts themselves based on your retarded parameters. Kill yourself retard.

>nintendo fans have taste
>buying shitty nintendo hardware and kiddy games


>my baby first Skyrim/Minecraft

>another sparsely populated open world game
yea don't delude yourself user.

Yeah, i bet Nintendo fans also didnt buy Arkham City because they had "better taste".

You're actually retarded, i really wish euthanasia is legal in your area soon.

might as well call music boxes gameplay machines because you have to spin a lever to make the scripted song play itself


pick one

>"Is BotW the Bloodborne of Nintendo?"
>question implies the fact that other system owners are pissed that BotW isn't on their console like Bloodborne did
>two exclusive games

See Obviously those games are so shit that nobody bies them

Haven't Nintendo been dumbing down the gameplay for the normies?

Nintendo first party titles are typically better than western AAA shovelware trash. And when they suck Nintendo fans don't buy them (see Color Splash, SFZ, Federation Force).

They didn't buy a low effort shitty port? That reflects positively on them then.

>get btfo
>move the goalpost

Ok, prove they're shovelware. List all 1200 games and point out the ones you consider shovelware, you cumguzzling shitstain.

>editting Wikipedia just to troll on Sup Forums
not cool. I'm reverting your edits now

>DQ7 is the low
It hurts.

Because if it's not exclusive, why wouldn't you just play it on a superior PC?

>They didn't buy a low effort shitty port? That reflects positively on them then.
They brought a low effort shitty console, though.

OF COURSE you feel japanese shovelware trash is better than "AAA shovelware trash", otherwise you wouldn't delude yourselves into buy their garbage hardware that only plays nintendo games.

>72-80 on Metacritic
>Gets 81
Wow its almost as if it barely made the cut. Pretty shit score for a first party IP as well.

Sold over 5 million copies

Yea the game is still rated as garbage though and from playing the store demos I found it to be boring as fuck.

Sports games are shit to yet sell millions doesn't make them good games especially if you're console only relies on first parties.

Why would I play videogames on a workstation at work? How is PC at all relevant to this conversation you retarded autist? Also, are all movies somehow less valuable because they can be played on multiple devices? Would Fox movies all of a sudden be good because if Fox only released them on the Fox movie player that only played Fox movies? Kill yourself retard.

no. bloodborne sub 30 fps

it wasn't even that good

You believe this game is going to be better?

all that scripted Horizon gameplay

spiderman had gameplay? i could swear weve only seen 30sec in engine stuff

and gotta love that the God of War "Cinematic Experience"

If the movie was optimized to work best on a Fox movie player and was a good movie, yeah.

you're obviously just a troll, but are you the most behind with gaming news on earth aswell?

So you're retarded?

I scripted your mother onto my cock for a true cinematic experience. Her titties had great gameplay.

I'm not the one who made a completely braindead analogy that involves movies (big shock coming from the Sony fanboy). So no, at least not when compared to you.

I agree

>games on a workstation
>calls others braindead

yeah sure, I'm sure you're just drowning in pussy while you play nintendogames in your underwear while playing spreadsheets you retarded faggot. kys.

Are you Phil Fish? Who the fuck calls a computer a workstation anyway?

video games and movies are a type of media for entertainment. bluray player "A" isn't any less valuable to a consumer just because a fucking "PC" can play most of it's content, and it's certainly better than bluray player "C" that only plays Fox movies. You misinterpreted the analogy and then called ME braindead. the fucking irony.

>bluray player "A" isn't any less valuable to a consumer just because a fucking "PC" can play most of it's content
Except that makes one objectively better than the other, since PC can do all A can do but better and it can do more.
>and it's certainly better than bluray player "C" that only plays Fox movies
What if you only really like Fox movies, or just really want to watch them too?

It was debunked actually.

find me ONE PERSON that went to the store to buy a bluray player and said, eh you know what? I'll just buy this bigass PC instead to play movies on. I won't EVER fucking use the thing for anything other than this one function, but fuckit, I'll spend hundreds more and watch my movies on this bigass thing.

Get fucked retard. PC has no place in console discussions. The platform is a meme in relation to mainstream gaming. It's only good for playing assfaggots or ancient crpgs on toasters. Anyone who spends more than 400 on a pc just to game on it should consider a quick exit from the mortal coil.

oh, and before someone chimes in with >bbbut pc can do all of X!

fucking cellphones have taken over like 99% of the functions a regular consumer would use a PC for, or if they need to use spreadsheets, they can get a tablet or cheap as fuck laptop. Pc is literally irrelevant outside of work.

>find me ONE PERSON that went to the store to buy a bluray player and said, eh you know what? I'll just buy this bigass PC instead to play movies on
Are you at this point just calling Playstation games movies, or are you really this dense? Movies aren't played in real time like video games, hardware isn't nearly as relevant as a result. You already admitted the PS4 has no exclusives and that somebody with a capable PC can run games better than it. At this point I'm not really sure what you are arguing here, that consumers are as dumb as you and go for the inferior option even with full knowledge of its inferiority?

My argument is you're a delusional retard playing on a meme platform and trying to discredit ps4 against nintendo just because most of ps4's library is shared, yet somehow the more closed platform is better because it's better at the anti consumer practice of hording games, and then you brought up PC for literally no reason because you're a typical attentionwhore PCunt who feels obligated to tell everyone about pc. PC games are literally the homosexuals of gaming, in that homosexuals MUST LET EVERYONE KNOW they're gay, and that everyone has to deal with it. You're a literal and figurative faggot.

>the anti consumer practice of hording games
Fuck off commie. Exclusives drive competition, competition drives innovation and quality because companies are trying to out do each others success. Why do you think games are so shit these days?

it's already miles better from the snippets we've seen

>he's ok with anticonsumer policies

And I thought PC gamers were supposed to be all about freedom of platform? I cannot for the life of me wrap my mind around the idea of a bunch of pro freedom of platform gamers supporting the most anti consumer game dev in the world. I suppose it would be ok for Ubi soft or EA to start making their own closed platforms too, that only play Ubisoft and Ea games? I know I know
>they're shit anyway no loss hurr

But that's not the point. Making hardware for the explicit purpose of just playing YOUR OWN games if fucking garbage and anti consumer as fuck, I and cannot understand the hypocrazy of pc players supporting that shit, but you'll all throw a bitch fit for the occasional blood borne.

>Making hardware for the explicit purpose of just playing YOUR OWN games if fucking garbage and anti consumer as fuck
How is it anti consumer to assure the quality of your software by starting with the hardware?

60fps on Switch, never ever.

Did WiiU even sold 2 millions?

>Wii U - 25 with dips
>Switch - 40 with dips
>PS4/Pro/XBO - 0
>PC - 60


>assure the qualify of your software
>by releasing on your garbage hardware

Name ONE fucking wiiu game that absofuckinglutely needed to be on wiiu and couldn't have been better in any fucking way on a different platform, hell, pc included.

Also, explain in what way nintendo would be somehow magically hindered by making games on different platforms

>muh gimmic controls!

NOPE. There were plenty of DDR games and Guitar hero games that created their own controllers on consoles that weren't built specifically for those types of games, so nintendo has no excuse in that regard.