This man ruined FFXV. Had he not done that retarded review for the normies the game wouldn't be discounted 50% 3 weeks post release. Can you believe the very next episode he praises Battlefield One as one of the best games ever. How can someone with such shit taste do so much damage?
This man ruined FFXV...
Other urls found in this thread:
t. jimmy fallon
He talked about being really big history buff and ww1 being a period in time that he was really interested in and then said nothing about all the historical inaccuracies
going by the japs sales numbers they seem to share his opinion
U still mad
FF ruined itself. All it had to do was not be trash.
Are you complaining that somebody made one of your favorite games cheaper??? Really? People complain because companies lower their prices on videogames?
Please tell me you're retarded
This pic was taken Day 1 (ONE)
It means they are less likely to make more of the same style of game you narrow minded retard
A) You are a faggot.
B) Nobody listens to Conan or any one source for that matter.
C) He was right about FF and BF1. FF is for FF fans whereas BF1 has broad appeal.
Is this why Nintendo gave the Switch to Fallon?
Talk about good call. At least Fallon's nerdgasming, while annoying and fake as all hell, is not damaging to the product being advertised.
Normies find nitpicking annoying. And by normies, I mean everyone who isn't autistic or a woman.
This isn't fair, how can we stop him bros?
Name the historical inaccuracies that he played through and have nothing to do with gameplay choices.
Nintendo was watching that shit. They played the waiting game.
Where is it discounted 50% at?
Good then? FF should really comes back to its root.
Friendly reminder that World of Final Fantasy exists for nostalgia fags
BF1 is an amazing game and people need to get over that fact
>b-but EA is evil!
So what, it's still spectacular
>At least Fallon's nerdgasming, while annoying and fake as all hell
dude, that's how Fallon really is. that's why i hated him in the first place.
Can FF please fucking die already so DQ can take its place?
You guys really need to get over xv. It sold 5 million copies and you can only cry about it.
DQ is a game for children.
Aww I'll explain it to the underagey so my pointy is cleary: if it got the discounty is becausey nobodyy bought ity. Conany doesn't have that muchy audiencey, honeyy. Your gamey is shity. Nowy cleary???
That's wasn't even english.
Better a kids game than fujoshi schlickbait with shit gameplay
did he really apologize for a video making fun of a disappointingly unfinished product?
It really isn't, manchild.
I like FFXV and I think his "review" is hilarious.
I swear it's like Sup Forums doesn't know the whole joke of Clueless Gamer is that Conan's a massive normie who doesn't "get it".
whatever you need to tell yourself, squirt.
So why did they let conan 'review' Sm4sh then?
I lost interest in all FF because of 13. fuck you squeenix you'll never recover.
I'm not the guy who's playing a game for children.
>Conan ruined XV
I think drawing funds from everything that SE was selling at the time and constantly aborting and rebirthing the game over 10 years was what did it my duder, but hey maybe it'll kill the shitshow of XIV and nuke the dead FF franchise into the meme hell it's made for itself.
I don't get the BF1 hype, to me 1942 was one of the best because they allowed modding, interesting maps and even pilotable ships/subs. Galactic conquest mod in 1942 was one of my favorite multiplayer experiences ever. Modding is what created BF2 thanks to Desert Combat and so on. When Bad company 2 hit it was clear they stopped trying to innovate
Every thing since then just seems like the same game with less stuff and more skinner box manipulation.
It was never development for that long.
His whose schtick is that he is not a gamer and knows nothing about games. That is his thing. His opinion alone would not change the opinions of many people who play videogames regularly.
If the game dropped in price so fast it might be BECAUSE THE GAME ACTUALLY FUCKING SUCKED rather than the actions of one man in a short segment for a show that is watched by a small fraction of the American population done more for comedic than journalistic purposes.
Yeah and Hellgate London was a financial success.
What did he mean by this?
Thank you!
I'm not sure if there is a 50% off listing, but Amazon has it for $39.99
I've never heard of that so it was probably a flop.
They really should stop.
For what?
Just like XV
Retailers don't buy that many copies unless they've already been paid for.
Everyone's heard of FF
Was ffxv even good though?
I was thinking of picking it up even though the last one i played was ff6 for snes.
What does the picture tell?
That most people get their vidya online.
>mfw Fag Fantasy 15 sold less than half of 13 in Japan
I hope the western sales are just as bad. The price drop both before and after release sure suggests that
It depends on how much you're willing to accept it has some massive flaws and enjoy it despite that.
it's the MGSV of FF, if that sounds good then try it
Full shelves with FF15 on day 1 in Japan.
I like it but you should wait for them to patch it before getting it.
nips don't get consoles anymore just compare the sales of 13 to that dragon quest heroes game or persona 5 to persona 4 golden
FFXV is a normie game.
>the game wouldn't be discounted 50% 3 weeks post release
CoCo is a nonfactor.
BF1 is better than FFXV
That usually happens during the holidays.
gee lie bee lie
Its not
fucking duh
jesus christ I'm retarded
every AAA game is a normie game, why does that matter?
t. cuck raising his wifes son.
Noone cares about Final Fantasy anymore in the year 2016. Plus they just cashed in on the open world gimmick? Make a new IP for god sakes stop riding off the coattails of dead franchises. No wonder video games are dying.
Just the fact that there are people out there now who legit think things like this, made it more than worth it.
He did it for his usual one-shot satire zing, but it just keeps on giving.
That is fucking hilarious.
>It's been out for 3 weeks already
>82 on metacritic
Is this the lowest a mainline Final Fantasy game has gotten?
vidya is doing better than ever, retard
Christmas is a thing
Iris is cute. CUTE!
pretty sure 2 and 3 has worse ratings
14 cucks BTFO
Good. It was the worst FF in a while.
link the single player version faggot
Actually giving a shit what a celebrity thinks of your stupid hobbie.
>in a while
>pretending 13 wasn't 3x worse
The game did especially bad in Japan though?
I want to buy it just to support the hot fan service boys, I don't even play on consoles anymore but damn do I love leather-clad Asian men,
>buy it for 50
>haven't even played it yet
>already 10 dollars cheaper
Enough is enough.
The nigger said mainline.
You should probably not buy games you don't plan on immediately playing.
Did you just walked out of your cave after a decade ? FF never been good since PS2.
>buying a new game before it hits $30 unless you're planning to play immediately
You have no one to blame but yourself, game prices drop like flies nowadays.
>tv personality convinced over 90% of the world not to buy a game.
it's even funnier because he was totally right. the story was just romeo and juliet + the original goal of FFX (muh pilgrimage and lineage).
I hope Square Enix takes this mess and gets their shit straight for the VII remake.
>discounted 50% 3 weeks post release
What went wrong?
Nothing Conan did had any meaningful impact anywhere except this particular internet cesspool, and none of it was meant to be taken seriously at all. I mean, for fuck's sake, they skipped hours of gameplay and then were confused why they had no idea what the fuck was happening.
People just latched onto the video because it coincided with the type of shitposting they liked to do.
There is no single player version you dipshit, XI and XIV are MMOs. How the fuck do you not know that?
>I hope Square Enix takes this mess and gets their shit straight for the VII remake.
That's like hoping liberals will learn from their mistakes this election
I was going to play it but Let it Die is too addicting.
About 13 years.