Good MOBA's don't exi-
Good MOBA's don't exi-
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That's not how a candle jack thread works dude you for...
no other could hold a candle to the ability of this meme to jack the thre
DotA isn't a MOBA
god damn, it's been a long while since I've seen a candlejack thread. Probably about three ye-
>hyphen or ellipses
>finally play this game after all the shilling
>Sup Forums tells me to play dragon knight
>get my ass beat
good riddance
>being a shitter
good riddance
>playing this shit
good riddance
There are people who will unironically reply to this thread without saging.
You know what fuck it, Sup Forums's so retarded that this will get 200 replies anyways.
That's a funny way of spelling league of legends OP. League has better art, better music and better character dialogue than your shitty game.
It also requires far more mechanical skill and is all around the superior game.
Dota 2 has inferior waifus. This is unquestionable.
Dota 2 has inferior players, they are defensive, they have a massive inferiority complex compared to their more popular competitor. Remember that Russians may look white, but in their mind they are subhuman.
Dota 2 has inferior animation, the character models move in stilted, awkward ways.
fucking turn rates lmao
>tfw you win 2 hour long game and then remember it's just for +23 pts
That's how you start wondering what you're doing with your life
>that shit argument
good riddance
>using the term ASSFAGGOT
You're only embarrassing yourself.
You have to put too much time to get good and when you're good playing still feels like work. I wouldn't recommend MOBAs to anyone. I still play it every now and then though because Ability Draft.
there are only 2 recognizable MOBAs, if someone is saying good MOBAs dont exist, they have obviously considered Dota 2
>league of everyone has a nuke, dot/three hit combo, and escape/initiate
Dota 2 was almost good. Then they turned it into Angel Arena.
League was never good.
>implying overwatch isn't better
good riddance and into the TRASH you go
Out of the songs you posted only Camille is good though.
DotA got ruined by this dogshit new patch so who gives a fuck anyways.
>how i feel when i get matched with 6k's.gif
>you lose those points in a 20 min stomp next game
>Plays game for imaginary points
>Not because they find the game enjoyable
>using the term moba
lolbabbies get out
>league having better music
ya ok
Game is enjoyable, but if you compete all you care for is points. You've never played on ladder in any game before?
all memes aside it really is amazing how far League is behind DOTA from a technical and client standpoint
i don't play both because they're shit but why do people play LeL when they charge you for heroes and have an adobe air client without replays or a fucking sandbox/training mode
I have played on a ladder.
I have never played -for- a ladder and anyone who does is fucking braindead.
yeh fuck you buddy
Because it's the superior game. Simple as that.
Is Jax still the best hard carry in League?
Two words.
Hero design.
Most people I know that play LoL are huge weebs and most of them also confirm they don't like Dota because of the lack of waifus.
DotA 2 is fun as fuck except the community is god awful at the game and to each other
Getting yelled at by spics and fat white nerds is not fun
>play one game
>arent instantly good at it
>give up
well, youre never gonna be good if you arent given the illusion of being good to begin with, because then you'll think you have nothing to improve on
>forced meta
>handholdy "get out of dying free" spells
>cookie cutter character archetypes
>boring scale stat stick items
>snowbally as fuck
Going by stats on, he's mediocre right now, but somehow better in the jungle than top lane.
>Meta allows for more focused and higher quality game design.
>"HURR WHY DONT IT DO BIG DAMAGE???" ~Brain of the average Dotard
>"Oh boy I wonder what Warcraft 3 model they're going to add in next!"
>"I don't know what the items do."
>"I don't know how to play from behind"
>"I don't know how to play from behind"
You mean the professionals that these stats are coming from don't know how to play from behind? It's weird that they're the top players in the game if they don't know how to play it properly.
You should've posted LoL instead of Dota though. League S7 is the best PC game out now.
>two guys who clearly don't like the MOBA they didn't select to stick with and invest thousands of hours in try to argue that their one is better even though neither of them understand the MOBAs they don't like
>NOOoo the one I've played thousands of hours in is better than the one YOU'VE played thousands of hours in!
Every time.
I'm sure there's a psychological term for having a heavy bias towards something you invested a lot of time into and reject all others in the same field.
>Meta allows for more focused and higher quality game design.
Focused design in a strategy game is bad design. Limiting options and forcing playstyles is not a good thing.
>"HURR WHY DONT IT DO BIG DAMAGE???" ~Brain of the average Dotard
No argument
>"Oh boy I wonder what Warcraft 3 model they're going to add in next!"
Gameplay design, not visual design you fucking retard
>"I don't know what the items do."
No argument
>"I don't know how to play from behind"
gold advantage winrate statistics from professional tournaments don't lie
jungle's fucking ruined
You spelt Legacy Paragon wrong
>level 11 Meepo can steal every bounty rune in less than a second
Literally overpowered
>lel good at anything but snowballing and surrendering at 20
I'll bite.
>better character dialogue
Now I don't know the current status but last time I checked, Warlock's Golems had more voice lines than some league champs
How long till the ASSFAGGOT bubble pops?
How long till FPS bubble pops?
what bubble?
Bubble is a metaphor for how long will it last commercially. Like the arcade bubble bursted when consoles came along.
Two more CoDs 1 battlefield and halo
>But Titanfall
titanfall 3 wont sell enough or keep a big eniugh player base to keep the fps genre alive same with Overwatch TF2 and counter strike, insisting that they would is like saying the melee fags can keep Nintendo afloat
your so blind, I feel not but sympathy for your poor child
wish her model wasn't so gross
they plan on updating it someday yea?