>Blizzard tries to stop Overwatch porn
>they release this shit
What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
>Blizzard tries to stop Overwatch porn
>they release this shit
What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Other urls found in this thread:
>lesbian porn about Tracer exists
>"omg sooo hot fapfap"
>Blizzard announces that Tracer is actually lesbian
the stopping ow porn was a publicity stunt you idiot, and so is this
they want attention and you give it to them every time
What the fuck is that style of speaking. Are you from 2007
How we we sure that's a girl and not just a tranny?
They wanted to stop the porn because they knew people would make p in vagee tracer porn when when they knew they were eventually going to reveal she likes girls.
>Blizzard were trying to warn us the whole time
Why aren't Junkrat and Roadhog gay yet?
>they want to stop overwatch porn
>by talking about it constantly, describing it and telling you where you can find it
>also basing their lore off it
lol, if anything that want to ruin porn for everyone who hates the game, cause its constantly being shoved in everyones faces now even if you dont play it
Yeah look at that jaw.
who are you quoting?
Tracer's hair is ridiculous. It's like she has a pincone fused to her head.
>implying she doesn't get pounded by Lucio
She's clearly bi
i'm not the guy you replied to
>masculine jaw
That's clearly a pre-op tranny.
>moon overwatch june
you know they'd flip their shit if the butch one was lesbian
Thanks. I can't wait to vomit for the next 2 hours.
he actually advocating for uglier lesbians because pretty ones aren't alienating enough for straight men
Why does this faggot even exist
Ok so I'm new around here but he's a straight guy right? So why is he upset about this
Jokes on them, I find EVERY female in Overwatch sexually attractive.
>Clicks link
>Sees user
>Clicks off
Not subjecting myself to this torture again
>nuanced conversation
I wonder how the guy that conplained about her ass stance feels about this.
As gay as Anita's keeper is, he is right. If you wanted to make lesbian fanservice, they should have just done that instead of masking it as being "progressive" while wanting to generate porn at the same time. It's Whorra all over again.
You can't win with these idiots.
He's an SJW.
All SJWs hate straight white men.
I can't wait for straight people to die out.
kill yourself
Yet these people never kill themselves
What's with her fucking hand
>but he's a straight guy right?
He's not. Do you think anybody would willingly date and fuck Anita Sarkeesian aside from some thirsty virgins?
>come play my lord
chuckled slightly
LITERALLY damned if you do, damned if you don't. Why do people try to appease these retarded cunts again? They clearly aren't buying the game and they are impossible to please.
>Chaser is gay
>"ugh, SJW pandering"
>"ugh, male gaze pandering and oversexualizing women"
Blizzard just seppuku'd
He's right, if you're going to spend 6 months jerking yourself off for having an LGBT character and then reveal it's the most easy safe choice possible it pretty much kills your "so brave" points.
Of course the actual lesson here is not to jerk yourself off for being progressive and just write good characters, which McIntosh misses.
Because you can be bros and wreak havoc from country to country without it being gay
I have no issues with some hot yuri fanservice but I hate liars who want to be fake progressive for no reason other than to be an asshole from Commiefonia.
>the most easy safe choice possible
That would have been Zarya. My personal bet was that it was Lucio and I honestly didn't expect it to be Tracer.
how rich would Blizzard would be if they could monetise ad revenue from sites that host Overwatch porn?
But it would be funny for it to be two people who wreck havoc and are gay.
Probably not much richer than they are now considering they made like half a billion in revenue from Overwatch
Two friends with a good relationship =/= gay
This needs to stop.
Even Phara looks more like a typical lesbian than Tracer. Tracer just has the short hair, while Phara comes more across as boyish personality wise.
>Two friends with a good relationship
Lore states that Roadhog doesn't even like him, he just tolerates him because of money.
>There are people who didn't think Tracer was gay from the start
I mean, really? With that haircut? It would have been less obvious if she ran around with a T-Shirt that literally had "I am sexually attracted to the same sex as I am" written on it
People who give social media posts any credit should be euthanized.
tumblr ruins everything
just look at the female Supernatural fanbase - they think Sam & Dean want to fuck (they're brothers, and both straight)
They've been backtracking with that
Roadhog's bros with him now
I've seen plenty of weird straight ships here as well. It's not just dumblr who does this. Shipping delusions are everywhere.
do you fap to the idea of Torb fucking his wife? What even is this reasoning?
