Oh right, its another "lets squeeze every penny from this game without adding anything of real value" episode.
Oh right, its another "lets squeeze every penny from this game without adding anything of real value" episode.
I'm impressed you've stuck with it long enough to see the update. I jumped ship years ago
Comic fucking when
Except that's wrong you idiot
They made welcome changes to casual matchmaking to help balance teams without using autobalance, updated some maps, allow choosing your region in comp and casual, and fixed a bunch of bugs
>mfw the Heavy's new taunt already made it worth it
If you don't like it, go play Overwatch.
>Remember valve made a joke about how slow the comic updates saying something along the lines of "Tune in next year for the next installment!"
>We're currently at 16 months
By the end of the year (code for: Jay Pinkerton is a blubbery fag who takes on other projects and doesn't meet the deadlines he promises)
Sure the comic is free but leaving people hanging is a dick move regardless
>2 Monkey King comics nobody asked for
>no TF2 comic
Have they ever explained the reason for the massive delays between each one?
Makani can't be that fucking slow at drawing.
They take on too many other projects at once ie monkey king
>a bunch of changes that should have been in years ago
Who thought this up
Which are now in, so what's your problem? They're something of value
Don't hurt your back moving those goalposts user
who cares, tf2 is dead
it's overwatch's time now
>it's overwatch's time now
Lovin every laugh shill
Overwatch is gay now.
Time to go back to tf2
*glances at TF2 player stats*
*glances at Overwatches*
Loving every laugh indeed.....
who cares,overwatch is dead
its paladins' time now
Oh my god
>He unironically uses *s to get a point across.
>Especially whenever Tf2 is still 3rd most played game on Steam and Blizzard doesn't even release player count.
I'd call you a faggot but you'd either see it as a compliment or think I was flirting.
Jay Pinkerton is the best at this shit, I'd rather wait a year and a half on him than have them pick up someone else.
>70,000 peak daily players
>third most played game on steam
What Overwatch player stats? Blizzard refuses to release them. A worrying sign lol
Who is this jizz wiz
High damage continuous fire weapon, %health poison damage on right click, speed boosting stealth and line of sight denying smoke bomb
ultimate is high damage point clearing bomb.
Also she's a whore and one of the lowest tier of heroes, which is too bad because i love stealth
So, nothing?
Overwatch will be dead soon if it doesn't go 10v10 with no ultis or slower charging.
The comp scene of that game is a complete joke.
Can you show us Overwatch stats? you seem to have some kind of special access to them.
It's giving prevention medicine to someone who's terminal.
TF2 is still the best non-dead FPS right now.
What is this?
yeah because le monkey face couldn't be made with just few people to model, animate and program him
How much ping do you need to do this kind of stuff?
I always played TF2 with 100-150+ ping and could never rocket jump right.
This is some WoW boss bullshit right here.
Kinda cool though
server mods boss fight mod it seems
>TF2 - Great gameplay with terrible community
>Overwatch - Okay gameplay with okay community
>Paladins - Terrible gameplay with terrible community
>Battleborn - Terrible
>TF2 - Great gameplay with ok community
>Overwatch - Nonexistant gameplay with terrible community
>Paladins - whatever
>Battleborn - whatever
only a leaf could come up with this
Did valve made comic on pitlord?
>Overwatch community
>Okay community
If you're a retarded nigger, sure. They also added taunts and cosmetics if that's more your speed.
What do you consider "of value"?
So desperate.
What mod level is this?
I spend most of my time playing deathrun or jailbreak as spy to rebel against the 12 year olds fighting over whose turn it is to be warden
Most of the people in pubs are completely normal and quiet. Haven't seen a bronyfaggot or furfaggot in months of playing. And community competitive has very competent players
If you seek out shit like minecraft or idle servers obviously your mileage may vary, but as a whole the playerbase is just fine
Why not just Lucio wall ride this course
has valve just given up on tf2?
I wonder what happened to people who bought TF2 1 day before it went f2p.
link? what does he fire the first 4 rockets for?
I think he means faggots on twitch watching tf2:anime girls and homolust edition
read that is has a key less crate thinking its a free crate
you have to buy the crate instead of a key
so what was the point
Valve is doing away with keys
So you don't have to do a stupid contract and hope the crate/case drops.
valve literally went jew mode and made keys worthless now so people would spend money again instead of trading for the keys at a cheaper price from other people
this isn't real
this isn't real
holy shit please god tell me it's not real
wow its almost like tf2 was built off the backs off of much more famous and more well built games like quake.
