How Did Blizzard Make Overwatch So Much Better Than Team Fortress 2?
they added waifus
they didn't
a dev team made up of more than 6 underpaid bronies thats not actively trying to ruin the game
Stop making these threads.
Loot boxes and skins you get currency to work towards
Otherwise its in balance hell since pre-release and its a coinflip like most other MP games whether you get retards or not.
They are different games. Clearly you haven't played both for more than 5 minutes.
Anything that becomes popular becomes shittier over time.
When TF2 went f2p and micro transaction mode, their items became over saturated and the content became shit tier, same will happen to overwatch.
By making a good game instead of trying to nickel and dime their customers with ugly cosmetics.
That quibble is inconsequential.
Paladins is better than both!
>terrible level design
>terrible balance
>cute tomboy is actually gay for no reason
>gorilla is not gay
>omnic is not gay
more than that, they making characters sexuality part of their lore and making that so political they even blocked their own comic themselves "because of Russian law".
Compare it in a few years. I dunno why people are even excited for Overwatch stuff. No matter how many heroes they add, it's going to be 6v6. No matter what they do, balance will always be a seesaw because the heroes have the depth of a kiddie pool and checks and counters exist in a game where any shmuck pressing Tab can see what hero is being played and adjust accordingly. Competitive will always be ults clashing against each other followed by 2 minutes of mindless blithering by commentators. Ranked ladder climbing will always be the same people complaining about non-meta picks and blaming their teammates. There's zero variety in the way you can play in ranked matches and there's zero incentive to try anything different when players are so coddled by Blizzard's retarded 'everyone helped' elimination system that they never think anything is their fault. Spamming sombra's smg from long range potentially gets you the same amount of someone in the thick of it. There are no meaningful qualifiers like actual damage, actual kills, assists, deaths, ultimate gain for gauging how a player is actually doing. People who play Overwatch seriously are among the most cancerous bunch of faggots to play with in any community.
It's not though.
TF2 in that sweet, sweet period before cosmetics is so far-removed from anything else in the hero shooter subgenre that it's insane. I had to stop playing OW because all it did was make me wish I could go back in time 8-9 years and play the infinitely superior game.
>down to 40k players peak
>not even Christmas event bumped the numbers
Current Team Fortress 2 < Overwatch
Release Team Fortress 2 > Overwatch
thats literally it
take a look at the Overshill community right now, full with League of Legend-tier faggots that try their hardest to invent the new dankest memes while being proud of their shitty rank in the most casualized game of all time
>while being proud of their shitty rank in the most casualized game of all time
Skyrim has a ranking system?
>the most casualized game of all time
It seriously is, Hero shooters in general are more casual than fucking CoD.
Objective competitive ranking coming through
1.Symmetrical Arena Shooters (Quake, Doom, Halo under the right circumstances)
2.Tactical Arena shooters (Counter Strike, I dunno what else)
3.Casual shooters (Call of Duty, Medal of Honor 2010)
4.Clusterfuck shooters (Battlefield, SW Battlefront)
5.Class Based shooters (Team Fortress Classic)
6.Shitty Cartoony Magic Anime Hero shooters (Team Foretress 2, Final Combat, Overwatch, whatever the fuck that game that was exactly overwatch that came out around the same time was)
No hats
Tanks only
Lijiang Tower
>team fortress classic
>more casual than CoD and CS
Nigger, you have no idea how hard it is to play that game optimally
TF2 turned to shit, OW is nothing when compared to what it used to be.
>comparable to Quake and such even though it's far closer to CS in terms of playstyle and importance of teamplay
Have you ever played FFA in Halo? It's basically "whoever gets lucky enough to spawn close to the rocket launcher/energy sword often wins"
Halo is barely competitive outside team games due to being a console shooter, it's much closer to CS than Quake
>gay for no reason
Didn't realise you needed a reason desu.
Other than halo being too high and TFclassic being a bit low, this is a good list.
Good job.
>Terrible level design
>these stupid threads got me back into TF2
thanks guys, I forgot how much I enjoyed it
>half the team size
nah, it's just not the same.
They didn't. If Overwatch came out back then and TF2 came out after then everyone would shit on Overwatch and praise TF2.
I put TF classic in it's own category as an afterthought, to keep it separated from the garbage, my mistake.
