Demo still just in the JP store, but it supports English.
NieR Automata Demo / 2B Ass Voyeurism Simulator
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>Taro releases game of the year in the form of a demo
Jesus christ this is going to be a fucking masterpiece
Watch the American demo have shorts under her skirt.
This isn't that new for Platinum but it keeps looking better each time they do it.
The sliding animation is fucking god tier
'muh diversity' faggots already whining about panty shots on a robot
But hey! tracer is lesbian so I'm glad for diversity!
Wait a second. Are they releasing action games with actual gameplay nowadays?
Nioh is still a step above it imo, the beta and alpa were amazing. Nier is shaping up pretty well though, kinda weird to see a Taro game like that
When can the west expect it? I looked for it a little before I found this thread.
To head off shitposting about this in advance, the game has already been rated M for the west, with 2B and co's exposed buttocks mentioned explicitly in the rating description as well as other nudity.
I didn't get that section of the fight. Is that only on harder difficulties?
Go away Aidsmoby, you have terrible taste in games.
no this is just a trick.
I don't understand why people are losing their mind over this game. The first Nier was good, but Drakengard 3 was an absolute travesty with story and gameplay and platinum hasn't had the best track record. I'm gonna remain skeptical till the full game releases. It was fun, though
>game made by the perfect people in every category
>extremely fun gameplay
>cute character interactions
>immense fanservice
>fucking no one will buy it
>normies will shit on this golden nugget for being too weird/hard/etc. and continue eating the heaping shitpile of modern AAA games
Why does a robot need to wear panties and a skirt? At least the devs were competent enough to remove the skirt getting damaged.
Did you play on easy you fuckin faggot?
>platinum hasn't had the best track record.
Their passion projects are very good.
tbf the people spending 15 minutes lining up perfect ladder upskirts just so people can quote them and with T H I I C CC CC and reaction faces are annoying too.
Drakengard 3 was fucking great, shame about the 15 fps though.
Can someone link me to a Neogaf meltdown thread?
>Tfw mom just walked in and my boner was practically ripping through my sweats
Wew, this game lads.
This demo alone is already better than Drakengard 3
Some intersection of action-starved Platinum fans, deluded Square-Enix fanboys, and the weird sex perverts who like Taro games.
Also the game looks pretty good.
On Normal
What outlet will write a 25 paragraph """article""" about 2B's ass? Waypoint or Kotaku via Jason Scherareirer?
I got it on normal and hard.
>two of the best games of this year were demos
What did Japan meant by this?
But they won't be shoving it in everyone's throats like it's the norm
>Better have pantyshots in every game or you're racist
People are excited because Platinum Games is handling the combat, something notoriously bad in Taro games.
That's good though user, don't preorder, don't buy into the hype, see what the game offers first before buying.
I gave up after the fucking ice moon section. I just didn't want to play anymore, especially knowing that final boss.
I'll probably rent it again for a third time
Maybe you're just bad then. I got it on normal.
What's the point of making a robot so thick?
Like what? All of their games of been mediocre at best. Rising was 4 hours long, vanquish was repetitive as fuck, and Bayonetta 2 was largely forgettable
or maybe I just bit if too fast
there is no meltdown, it's like two people complaining about her ass and everyone else saying who cares.
Who cares?
No really. Who actually cares?
Welcome to video games after Halo and Call of Duty 4.
>He doesn't sport a boner during boss fights for extra hype
Ok lads I know nothing about this franchise and this game, whats the tldr of everything? Is she a grillbot? Why is she so healthy and beautiful looking? Btw my favourite pic found in the archive, not sure how many threads are we in already.
>>two of the best games of this year were demos
Furi and Darkest Dungeon are not demos.
>NieR sequel
>Taro at the helm
>Platinum gameplay
>Is actually GOTY material
What timeline are we in?
Honestly to get the most of Drakengard 3 you need to play the prequel DLCs which add a lot in terms of the plot background/characterization but they cost $30 from what I remember.