On the bright side you can get a lot of cheap, decent-looking cosmetics for just one key now.
>Overwatch ass taunt
>SJWs go apeshit
>Blizz caves in and then makes a character gay
>Paladins ass taunt
>Everyone is happy
>No propaganda
new tf2 """"""update"""""" where the only thing updated is you can buy retard items made by other players.
great update. 10/10
wouldn't it make more sense to make high risk/high reward crates with multiple locks
i think it's some kind of prefire.. i've seen similar stuff before. They go faster than the rocket or something so they explode when they land to give a jump boost
apparently not. they have psychologists who study this shit, how to jew the most effectively and whatnot.
>Add rank system
>There is no reward for ranking up
>"Hey if you join enemy team now you will get 150 xp!"
Why should I do that if I will get nothing from ranking up?
You will get a crate which you must pay 2.99 to open
Whoa, sounds neat.
Great work, TF2 player. Don't forget to save your credit card info for faster transactions.
No, or they wouldn't still be updating it. Don't ask stupid questions.
They only give a fuck insofar as they can grab cash out of it. None of the recent updates have been player oriented.
Says the guy who dropped $70 on Overshit release day
>Inb4 b-but I dont own overwotch :^}
That is an abomination.
I hate that, I hate how that is how blizzard thinks fun bosses are. They hurt Diablo 3 so much with how they handled the butcher.
>They only give a fuck insofar as they can grab cash out of it.
Ah yes that's why they frequently release bugfixing updates and community event in-game notifications, because it makes them so much money.
Anyway, they're a company. What do you expect?
Casual matchmaking needs to be removed.
>frequent bugfixes
Canadian science.
6 people are working on TF2.
Nobody wants to work on TF2 and Gaben don't make them. Since they can work on whatever, they work on Doto
>festivizers can now be used to make select non-decorated weapons into festives
>the few I had I sold last year
>they're two bucks now
Well thank you, Valve, that's just what I wanted this christmas, to not be able to get the new festives.
Yes, frequent bug fixes. Monthly to fortnightly for the last nine years. Literally go check their website, there were some fixes released just today. Also they posted in the Github thread for tf2 saying they're working on a bug with shadows.
Go shitpost somewhere else.
The update is good, OP.
The only thing wrong with it is that they're still trying to implement this CS:GO garbage into the game with these tiered cosmetics, but that's it.
Not gonna lie, would be pretty rad to have that as a screen saver.
>Ontario burger chain
Of course. Discount USA.
Hrhrhrhherhheeheheh guess who kept theirs for this exact predicted reason?
Hehhehehehehhehehehhhhhh happy holidays nerd
And yet I was still able to catch the enemy team on fire through the gate before the starting countdown ended for over 5 years.
I don't even know if they fixed it yet.
I'm sorry, it's just unrealistic to expect the current TF team to do something SMART with a stupid tool item, I was caught completely unawares.
Post the rocket men they talk about.
don't forget invisible players either, despite how many times that has been """fixed"""
>TF2 - Great gameplay bogged down by retarded weapon load-outs, community is an ugly mix of autism, hat-traders and free-to-play shitters
>Overwatch - Shallow gameplay with one of the most horrible communities of all time due to how competitive mode turns people into monsters
>Paladins - Shallow gameplay with a community that doesn't give a fuck because nobody takes this joke game seriously
>Battleborn - LOL
They did with Cow Mangler and Bison and Pomson a few months ago, not sure about Scorch Shot though
That was fixed ages ago.
That never happens anymore and it's mainly caused by people using custom huds and that thing the competitive groups make you use to record your games
Ah yes, the bison. They fixed that one all right. Fucking retards don't even know what was in their game.
>community is an ugly mix of autism, hat-traders and free-to-play shitters
Pubs are 95% normal, and the people who are idiots you rely on less than in Overwatch because you can carry yourself more easily
I don't believe in rocket men, so here's a milk man instead.
please excuse my ui and my lack of strange/unusuals
America was a mistake
Yeah I'm mad too tbqh
I had a strange one
No, it wasn't.
I was able to do it earlier this year quite easily.
It's Canada. Also, O B S E S S E D.