>College has fighting game club
>Decide to go
>Pretty much entirely asians and blacks, only a handful of whites
I felt like I didn't belong. So these are minority feels.
>College has fighting game club
>Decide to go
>Pretty much entirely asians and blacks, only a handful of whites
I felt like I didn't belong. So these are minority feels.
man up OP
>Implying the color of your skin matters when it comes to sticks
You's a bitch ass cumskin op
minority here
those clubs are just cliques that aren't welcoming to new people PERIOD
unless you beat the top dog
t. shy guy
So just be with the handful of whites you retard.
forgetting that OP is a fag
i present to you the 1st ch of Superior
Holy shit, so fighting game clubs are just a bunch of nerds pretending to be jocks?
>no spanish or native americans
what the fuck
way to force an insult, bud
All minorities are shit desu. Who knows what would have happened if Trump didn't win.
Why don't you start a smash bros club instead? That's how that shit got started isn't it?
are they racist?
there's already a handful of whites, how the fuck are they racist
Smash scene got started by reject whites? Top fucking kek.
stop being a piece of garbage who makes everything about race and go play vidya and make new friends
Are you afraid of your being small or something?, dick size doesn't matter, is about how you use it
Now, if they spoke a different language then that would be a little different, either way just go ahead and make friends instead of being a bitch
Asians are easiest for nerdass whites to get along with anyway, i should know
Actually you'd be surprised how many hate whites cause of how common WM/AF is
sorry bout the delay had to shit up another thread
>unless you beat the top dog
Seriously? That sounds like the premise to a wacky sports movie.
Sup Forums has warped your fragile mind. Your chance to make friends and you reject them because they're a different skin color.
>t. shy guy
way to invalidate everything you just said
gamers range between some of the most chill and most beta people alive, all you have to do is go up and start talking
i know its but apparently video game clubs are nothing but 90's era family movie type stories
no ive met plenty of gamers i was a fucking prez of one such club
it was the worst group of people i ever met
niggers and spics leave my board thanks
>President of the worst people you ever met
I wonder what that makes you?
How do you not belong? You play fighting games don't you? At some point in your life, you made a commitment put in the time and effort to git-gud, and now you've met other people who are doing the same fucking thing. Yet, because the color of your skin, culture background, and other shit you had no say in is different, you feel you don't belong? Just how fucking little do you respect yourself that you put your worth more on what others have put in you without your consent or knowledge than in the path you've made for yourself? Man up, ya lil bitch
an ex club president obviously
No, I don't give a shit if a club is full of white people, I care if they're assholes or not. Stop being the faggot that makes everything about race.
somebody with a brain on this fucking site
Is this the retard mentality of the south?
You are there with a common interest. It's not like you walk into a room full of people of the same color you automatically will get along, imbecile.
is this going to become porn?
Don't worry OP,
There's always the esports club, where the white people and fat asians belong with MOBAs and CSGO
>Uni has videogame club that meets in a large common area designed for lounging around TVs
>only consistent game is smash
>once in a blue moon BB or melty appears but I have yet to see them when i'm not in a rush for class
I can't believe someone would consider this as actual advice.
So long as you can play well, who cares about your skin color?
I hope you're not one of those retards who unironically believes everything Sup Forums says.
its one of the only examples where the villain is a FEMALE LOVE INTEREST
but no user if you want porn youll just have to find me on Sup Forums
Don't try to force it op. You will get your ass kicked and be known as the wedo who thinks he can game.
First fucking rule about fighting game club, jesus fucking christ. What an asshole.
It ain't forced, bro.
i swear to fucking god Google if i gotta spell Calle one more fucking time
Black people can't be your friends.
>Has never played arcade fighting games
How are you this sheltered?
Maybe they can't be your friends, but they can be mine.
>He fell for the alt right meme
blacks are some of the most chill and bro-tier gamers out there
unless they are nigger
'cuz yer black, figures they'll shank you and you know it. so will you
>Mfw OP was trying to make a Sup Forums thread and it backfired in his face
>unless they are nigger
so, all of them
sauce on this?
Oh boy is that a rare robby rotten pepe?
Video games
Superior and its sequel Superior Cross
personality and upbringing factor into the nigger equation
white people play melee you mongoloid
Seriously, you didn't know that the FGC was a non-white dominant fandom?
Smash exists just so you have a belonging.
Just in case this thread 404s, I wanted to say thanks for showing this to me. Looks like I got something new to read now.
your welcome
Halfway There
im done Sup Forums is not allowing me to post the 26th page well hope you guys read this underrated manga
That was fast
I like it
>grew up as the only white kid in a black apartment complex in the hood
>played fighting games and played basketball, never acted black but they never cared
>finally moved out of the hood
>now uncomfortable around too many white people
>black people in corporate america are even whiter than the white people
i just want to go back to the land of poverty and play cvs2 all day with my homies
>nigger equation
blacks never bothered me unless they wanted me to draw anime porn for them
growing up was weird
you good?
I agree with you OP
It's not about skin color yeah but some people are just too different to be friends and while all people are equal it's important that some groups keep to themselves.
I'm Armenian and I found all my friends from taking an Armenian class. Wouldn't have had any if I didn't take it.
not anymore its been about 15 years since i did any serious drawing
I tried to be friends with a bunch of asians my freshman year of college
holy fuck do they nonstop spout "WHITU DEVUL RAFF RAFF RAFF", stopped trying to even talk to them my second semester there, met some white friends and everything was smooth from there. Literally nothing lost
Why are blacks the KANGS of fighting games?
Because they're masters of thuggery.
>have yellow fever
>want a nice foreign asian girl to date
>they're always guarded by a pack of male asian friends and only speak their native language
I guess just masturbating alone at 25 is fine too.
Fuck that noise, now I know why races stick with their own
Join a pack of whites. If there are others in it, they'll conform as long as the ratio is large enough in the whites favor.
If the ratio is too large in the minority favor, it'll be spoiled by liberalism.
God I hate this nigger faggot so much, I'm certain he's never played morrowind or Fallout 1-2, but he'll suck todds dick every fucking year with another animation. All the way to becoming a whore for a shitty MMO that follows the typical WoW-tier amusement park bullshit.
How I yearn for what we once had...and his head smashed against a fucking rock.
>if so you have a bonus appeal stat to azns
The old people maybe, the current gen or "millenials" can't stand them.
Nope, Mexican but culturally I don't really fit in with Chicano/Cholo culture. Hell even familial Mexican culture is pretty tiring to be around.
Should I try and join a group of whites?
pigskin is overused ma boi
and that's not even forced
the definition for white tears on urban dictionary is forced
Minorities joining whites ONLY works if whites are the absolute majority, like 70%, otherwise minority culture bleeds in
The whole point is to be more white, not to be more minority. The white attitude avoids all the bullshit and noise and just is.
So yeah, if you can go for it. Take a joke, give a joke, but don't give a fuck at the end of the day.
As soon as you make race an actual issue, you're done.
Deal with it, whites have had no worthwhile racist terms to use against them.
>Cracker: Hurr I'm pointing out how your race used to dominate mine as human chattel
Meanwhile whites have created a racist slur for every fucking race.
Unfortunately, in a society of 'victimization culture', that's not an option
You can be as nice as you want, some minority will make it about race
>call out a nigger for making shit about his skin color
>other niggers back you up and shit on the other nigger for being such a nigger
Honestly, the only problem you'd have is when women are included.