Because it's hot as fuck. If I were making a robot I'd do the same thing
Don't worry user, you'll get a third tomorrow with Gravity Rush 2's demo.
Very Hard shouldn't be Hell and Hell desu, Hard is too easy
No, it wasn't. You're a blind fanboy. The story was absolute edgy shit with a conclusion that everyone saw coming. And the N64 graphics running at 5 FPS didn't help. at least Drakengard 2 was a playable game.
When page 0 has 11 threads about it, someone might.
>tfw she shoos away the camera if you try to look up her skirt
Why does the writer, artist and director have to be restricted about what their are doing with their works?
well it wasnt nearly as good as the Nioh demo, but still breddy good
definitely gonna get the game when it comes out
>remove OS chip
>game over
>Rub the dualshock touchpad
>this happens
MGR 2 electric boogaloo.
Can't wait for all the "Oh man this game was crazy, but that fucking story was stupid" and the memes.
Is there a chance that this game will actually do decently in sales, since they're hyping it a fair bit and it has the appeal of looking like a very stylish Platinum title?
here's your (you)
welp time to jump back into the demo
Because of MY feelings, it's almost 2016 come on.
>it's another edgy female protagonist
Why taro
I lvoe the dynamic music. The theme that plays throughout the demo has like 4-5 different versions that blend into each other depending on if you're fighting or which area you're in or even the menu
It's a Taro game so no.
You purchase that 189 US dollar collector's edition yet, user?
Akihiko Yoshida wills it.
>normies will shit on this golden nugget for being too weird/hard/etc.
fuck off, "oppressed" weeb. nobody does this. in fact, normalfags love bayonetta now after smash bros which is alot weirder than this
>but that fucking story was stupid
>in a Yoko Taro game
>implying japanese devs will care
>implying Platinum will care
>implying Taro will care
It's been said more than once that they aren't looking for a major crowd.
Why would they actually care?
If they actually already took out the clothing damage than that's about as much as they're going to take out.
Yes and only for the game and the artbook, i will sell the figure right away. And fuck Squenix for always having a shit ton of shipping
When's the demo coming to US Store. Don't wanna hassle myself into making a Japanese account to play this.
Drakengard was fucking stupid.
If 2B's skirt happens to flick up briefly during an awesome combo, that's one thing. Being able to deliberately angle the camera so you can look up her skirt is, well, disgusting.
Nobody likes censorship, but stuff like this needs to stop.
If you go to sleep now it'll be up when you wake up
About 11 hours I believe.
you can make an account in like 60 seconds.
How come no one on plebbit is hype for this?
Don't tell me how to fucking play a video game
I'm fucking serious
about 11 or 12 central time tomorrow.
>nobody likes having to move the camera in a way you'd never move it except to see her pantsu
fucking kill yourself you tumblr tier faggot
Well to be honest it's square who calls the shots sadly
Beat it twice already
It's fucking good.
Looks like ass though even on PS4 Pro. Definitely needs a bump in texture quality, so lets pray the PC version does just so.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
No, the story was good, it was a morally grey tragedy like Nier. Did you read the prequel novellas and play the DLCs?
~10 hours until it hits US PSN
dunno about Euro
~never for PC
I agree with the user who mentioned that's probably going to have to be used to get an ending or something. I'd be surprised if it wasn't.
Yeah, I can't wait for Digital River to throw it in a thin shopping box 3x too big with no padding
If some retarded dickless cunt complains about pantyshots for the umpteenth time on some trash forum like neoGAF, that's one thing. But ironically shitposting about pantyshots on Sup Forums is, well disgusting.
Nobody likes dead threads, but stuff like this needs to stop.
Eurofags should already have it.
To be fair, it IS racist to not have pantyshots in a game.
Just make an account. It's worth having it for the future too.
Making an account is ridiculously easy.
Is this on pro?
Why are you even here
>pressing triangle in the air with the bare fists equipped as your heavy weapon
Is it 60 fps on 4thePro?
Not yet on EU psn.