>ctrl F
>no filename thread
Ctrl F
This hurts
i loved this show
I never realized how bad this stuff was until now
If that's true, then why is the analog stick never wet?
Same reason leather doesn't give off heat, because the controller isn't alive.
That was the "we literally want to be any kind of show other than an animal documentary" right?
What the fuck
I never get tired of knowing how hulk hogan fucked that site so royally
Girl on the left
>Is anyone else seeing this shit?
>not just "From now on, you're Big Boss"
Why are you posting uncensored mantits
this world is trash
Depicting the mating habits of deepsea anglerfish. The males are tiny and parasitic, merging with the females permanently.
It's a visual of the mating process used by certain types of angler fish, represented by humans because why not. Angler fish live deep in the open sea, which is a big fucking place and as such males and females rarely stumble across one another, let alone often enough to mate repeatedly. The compensate for this, males of the species evolved to be much smaller and develop a complex physiology that allows them to attach to females and act as a replenishing, unobtrusive sperm bank. Over time the male and female bodies intertwine and they effectively become a single organism.
Nature is fun.
Oh, just like Manly Tears. I get it.
How was this program called? Loved that shit.
I donĀ“t get it
But why represent it as humans?
I already said, because why not.
That must tickle
Nope, fuck that shit, seen it before, not watching it again
The best part was hearing about the final trial results.
Something to the extent of
>the lawyers (for gawker) silently stood their with their mouths open
As if they actually thought they would WIN. What a bunch of assholes. They deserved to get fucked.
Please tell me this isn't real!
Sonyggers constantly pride themselves on their exclusives which are just loli waifu simulators
I know it's Sup Forums but
>he doesn't know his brain is infested with spiders already
It was from a show called "The Most Extreme" on Animal Planet. Each episode was themed, like Most Extreme Jumper, with it featuring fleas. They'd show what it would be like if a human could do the same thing. So they talked about fleas, and then showed that if a human had the same proportional jumping power as a flea then they could jump over the statue of liberty or something. Or like in my picture, this animal is so extreme it could eat X amount of it's own body weight, that's like if a human ate 3285 loaves of bread! As everyone else said, this episode featured angler fish.
As long as I don't see them and they kill me soon, so be it
>Here's a panty shot to distract you from how bad this "comic" is
The Most Extreme
Is that a fucking bulge?
Why does the Minotaur girl have a bulge?
Did he died
>Aired 2002-2007
>2007 was 9 years ago
My fucking god what I've done with my life all this time.
Story? I don't remember hearing about this.
That's not a girl, user.
And no, it isn't a puffy vulva, either.
I don't get it,
Boys can wear panties too.
Like I said, I'm paraphrasing, but it ended up being something around those lines when they reached a final decisions and the reports came in.
Guys can wear panties
The Sonata on the left is a cheap knock-off of the MB on the right. And no, it's not a coincidence, Hyundai's been pulling that shit forever.
Nothing, and you will do nothing.
Don't be silly, user.
I loved this show.
ahhh, I was thinking the class, not the game
I'm gonna go download that game now
Oh fuck I finally got this one.
I don't get it.
Is it because the characters in the game all play the same or "all anime girls look the same" or what?
holy shit that's good
Gawker illegally obtained and posted a sex tape with Hulk Hogan. They refused to take it down even after multiple cease and desists and acted like they were doing the right thing. Hulk Hogan took them to court and throughout the trial Gawker representatives were trying to be really "funny" and sarcastic. One of them even said that Gawker would post child pornography if it got them views. Hogan won by a landslide and Gawker was required to pay millions of dollars that it didn't have in damages. Not really sure what happened after that
Dr. K is the best one.