You ARE hyped for the Japanese gaming renaissance, right user?
You ARE hyped for the Japanese gaming renaissance, right user?
one of those games is already out eop
I'm getting all of these except Ni-Oh. 2017 is going to be a good year.
>all but one are sequels
Uh huh
This, also everything there is shit besides Persona 5
I hate when people say they like Japanese games and then post really westernized ones.
>all of these games that aren't out yet and I can't possibly have played are shit
makes you think
Please stick to vita gen and get the fuck out of this thread. Thx.
I mean you have a point on shit like GT and RE7 likely being shit but come on user, all of them?
really makes you think
I didn't know there are weeb elitists
>you have to play a game to know it sucks
How come you're skipping Ni-Oh?
Yes you do
Inb4 lel shit eatting analogy
>ace combat 7
pls explain
Don't care for Souls-like games and didn't enjoy the beta.
i thought MVCinfinite was being developed and released by the original studio who made Capcom vs Marvel Superheros and other teamfighting games like that. i believe mvc2 + 3 were outsourced games.
But none of those are Peach Beach Splash
When were western games ever better than japanese ones?
Seriously, name fucking 5 really good western games from the last 5 years. I'll wait.
itll have some decent tits but come the fuck on dude, they couldn't make a serviceable game if they tried
Call me when Capcom makes a new Darkstalkers instead of just more Street Fighter and Marvel.
>listing car autism amongst all those gems
What the fuck was OP thinking?
Yeah, the weebs who learned Japanese like to shit on the weebs that haven't.
Uncharted 4
The Last of Us
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
>i dont know what im talking about
>No KH2.8
It's like you don't even want me to circlejerk your shitty opinion.
Never going to happen. And if it does it won't be until capcom is making such gigantic revenue that they can eat the cost of doing something so risky.
>no Tekken 7
You shithead
What's "risky" about it? The series has a better track record than Street Fighter, with the huge bomb that was SF3.
Shitty 3hr campaign and a remaster of an awful 3DS game. I'll buy it when it's below $20.
>paid demo
>no yakuza 0
Why would OP list a 2015 game?
witcher 3
titanfall 2
divinity: os
hotline miami
I tried to find really good ones, but I'm curious to see what your list of 5 really good japanese games from the last 5 years looks like
Not sure what you're talking about but the game is confirmed to be the first internally (Japanese) developed Capcom fighter in a long time.
Gravity Rush
SMTIV and Apocalypse
Persona 5
Fair enough.
Only one I have doubts for is MvC:I, the current system sounds really flawed without supplementary footage.
>SMTIV and Apocalypse
I could see most of those, but Gravity Rush really fell flat for me.
I also think SMTIV was a good game, but not a really great one.
Played the first Witcher up to when your magician friend teleports you outside the city so you can flee the princess' wrath; that was enough to convince me that Witcher 3 is garbage.
My sister is playing The Last of Us right now and I've been watching her play (currently at a part where some guys captured the little girl and when they tried to rape her they find she's infected and the thing is cinematic after cinematic after cinematic after cinematic after cinematic after cinematic. I even asked her why was she watching The Walking Dead on the PS4.
If those two games are the best the western industry has, then I feel sorry.
Hyped as I'll ever be. Sony needs to continue delivering the greatness
I have faith in it based on the directors' credits. He was a programmer on so many great games it's impossible for him to have not picked a bunch of stuff up. And I don't think these games can get worse than Marvel 2, which I thought was fucking awful.
Only game I remotely care about here is NIOH
>playing the first witcher convinces you the third is shit
come on, don't be a fucking retard
The list I posted was a joke aside from Doom, user.
The games in the same series are always the same (unless you have an abnormal situation like Resident Evil 4).
Are you telling me that The Witcher 3 has actual gameplay instead of being a glorified VN where you're an errand bitch boy?
I'm not sure what you mean by "actual gameplay", but it's an open world game so there's quite a bit to do and explore.
>Open world
Ok, The Witcher 3 is even worse than I thought.
Thanks for confirm my fears, user.
rival schools please
GT Sport is literally the only game on there I care about. I think it's a bit of stretch to call it a particularly japanese game anyway.
Wasn't MGSV on your list?
Are you just a giant hypocrite or what?
Witcher 3 exploration was fucking terrible. The worlds were dotted with nothing but leveled loot chests, you got nothing from exploration.
More interested in new God of War to be honest.
I'm burnt out of Souls and clones of souls
Every single GT game I've played has felt like ass
Meh, the first game was a nice gimmick but it doesn't really interest me all that much
No. I've gotten to the last month of P3 recently and havent touched it in months. 80 hours of turn based combat becomes a slog after around 30 invariably
>Ace Combat
Might be cool
Might be fun
I'm looking forward to everything besides RE and MVC.
