>82 on Metacritic
How could this even happen with a game this hyped?
>82 on Metacritic
How could this even happen with a game this hyped?
if anything hype generate expectations which translate to disappointment
Hype doesn't equate to score, obviously. God you Americans are dumb.
GTAV, MGSV, Uncharted 4, TLoU, and RotTR all got scored as highly as they did simply because of hype.
actually it does
review sites have typically 3 possible reasons to give a better score for reasons other than the game's quality
1. bias
2. paid
3. to give what their readers want to see, aka hyped stuff -- and not get hated because they gave a shit score to the game everyone was waiting for
No, they scored based on the fact they are solid games. Maybe, and particularly in the West, games not about Bishonen-Boy bands score higher scores with critics.
If they are making a "review" based on any of those three criteria, they are not actually a review but a paid advertisement. There is a world of difference between being paid and beholden to the producers of a product and being compensated for actual review. That's the difference between a reviewer/journalist and a shill.
it's a decent game but a huge disappointment due to the hype of finally coming out of development hell, honestly it deserved no more than 80
>No, they scored based on the fact they are solid games. Maybe, and particularly in the West, games not about Bishonen-Boy bands score higher scores with critics.
Check yosel son
People need to stop thinking every game is going to be the next-big thing and a game changer and just enjoy them for what they are, fucking toys to be played with.
every single professional reviewer primary purpose is to make money, what else are you expecting
on the other end of the spectrum, they even give worse scores just to be a clickbait
if you want real reviews, you have to look for people doing in their spare time and not paid for it nor affiliated to any major sites -- and chances are it'll all be too amateurish to mean much
But FFXV was supposed to be the game changer user. It was supposed to be the chosen one, saving JRPGs forever.
Yes but being paid to provide a service, i.e. a REVIEW for a publication is completely different than being told you "have to" give a score in a certain range because you are beholden to the producers of the product financially. Bro, if you want me to fucking say I don't believe online reviews are to be trusted or worth a damn, I totally am with you. I don't go to any gaming site to get reviews on games. Rather, I usually wait to get something then discuss it with people such as on here who have played it.
Modern reviews are trash because they have no integrity and honesty. They are mere extensions of the marketing campaign for games and not rationalized and fair summaries of the product. It's just a problem with the modern gaming market considering it is all about building hype to try and boost sales numbers, as opposed to making a quality product.
The JRPG is dead man. Unless you want to get into very weeb-territory, in which case more power to you, but the age of the PS1-2 era of great RPGs is gone. It's either all open-world, multiplayer DLC-fests or completely singular and hardcore Japanese. That's why I'm playing Wild Arms 3 for the fifth time rather than XV.
>tabata always meant for FFXV to fail so he could go back to making handheld games
Hmm, lets see
>Writing is shit
>World is shit
>Every quest in the game is total shit
>Gameplay is wholly mediocre but very bad
>Graphics are unimpressive compared to other next-gen games
>Animations are fucking terrible
I don't know what to say, even 82 seems high.
Probably, actually
It's currently £32 on Amazon Prime, do I pull the trigger now or wait until after Xmas? Usually sitting at £59.99
This was the first time Square Enix made a Final Fantasy for the Western audience. It's not perfect but they can learn from this.
no, it's the 2nd time
the first one was mystic quest
Wasn't 12 basically their take on a shitty WRPG
and it even released in NA before japan and was dumbed down for retarded americans
Tabata said that the team didn't care about the West until XV.
For a development hell game, it came out quite alright.
Generally those games are either just plain bad, outdated or buggy, with TLG and pokemon red & blue being exceptions.
Mystic Quest and XV are the only ones that either released in the west first or simultaneously. All the others were just a later on localization with seemingly not much importance put to them.
12 just took a lot of MMO influence because of FF11 and turned out that way.. wasn't because of the west.
>Square Enix
>making good ARPGs
pick one and only one
Yeah, back in 2011
MGSV was a great game though
>based on 80 critics
>on 80 critics
>80 critics
82 is fucking generous. Fuck this game so hard. Now tabata wants to continue to add integral content like story cutscenes and character development post release? They released an unfinished game and have been spinning this with bullshit pr. Not to mention the fucking movie that should have been gameplay. Fuck square Enix. Fuck them forever.
Free Code for this on reddit gamedeals
>Getting an A is bad now
50% are cutted so you can the dlc like gullible idiots.
More than 15 cutscenes of luna are cut.
sauce for the webm prease
ass butt
I don't understand how it even got to 82. Game is absolute garbage.
You people are just as retarded as how reviewers score games. Also aggregate scores are retarded. At least RT isnt as bad because a 50% usually just means half the people didn't get the movie other half loved it.
Square Enix making good ARPGs.
Literally waiting for this to come in the mail today. Everyone I know who played it said that line it. As usual, Sup Forums continues to prove they actually don't like video games.
Western reviewers favour Western games. JRPGs take too long for the average, time pressured games journalist (oh no, so many videogames to play!) so they find the experience distasteful as a whole.
>it's another metacritic thread.
>How could this even happen with a game this bad ?
it should be 55/100 max.
and no ppl
>GTAV, MGSV, Uncharted 4, TLoU, and RotTR
aren't good, they're crap
I'm not sure how people got hyped for GTAV and Uncharted 4 with how shit their previous games were.
GTAIV was literally the best though and 3-SA will always be classics.
Why did the patch make my game screen smaller with big black borders?
TW3 is over 100 hours long and it still scored in the high 90s.