(game) didn't age well

>(game) didn't age well

I hear this on here a lot. Have any of the older games really aged well? Examples?

Metal Gear Solid

Games don't age, it's just casuals saying it.

Megaman 1 did not age well
2 did age well

games with unique art styles age particularly well.

Jet Set Radio is a good one.

Games age because standards change
What used to be good isnt good anymore

>Aged well:
Pac Man
Super Mario Bros.1 and 3

>Aged poorly:
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy
Fallout 1 and 2

Also this

left 4 dead (2)
yes, it's been X many years since that came out

addendum: if a game 'ages poorly' that's the person going 'i think it's bad but i probably would not have realized it back then'

Metroid Prime

Half Life, Quake, Doom, Max Payne, Need for Speed Underground, Tony Hawk's games (until Project 8) The Sims (until 2), Mafia, GTA III and Vice City aged pretty well, specially compared to Goldeneye 64, Mario 64 and Sonic Adventure.

>Fallout 1 and 2

This. Pay no attention to the memers.

Either a game is good or it isn't.

Was I fortunate enough to play this?

Final Fantasy Tactics

mario 64 aged well

no it hasn't, take off the nostalgia goggles
sure, it set the definition for 3d platformers but it was overtaken by other games as the years went by. Mafia, for example, is still superior to Mafia 2 and 3. Galaxy is miles ahead of Mario 64.

Guys I don't want to age. What do?

Nintendo first party games from gamecube onward.
Super Mario World is literally timeless.
Donkey Kong Country games from RARE are also timeless.
Then there are the classics which graphics dont matter.
Super Ghouls and Goblins/Ghost is a classic.
People say OoT but I disagree. I attribute its popularity to being the first of its kind.
Classic Sonic games aged pretty well. Not as good as nintendo games but pretty well none the less.

galaxy is prettier but mario 64's level design is more interesting, you often bump into new stars and cool areas vs having to do all of them in order


Kill time itself.

the n64 zeldas aged poorly but link to the past still holds up

Not at all my friend. That's your nostalgia talking.

Super Mario Bros 3 and World.
Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2.

Mario 64 is alright but Banjo-Kazooie and Spyro (which came a few years after it) are better.

Pretty much every good snes games, from mario world to super probotector.

>Galaxy is miles ahead of Mario 64.

how is it more interesting? most of the levels are pretty basic and dont offer room for creativity and tend to only have one path.
>cool areas

Diablo II hasn't aged, to me at least. It's still fun and playable, and the graphics are nothing to sneeze at either. There's something cozy about D2's art style.

MGS3 aged horribly. I can't go back to the crab-claw after being spoiled by 4 and V.

>most of the levels are pretty basic and dont offer room for creativity and tend to only have one path
i was talking about 64 not galaxy

Banjo Kazooie

This is a sentiment I've tried to express so many times. If it's bad now, it was bad then, people just didn't have better things around to realize how bad it is. The only thing that can really cause a game to age is cultural references and themes.

I feel a similar way about stories and spoilers. If a story can be ruined by revealing a twist, that means it would be equally as bad on a second viewing/reading. And if it's so focused on the twist that it's pointless to watch a second time, it's not a good story. A good story should be about all the little details that work up to the climax, not just the climax itself. To use another medium, it's the difference between Momento and Sixth Sense; both very centered on the twist, one adds to it on repeated viewings, the other makes it incredibly tedious and boring.


64 has such complex level design it would even work with minecraft gameplay

>Not at all my friend. That's your nostalgia talking.
Except it does absolutely nothing wrong. It's a perfectly executed arcade stealth action game.

i played mgs1 for the first time last year before TPP came out and I didn't feel like it was THAT outdated. Goldeneye 64 is far more outdated and overrated.

>GTA 3 and Vice City aging well
Not with those aiming controls no

>>Aged well:

Stopped reading there

GTA IV aged well. It came out 8 years ago.

If you look at the game and think it looks pretty good.. it's probably aged better.

Example would be Mario 64 or Zelda OoT... i wouldn't say "aged well" but it's certainly not, say... the original Resident Evil.

PC version aged well then.

I've been replaying games and a lot of games around 2000-2010 have aged poorly. I find earlier games had more going for them. It's hard to explain. When it comes to more modern games I simply want them to be more complicated but instead they keep getting dumbed down.

The only thing the original Resident Evil had which might be "aged" is graphics.

Anyone here play Pitfall : The Mayan Adventure for the snes?

I think it was the first snes game I completed as a wee boy.

Played it again a couple years ago and found that it aged pretty damned good

Crash 2 aged pretty well, but 1 and 3 didn't quite make it.

Is there any game that has aged as horribly as this? I remember thinking how horrible those graphics looked as early as 2001.

Doom is perfectly playable and even better due to the shit we call games being released nowadays.

Visually JSR is still baller af but the gameplay kind of feels like a less good Tony Hawk's Pro Skater so I'm gonna say it hasn't actually aged that well

Another example of an older game that's still visually appealing in spite of having been surpassed by others in its genre is Parappa the Rapper

Playing a game in the same genre that is better than an older game doesn't make the older game worse.

get 6 heart transplants like rockefellar.

