How can a man be this perfect?
How can a man be this perfect?
>best character personality
>best voice
>best skins
>best kit
>best character design
Besides Reinhardt which other characters have been untouched balance wise since launch because theyre perfectly balance but godlike in good hands?
>Besides Reinhardt which other characters have been untouched balance wise since launch because theyre perfectly balance but godlike in good hands?
This is what tankscrubs truly believe
All tanks are stupidly overpowered
Because he's fiction.
they are only overpowered because of ana
>When all you have is a hammer, everyone else is a nail
>you will never hang out with Rein and Torb
Why even live?
LOVE their banter in game
top bros
How do I play Reinhardt? Sometimes the team needs a tank but the only one I'm good with is Zarya (and Roadhog but he hardly counts as a tank)
>having any skin but stonehardt
>having any line but "precision german engineering"
>He doesn't spam ARE YOU AFRAID TO FIGHT ME?
Hold you big dick shield, and get the puny faggots on your team to get behind it. If any faggot tries to even touch one of your welps, you bash his brains in using your gigantic hammer.
>Payload Attack
>push/ride cart and shield mates and bash anyone who gets close
>Block carts and shield mates and bash anyone who gets close
>Point capture attack. Help push through chokepoint shielding your mates
>Block chokepoints allowing your teammates to shoot through your shield
>smash everyone who gets on the point and shield mates
That is all.
>Not Baldrich
>Not being the angry bumblebee of justice hammering the entire enemy team to do your mentor proud.
>tfw you miss your charge into the enemy team
>blizz will make him gay
>or trans
>or both
Paragon for life
But I have stoneheart aswell
>In deep shit, figure I'll charge someone off the edge and take them with me
>Miss badly
Uncle Rein reading the youngins a tale
Truly the best
>Not going gay for Reinhardt.
Brainlet and Manlet is a top tier duo-archetype, prove me wrong.
>Posts image of Pence
>No mention of the crusader skin and the "crusader online" line
i want to sit on Reinhardts lap
>Reinhardt is alone and has to take care of torb's children while he flirts with a hot chick
>not classic skin with golden weapon
>enemy team's Rein makes it a habit to say the "Bring me another" every time he floors someone
>Reinhardt competitive player
>only plays Reinhardt, has 300 hours on Reinhardt and golden hammer
Every time.
>Torbjörn is not only one of the greatest engineers in the world but also a true family man
>Reinhardt is the cool uncle who tells tales of times when he purged the omnics
Rein isn't just a hero, it's a way of life.
>you will never sit on Uncle Reinhardt's lap and cuddle
>you will never be a cute swedish grill that Torbjörn is flirting with
I prefer spamming "Let me show you how it's done after i kill 3-6 people."
rein is my main tank, hes really nice, i usually out damage the dps players with him
Tfw over 200 hrs on rein
needs buff badly
so cute
>tanks are overpowered
Go all 6 tanks then and see what happens.
Overwatch is a team game.
Tanks are only op cuz of ana
>Desperation charge pays off dramatically
>Gets play of the game
>All these Reinhardt posts
What happened? On the early days nobody gave a shit about Reinhardt.
All the reinhardt players were too busy having fun
Reinhardt is neat. Always love big guy with shield who melees people to death.
If Zenyatta wasn't in the game, I'd probably main Reinhardt.