>ppl play an MMORPG on the PC with a controller
Are you retarded or something?
>inb4 playing WoW in *curren year*
>ppl play an MMORPG on the PC with a controller
Are you retarded or something?
>inb4 playing WoW in *curren year*
>playing WoW in *curren year*
It works in certain MMOs where your rotation isn't immense.
Like maplestory. Maplestory plays great with a controller.
Games with huge clusterfuck bars of shit like FFXIV and WoW need a keyboard so you can roll your finger along your rotation.
>mfw current year
can't wait for WoW's console port.
Just one more ability prune and it should be ready
Unlike Vanilla, where you would only need a NES controller for most raid bosses
>complex rotations
Am I being trolled here?
I played FFXIV with a controller in 3.0 and was consistently top DPS as DRG. Entire DRG rotation fit on 1.5 hotbars.
>the point
>your cranium
the post was like 1 and a half lines and you couldnt bother reading it before giving a meme response. Are you really that pressed for time or are you just a lazy faggot?
You can use macros for massive spell lists, I guess.t
FF14 with a controller was great. It gets confusing for certain roles and jobs though. I doubt anyone super hardcore uses it, but for casual play, it's great.
FFXIV apparently works well with a controller, I've seen enough people do pretty well myself. You'd occassionally have them scream HURR WHY DOES MY CHAR TURN or HURR THIS IS RETARDED TO DO WITH A CONTROLLER but they still somehow manage.
As for WoW, I leveled through Pandaria with Xpadder mapping everything to controller buttons because I somewhat fucked up my left hand and couldn't properly use a keyboard for a while. It wasn't perfect, but it still worked out well enough. Considering how WoW pruned the shit out of abilities, I'd assume they want to go with a console port soon.
>Steam Controller for WoW
I really hope this is a fucking joke
>Considering how WoW pruned the shit out of abilities, I'd assume they want to go with a console port soon.
why do you keep bringing up vanilla when people suggest blizzard is heading toward a console port?
stop trying to fight an argument no one is having
You realize that WoW existed in states between Vanilla and Legion, right? For fucks sake, I even mentioned Pandaria. You can go all
>hurr vanillafags
you want but it doesn't change the fact that they did remove/merge a lot of abilities.
Give me a decent mmo to play right now. Or something like Vidictus.
Themepark: FFXIV/Legion or Nost if you want Vanilla WoW
Sandbox: Eve for Sci-fi, AA for Fantasy
Like Vindictus: Black Desert Online has similar combat
Early Access: Gloria Victis (animation/content update soon), Crowfall has a Big World test this weekend.
>plays MMORPG
>asks if people are retarded
Just tired of you whiny cunts and your "pruning" line, thats all :)
Yeah, because that, objectively, didn't happen, right?
Playing with a controller is like playing playing with a hotbar that's only 1-4 long and the only way to use different bars is to use varying combinations of Shift, Ctrl, and Alt. Sure it can be done but you're basically just making it harder on yourself for no reason.
I probably wouldn't have played FFXIV for the time I did unless I used a controller. It sort of made the game manageable for me.
I think that, objectively, its a stupid thing to whine about when it apparently wasn't an issue with the holy grail of previous iterations
>tfw I just do 1-6, shift 1-6, ctrl 1-6 then a mix of other keys near WASD that aren't in use.
Although games like ESO, GW1 and Wildstar with the Limited Action Sets aren't bad. Skill choices seem more meaningful for situations vs 40 keybinds for all times.
there he goes bringing up vanilla out of nowhere again
Why don't you niggas just get an mmo mouse?
A MMOuse?
FFXIV with a controller works great, I find it more comfortable to play with analog sticks, especially for more mobile jobs.
The new expanded cross-hotbar helps too, never had any issues personally.
>on the PC
Yeah, you're retarded.
>Why are you talking about Vanilla?
Well because i-
lel, autism
That add-on is meant for people with disabilities that make using mouse & keyboard difficult.
>monk named munk
Lazy as fuck name.
But that observation is completely wrong. You can't just say things that did happen didn't happen. You know, Hitler and his allies tried doing that, right? Are you saying you're an ally of Hitler's?
>You can't just say things that did happen didn't happen
You may be illiterate, because nobody said that it didn't happen.
>its a stupid thing to whine about when it apparently wasn't an issue with the holy grail of previous iterations
So are you saying that nobody had an issue with this before or what?