RE will be dogshit and MvC will be more locked away content etc buy season pass etc, typical Crapcom shit.
You also find some side quests that way, and neat locations, but I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for.
Witcher 3's combat is just as bad as the previous entries, but in a different way. I'm truly amazed people can play this game and not constantly complain. It really makes me wonder how CDPR is going to approach combat in Cyberpunk
>implying RE7 or new Ace Combat will be good
Enjoy your Naughty Dog God of War movie
No Man's Sky says Hello Game(r)s :^)
>Ace Combat 7
>Gravity Rush
>worse than dating sim 2017
The fuck? where did I mention MGSV?
Would you prefer it to be "combat" that consists of nothing but clicking through menus and watching the same animations over and over again like every JRPG?
RE7 sounds amazing from all the previews. It's basically REmake in first person. I get if you like the action games more though
I asked you for a list, and I received one here:
I guess this wasn't you then.
I think perhaps you should post your list so we can get on the same page here.
Battle Garegga contents arrive in a few days, and I'll be getting DQ11.
Maybe there'll be something that's out or to come along which I haven't really thought about getting before; I was half tempted to get Summon Night 6 when it was on sale, and maybe I'll get a Yakuza game for once. Maybe.
I won't be getting any of the games listed in OP pic.
Why are you comparing an action RPG like Witcher to something with a turn based menu? Those aren't comparable.
>Ok, The Witcher 3 is even worse than I thought.
I'm currently playing Witcher 3 and I hate open world medieval fantasy. I can't stand Skyrim for 15 seconds, just because of the setting, even Fallout works better for me.
But Witcher 3 is such a great game, that I can happily overlook that and still return to the game every day progressing forward. Even if that means that I have to pretend that Geralt is just enjoying a very well written holodeck novel on his spaceship.
It most likely will be the only medieval fantasy RPG I ever play from start to finish in my whole life.
>preferring fucking fallout to medieval fantasy
The only way this sentence makes an iota of sense is if you specified Tolkien ripoffs, because that shit is ridiculously unacceptable and has been for the past decade.
Awful, awful taste there user.
not really, not one of the games in OP is half as good as anything he listed. DQ11 alone blows them all out of the water.
What's the point? You're going to tell me how my taste is shit and I'm the worst person in the world for not sucking Gerard of Rivia's penis.
spoken like someone so terrified of being judged they cant even stand by the games they like. Different user, by the way; I love Neptunia and I give no fucks what any of you dicksuckers think of that.
>preferring fucking fallout to medieval fantasy
I can simply relate better to other settings than to medieval sword swordsmen with potatos.
Yet Witcher 3 has enough great things to offer, that I don't have to drop it because the protagonist moves by horse.
>No Ys 8
Shame on you EOP
Maybe we could have a conversation on level ground and I could understand what type of games you enjoy, rather than you just doing to me what you are suggesting I am going to do to you (shittalking with impunity).
There's literally nothing wrong with autism.
>more of the same
like what? grizzled war vet reluctant to go back to murdering does so anyways out of loyalty to family/country? Kawaiiuguu animu moeblob dons a mech suit and beats the shit out of the bad robots?
Who /AC7/ here
All those games will sell under 300000 copies.
>thinks GT won't be shit.
Oh user... ignorance really is bliss, isn't it?
P5 has already sold 500,000 copies, and P4, a Vita game, sold that much in the west. You're deluded if you don't think it'll break 300k.
Persona 5 sold 337,000 copies in the first 3 days it was out in Japan.
I just played the NieR demo and I am psyched for the release, the rest I don't really care about though. I might look into the new Ace combat game
Persona 5 did more than that in Japan alone, and the PS4 is barely selling there.
P5 came out on the PS3 as well.
I stand corrected. One game will break 300,000 copies.
Persona 5 is the only good one there senpai
You're a retard with no idea about sales
Just fuck off
You're fucking clueless.
We shall see, user. We shall see.
Resident Evil 7, Gran Tusimo and Marvel will all break 1mil with ease though.
You have lost your god damn mind.
ooo, is ace combat 7 coming out for PC?
he's right about the first two, probably not for mvc
>I get if you like the action games more though
The thing is I don't mind the 'over the shoulder' view RE4 and up took. I wish it was still more about survival horror (save ammo, you don't have to kill EVERY enemy, keep your health up, save herbs etc scarce ammo etc) but then I feel that style would negate the over the shoulder approach. It's more action oriented style as opposed to the tank controls that allowed more 'survival' to play into it.
Maybe I'm just an old fuck.
take out shit racing game for ni no kuni
Yup that's what happens when you have actual game competition and choices. Most of those publishers will be happy as shit to clear half a million worldwide. That's all they need. Meanwhile I have like 12 fucking good games in 3 months to choose from. There is nothing bad about this scenario.