>if you're going to spend 6 months jerking yourself off for having an LGBT character
>things that never happened.
Zarya and Phara look much gayer though. And they would have fit the SJW nonsense they keep aiming for. Fuck, they could have made 76 or McCree gay to make Merrica look "progressive" or someshit. It just seems like a shitty plot to make even more porn all while trying to pretend to be "progressive".
Who the fuck are you kidding? Blizzard has been seppuku'ing(sp?) for quite a while now. it's just the fact that legendary shit like Diablo 1 & 2, Starcraft 1 and the Warcraft RTS's are part of pretty much every gamers best gaming memories, That blizzard hasn't died yet and also that WoW hasn't died for some unknown reason.
They completely missed the character I wanted to be a lesbian.
'Course, you should never ask the opinion of a loli yuri fetishist...
Like 90% of her stuff is lesbian. They didn't make anyone mad but legbeards and shitdicks.
Wasn't like 80% of Tracer porn and SFM shit with Widowmaker?
That's just part of emasculating men. An agenda that has been going on for decades but went into overdrive.
>tfw never played overwatch
>only join these threads for the godly asses and porn
>see OP's post
this is actually fucking great, this means even more porn
blizzard sure is amazing
kill yourself
ever heard of something called character growth?
50bucks that blizzard is gonna make Hog full on Tsundere after he sees that Junkrat would sacrifice himself for his safety or something
I don't recognize that overwatch character she's kissing
Where were you when it was confirmed Pharahs father is a fucking leaf? I mean I knew Ana was a whore but God damn, a leaf?
Your opinions are worth as much as your life.
A mongo chongo is better kept alive than you.
>kissing is porn
Yep, SJWs sure are upset about this
Not that user, but Phara looks like a typical fit and boyish army girl. She also seems to behave slightly boyish.
>gamer hate
>only 4 replies
how irrelevant is this piece of shit
>Tracer x Widowmaker was NTR all along
keep goobergate shit off Sup Forums please
Weird since gay people cant reproduce
No one likes gay men. Gay men = aids and fag parades and stupid voices.
They aren't putting a faggot in their games despite Chu trying to be the Asian male hamburger hepler.
Does this guy actually care about LGBT people or just hates straight people? Alienating straight people would only be counter-productive to furthering acceptance
Girls kissing are hot. Pro-sjw, anti-sjw and all other sorts of *sjw must leave.
>complaints about a company trying to maximise profits by appealing to a broad audience
Why does he still has a job?
no one fucking cares what your fetish is you massive fucking faggot oh my god
what was his response?
Did Tarantino get his cards back?
The problem is that they waited until Christmas to profit off of the publicity.
Because Anita Sarkeesian needs someone to """"""think"""""" for her
but shit if Pete Hines can keep his job after this, why the fuck would anyone ever get fired for anything?
NO someone explain this shit why is it NOT okay when Blizzard does it?
Aren't his parents really rich or something? He might not need one.
SJWS hate straight white men. The core audience of nearly everything.
Until the era of PC culture is ended, or at least stops causing people to lose their jobs or incur fines, they will get what they want. The tides are turning. But it had ruined a a generation already.
>Warcraft fans complain about how the characters are terrible
>Overwatch fans complain the characters aren't terrible enough
Will blizzlets ever learn?
Reaper is confirmed gay.
How would you react?
WOAH there fampai you CAN'T make the bad guys GAY!
>lmao its okay its jsut a game :)
this won't ever not get me mad
mild Indifference
He is gay though
He should be fired he obviously doesn't care about the game at all
he has the ass and legs for it. Would make me wonder how much of that hateboner for 76 is just literal pining
I honestly don't mind Tracer being lesbian. The only thing that bugs me is that the artwork and character designs of this comic look like something you'd see on tumblr.
Nobody at Bethesda actually cares about the Fallout lore.
You know you want it, baby