Is chess the greatest strategy game of all time?

Is chess the greatest strategy game of all time?

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No, it's loved by normies because of it's ridiculously low skill floor.

LoL is better f a m

>get no xp for taking out enemies
>no killstreaks
>no perks
>only one game mode
>no story mode
>only ONE fucking map

Not even the best strategy game in the abstract tabletop turn based strategy genre.

More like the greatest unbalanced game of all time.

Go fuck yourself

Man, why'd you have to post code geass in a chess thread? Now I HAVE to post this

>Schneizel just runs right into Lulu's King
>Lulu gets so psyched out he backs off like a baby


what the fuck

Best tactical game maybe

Nah. Games like Infinity and Flames of War have much higher skill ceilings as well as much more variety in terms of gameplay. They're also more fun.

>tfw to smart for "multiplayer" chess games

What are the rules of Go? I never understood it.

>No perks
What is promoting?

If you cut off every connection a group of enemy pebbles have to an open space you win them all as points

hane at H11

Don't even bother understanding, it's irrelevant and only brought up by butthurt chinks when chess is discussed

pretty easy, D14, he connects, you let them eat you at B14 and you got the whole group dead

>put down stones
>your stones touching horizontal/vertical are connected
>if your stones are completely surrounded by enemy stones they are captured for points
>empty space surrounded by stones is territory for points

1. Take turns placing stones on intersections of an initially empty board
2. If you take away the liberties of a stone or group of stones you can take them of the board as captured (liberties are the lines of the intersections).
3. The person with the most points at the end wins (points are either captured stones or surrounded territory).
4. Board position can't be repeated (in order to avoid infinite games).

Go really is more interesting and more involved than chess is. Although I personally prefer chess and have played it longer.

First move is correct, how are you going to capture when you get eaten at B14?

>30 years since chess was created
>still turn based

Multi-layer chess when?

I prefer playing Stratego but Chess is such a legendary game.

tfw no one plays riichi mahjong outside of Japan

It's online or nothing.

I'm looking into getting a set. It isn't even that expensive, so I'll try and convince someone to play.

That isn't Settlers of Catan

3d chess when
2d is so outdated

Needs verticality

>dice rolls

no thanks

Imagine how fucked your mind gets by a knight jumping upwards and downwards as well

>posting shitty moe Mahjong anime
>not posting superior Mahjong anime

(b)D14, (w)C15, (b)C13, (w)C12, (b)C14, (w)B14, (b)B12

Hows Backgammon?

Nope, that honor belongs to chessboxing.

>30 years since chess was created
>30 years

>only one game mode
you can also play checkers in it

Imagine how fucked your mom gets by my dick jumping up and down

Shit taste as always. Akagi isn't even that good.

Cause if you can't chessbox then you ain't shit.

>tfw your moe lesbian got ruined

Not at all because it's so tiny it won't even penetrate?

>not tetris

Shogi is better

No you fucking can't its too small

Also a poor man's battle ship

Mahjong is dumb and gay

Don't believe the chink commie propaganda that they invented it
It's such a brilliant game it can only have been invented by a proud american patriot

It's a meme reference to this video, you dips:

They should make chess easier so people can focus more on the story.
Its story of white privilege and classism needs to reach more people.

>no perks
pawn promotions

>only one game mode
there are many alternative rulesets

>no story mode
who cares? everyone knows campaign modes in strategy games are just for your girlfriend to play while you play competitive matches

>only ONE fucking map
>get no xp for taking out enemies
>no killstreaks
go play a MOBA if you want garbage RPG mechanics and alternative gimmick maps, you fucking casual

>memorizing pages and pages of openings and then mindlessly executing them while thinking it makes you seem like a refined and cultured intellectual: the game

So like basically every RTS?

I thought shogi boards were huge, that just looks like a weird version of chess.

I actually have no idea how to play shogi, ot looks fun. I played go a few times but got wrecked by everyone

Advance Wars Dual Strike is more complicated. Ideally, it's the greatest turn-based strategy game.

Starcraft is literally superior in every way to chess.
>more strategic variety
>partial information adds several new layers and opportunities for outsmarting your opponent
>mechanics are added in, making physical speed and endurance new factors in skill


Is Shogi any good? It always seemed like it'd be fun to learn.

Dual Strike suffers from the worst CO balance in the series, though.

Strategy fags think they are "useing their hed" and "stratigizing" when they don't play through common openings and counters, but all they do is cripple themselves intentionally, because they think that only dumb gooklicks have openings, counters and meta.

>not a single update in centuries
>developers have all given up or literally died

Fantastic game nerds

lmao 0/10

>>only one game mode
There are many of chess variations.

I thought chess was cracked by computers now? Like a program can play a perfect game it's impossible to win against if it goes first.

That's impossible

>Can't zerg rush in chess

Pick one

I just Googled that shit. Apparently it is theoretically possible but would likely require quantum computers. It's a long way off.