Lego Racers still looks good desu.

Now this is shit taste.

yeah the overworld character models are not that good but the pre-rendered backgrounds still look kinda nice and the rest of the game besides the grafix has aged pretty gracefully I'd say

>I remember thinking how horrible those graphics looked as early as 2001.
Well of course you did even later final fantasy games on the ps1 punched that game's throat in.

yep but
Playing a game in the same genre that is worse than an older game makes the new game worse.

>implying I was talking about the console pleb control scheme

Older games tend to look terrible on modern televisions, lot's of people go back to them on their lcd's and wonder why they look so shit

>yeah the overworld character models are not that good
The battle scene graphics sucked too.
Just look at 8 or 9.

give me an example that this is true.

only thing I can think of is a pixel game.

>Remember old game, clean lines everywhere
>Play it, aliasing everywhere
Every time.

not that user but just a little common sense is required to realize why this occurs.

A picture meant for a low res CRT tv thru old analogue connections being outstretched and over-saturated via connecting to a modern 1080 monitor would kinda devalue the originally intended picture. I'm sure there are various other reasons why it comprises the quality but it's getting late and I'm running on fumes,

Well that's not a hard issue to fix.

>MGS3 aged horribly
It aged fine.

Sometimes it isn't if it throws an assfit if you try to change any of the settings on it.

MGS3 is and always will be a better game in every conceivable aspect than 4 or V.

And holy fuck does it look terrible. At least the others are playable without wanting to jam forks into your eyes.

Rogue Galaxy

Megaman X is a perfect game

I think ape escape 'aged well' in that it's concept and execution was so far gone from anything at the time, from the whacky but fun control scheme, the surreal art design and the top tier soundtrack, that nothing made since has really taken the concepts that it laid down and improved them in any reasonable fashion. I find that games only really age poorly when their mechanics are improved in later generations and in ape escape this was not the case

Clone yourself multiple times and harvest the organs as needed for yourself.

San francisco Rush aged well. RUSHHHH!

I played through it for the first time last year and had a blast, game holds up perfectly well.

>Aged poorly:
>Tomb Raider
Nah, the skill floor is a little high by today lowest common denominator standars but once you get it is great. Fuck London though, thats more of a level design thing though.


Sorry I replayed this recently and it wasn't as good as you think


It's mostly the bugs though, that thing doesn't run properly on a modern machine.

Pic related, on the other hand...

hand drawn 2d graphics always look nice. it is just the 3d low polygon games that look bad.
its like how older movies that tried to use cgi look terrible, but movies that used real effects still look nice


My general oppinions on the matter.
Anything nes era has aged moderatly,
snes era sprite games dont really have anything especially bad about them other than maybe sound quality,
early 3d nostalgia or no has all at least visually aged like milk, anything past that is typically still fine mostly.


Docked at the Vergesso asteroid base and watching the massive Executor approaching to fuck it up is just as fantastic now as it was in 1999.

Id say zelda 2 is still pretty solid.

Deus Ex.
Serious Sam.
Abe's Oddysey and Exxodus.
System Shcok 1 and 2.
Dawn of War.

Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time have aged terribly

Meanwhile, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World and A Link to the Past have aged flawlessly.


Cryofreeze like Disney.

>System Shcok 1 and 2.
Hell no. I'm playing SS2 and it aged like milk. It's still playable but god damn it sure is slow.

Serious Sam
Hexen 2 and The heretic games
Return to castle wolfenstein
Thief, Thief 2
Arx Fatalis
Cave Story
Doom 1 & 2
Golden Sun 1&2
The GBA castlevania games

3, 4 and 5 aged better, I played them all recently again for the first time since I was a kid and was surprised by how slippery movement is in 2

Is anyone else immune to the game aging effect?

It is like I automatically adjust my standards to the era it was released in.

Ocarina is still fun to play

>That entire introduction where you're exploring the ship and start finding corpses and notes about something going wrong
>That state of panic when you wake up from sleep and the communications assistant is screaming
>Explosions and then you're getting chased down hallways by enemies with that music playing

I played MGS1 about a year ago and it felt GREAT. It's a game that's aged like water.

>It is like I automatically adjust my standards
That's a roundabout way of saying you have no standards.

Punch-Out for NES.

Gameplay is still unique, fun and the graphics are old but don't look bad.

Arcade games age pretty well, on a gameplay side of course.
Action-adventures games age like milk.

My 12 year old cousin played MGS1 for the first time a few months ago on his PS3 and thinks it's the best shit ever. I gave it to him as a birthday present.

Fuck your awful opinion.

Put points into Agi you dork.

For games released thirty years ago?

games can definitely age poorly. Goldeneye is a perfect example: There have been so many innovations in console shooters that the original game is practically unplayable now.

Something like Metroid, Mario, Ocarina of Time, all of those are genre-defining games and are at the peak of their craft. Games that were popular but had issues don't stack up today because there are issues with controls that have been renovated since then.