>Wright is a private lawyer
>famous law firm
>famous defense lawyer
>still rides a bike and is poor as fuck
I don't get it, aren't lawyers usually rich as fuck?
Ace Attorney thread.
>Wright is a private lawyer
>famous law firm
>famous defense lawyer
>still rides a bike and is poor as fuck
I don't get it, aren't lawyers usually rich as fuck?
Ace Attorney thread.
he does it for the spirit pussy and for the (you)s in court
His slut's a high rider
Why do you think he stays rich?
>aren't Lawyers rich as fuck?
if we are to assume that the only cases phoenix has are the ones in the games then no. He would not be rich as fuck.
>Wright Anything Agency
>a law firm
>let alone famous
Defense Attorney. The only successful office we ever seen is Grossberg's and he probably got that rich by being the mascot for hemorrhoid cream advertisement.
>not famous
HE LITERALLY gets headlines in newspapers and gets reported on news on the regular.
His clients are also big names. Engarde? That time travelling dude? The parrot? The chief prosecutor? I mean, come on.
>HE LITERALLY gets headlines in newspapers and gets reported on news on the regular
That's because hes a fuckin hack
They call him an "Ace Attorney" user. A Ace. You know what an ace means?
He doesn't take that many cases and the ones he does take he probably spends most of his money trying to win them. Also, he does like fucking half of them for free.
His assistant goes through about 600 burgers an hour.
It's Japan not the US. You can't compare the two "justice" systems.
Lawyers in Japan are rich too though.
>It's Japan not the US.
>still rides a bike
For a reason.
Eat your hamburgers, user.
The fact that he is a poorfag is played for laughs.
How can he be brilliant enough to win literally every single court case he's ever taken but so pathetic he can't drive
Its a joke. Defence lawyers are good if they have a 5% success rate in Japan, the process for criminal cases is very heavily biased towards the prosecution. Its why Edgeworth is a sexy bitch that every loves and Phoenix is a broke fuck, its a joke you aren't getting.
>win literally every single court case
He lost like three already.
It's still like a 90+% success rate.
That's only those that were shown in the games.
He could have been taking (and losing) some normal, non-murder mystery, cases in between.
I don't remember Phoenix ever living in Japan, user.
>I don't get it, aren't lawyers usually rich as fuck?
Nah, most lawyers are small-time independents. You get big bucks if you sign on with a big established firm which brings its own problems. Also, it's obviously a fiction. If you're American you get a really skewed point of view on the entire because no one else really does it the same way American law firms do.
He works pro bono most of the time
Miles is rich though. Even has a fancy smancy neck poof cloth.
Phoenix is the kind of lawyer that does it to help people, and not for the money/power/influence.
Like those human rights lawyers.
A lot of the time he takes a case to help out a friend. He does get paid sometimes, but other times his boss get given a clock statue that ends up killing her.