I just don't get it senpai...
I just don't get it senpai
she literally LOOKS fucking lesbian
>caring about the sexuality of a fictional video game character
pure, unfiltered autism
>fan favorite white character
shes not a lesbian you idiots
shes just collecting harem sisters for winston's pack
were her punk skins not a big enough clue for you or something?
>fags put sexuality on a pedestal
>make others care about it
>call others autistic when they don't like it
Poof that homosexuality is a mental disorder.
>fan favorite white character
That would be Mercy
>ADHD short-haired tomboy is a lesbian
Were you honesty surprised? and apparently the idiots who wanted a LGTBBQ+100 character are mad that they didn't make a new character
Ya but mercy is already fucking with that dwarf dick
She's bisexual.
>fan-favorite white character
That is Mercy faggot
She's just doing it as a joke
it was just a platonic kiss that you would give to a close friend. lesbian fags can fuck off tracer is NOT lesbian.
>Just got warp lesbian's event skin
I know this is b8, but shit, just call her bi if it upsets you that much, it's not like that's been ruled out.
Mercy needs BBC
i need BBC more than her desu.
>butch-dyke character
>not a dyke (yet)
>regular looking character with no previous indications is suddenly gay
It's like they threw a Tolerance Dart at a dartboard, but forgot to tape Zorchya to it.
Anyway, fuck Blizzard for turning Sup Forums into a concentrated shit lump for yet another couple of weeks. Really glad /vg/ is doing its job.
I don't get it either. Why do you keep making the same thread?
why are people mad at a game with no story, and no character development? nothing any character says in game helps their characterisation in the slightest.
>tfw best waifu is straight
Cuz you know who (((Blizzard))) is run by.
you mean cyborg dick.
>cover character that appears on the cover and start screen
Because Blizzard shills.
Overwatch is the most shilled game on Sup Forums.
I kinda figured she was a lesbian due to the hair and way she acted.
Granted, I still wanted it to be junkrat or roadhog for humor's sake.
>Overwatch characters don't actually show any in-game personality whatsoever besides shitty TF2-style quips
>character's sexuality has literally no impact on the game at all
Grow up.
Who are you quoting?
Member when tomboy characters weren't a 99% accurate forecast for them being gay?
Member when girls could be tomboys and still straight in real life?
All the overwatch porn I pound off to is girl on girl anyway. Also this pissed off ugly dykes and poop dicks more than anything.
At least we're getting more porn.
Also no one considers that comic canon besides the writer.
>tfw everyone is too fucking friendly in Overwatch
I miss when TF2 was good and my toaster could run it lag free. Now that game had good voice lines reacting to kills and taunts.
Everything goes so fast and the maps are so small, it's not even worth it to laugh at enemies as Ana after a kill. They won't even see it.
Blizzard already confirmed that there are MULTIPLE LGBT heroes in OW. She's not safe yet, lad. She could even be a m>f tranny
You wish fag boy
I honestly hope they don't go for the easy target of Zarya. I'd like it if the pink haired, tattooed weight lifter had a soft hetero side to her.
I hate how he draws faces. Always those over exaggerated emotions.
shes gay, so she
>isnt attractive
>SJW pandering
>looked at in a different light
basically a different character with the added benefit (deficit?) of being an SJW martyr character.
>"I'm going to go have sex with my boyfriend"
>What the fuck? Who talks like that? This is fucking sexist garbage
>"I'm going to go have sex with my girlfriend"
>How progressive! 10/10 I'm crying tears of joy!
"It’s very important for us to have diversity and inclusiveness of all types, and that includes LGBT characters. There are definitely LGBT heroes — that’s multiple heroes."
Telling the truth doesn't mean I like it
I've been mad about this all day.
What a terrible way to live
>buying a present for Winston
>end up letting dyke gf have it
Fuck that gorilla NEET right? He's got fur to stay warm. Winston is better off with just his computer waifu Athena.
>People actually butthurt because some shitty video game character is homosexual.
Fuck you. I'm content in my misery.
They still can be you fucking mog
>bought game on release
>regret every single day
>this comic comes out
>ask for a refund from steam on religious grounds as the act is sinful and offensive to Allah
>they fucking refunded it within half a day
Yeah, I can't believe Torbjorn is straight, and all those kids. I mean it's fine but why do they have to shove it down our throats like that.
>Obvious dyke is a faggot
So I'm guessing Zarya is the other fag? Way to play it safe Blizzard. Could have at least made Mercy transgendered to really piss everyone off.
It won't be Zarya.
Zarya is russia.
Gay isn't allowed in russia.
Because that's the natural order of things you fucking faggot!
>Steam refund