I specifically said, "Halo under the right circumstances" The best you can get as of now is Halo 2 Vista to have optimal KB+M support, but if Microsoft actually lets the games come to PC, it has huge competitive potential. But as of now there's no efficient way of achieving those circumstances, because of Halo's Customizability it can also be in the same class as CS though.
Overwatch doesn't have a server list, it's a lobby system game. All shooters with a lobby system only are awful by design. TF2 has a server list, least it did before I stopped playing. I have no idea the state TF2 is in right now, but it is better just because you can pick your fucking map and game mode by searching the server list.
It's not that Blizzard made Overwatch better than TF2, it's Valve who made TF2 worse than Overwatch.
Even then you can pick what maps and modes you want with the new matchmaking system. Overwatch just throws you in whatever shit map it has decided for you.
no they wouldn't. Don't underestimate the value of waifus
Fap bait. You only have to look at tumblr to see how just far spergs eat shit up like pairing up characters and fanfic. Overwatch does nothing new or spectacular, it just has personality. The characters are memorable and attractive. If Overwatch had generic or creatable characters it'd go by completely unnoticed. Mechanically it's shallow and boring but people are willing to overlook all that because "Pharahmercy is canon!".
they didn't, team fortress 2 is old that's all
>Release Team Fortress 2
>completely unbreakable stickies seems really strong, what else should we give him to make up for it?
>six pipe bombs in a clip with faster reload speed than a single soldier rocket
>ah, seems fair then
>waifubait game for manchildren
it should fit right in and please your fanbase.
They build most of comic around it and most people liked her for being fast, gay thing is not suits her.
you cant breach enemy defenses in multiple ways. You have to use specific characters and that revokes all variety of heroes.
Blizz actually delivers what fans want unlike Valve
this. pic related
tf2 has higher skill ceiling, more content, and better design than Overwatch
inb4 common arguments:
>bbbbut all those players are (furries, autists, idlers, bronies, other meme of the week)!!!
Prove it.
The people I play against are generally normal, and finding a game with people playing is very quick, so it's not all idlers.
>bbbbbut tf2 has been out longer than overwatch!
so what? doesn't change the fact that tf2 has more content. At the rate Blizzard is adding content, it'll be twice TF2's lifespan before they have the same amount as tf2 does now.
>>>but overwatch does have depth and skill!
don't make me chuckle
yes, overwatch level design is terrible
anubis is like tf2's dustbowl, but cranked up to 11
waifufags don't actually play, they just jack off on the menu select screen or at SFM porn, spam Sup Forums for a bit with "I want to X" threads, and then get bored
Yes, Overwatch has fucking terrible level design
Every single map in the game is like "that one map everyone hates" in every other game, and then on top of that Overwatch has multiple version of "that one map everyone hates" in the form of Anubis and Volskaya
are you comparing online game with a single player game? =_=
no, he talking about how stupid and casual skyrim is.
>at a time when no one else is making decent shooters
My only hope is that it'll die the fuck off in a few years as people refine the class shooter genre. But it seems pretty damn strong.
the fact that you can choose different weapons and equipment in every battle actually changes the way you can play the game. and they are balanced as every weapon has its advantages and disadvantages. using pyro gun to reflect projectiles is still one of my favourite thing to do! if you joined before tf2 f2p you will see how hard was it to get to top 3 in a 12 vs 12 game with at least 8 different classes on each team. a noon can kill you easily in OW, good luck for that in TF2. *rocket jump* *rocket rocket rocket* *noob exploded*
push for the picture!
Is this post ironic?
I know, right? Rocket jumping alone require more skill than everything in Overwatch. What a joke of game.
it is ironic that marketing and good graphic actually beats a game with way better varieties of weapons choices, and map choices. strategic - wise , when you actually play, you need a different game plan everytime according to the map and mode. run in with a group knowing jack shit is just gonna get you kill in tf2, I guess why new player cannot stand it, because they dunno what to do and got fuked right up main street. every character has at least 4 to 6 different playing styles because of the weapons advantage and disadvantages. I tried overwatch for a week but nah, I cannot stand it. it looks good, but boring compare to tf2.
the cosmetics and trading is the biggest draw that has kept me in tf2
not being able to swap different pieces of cosmetics and not being able to trade are the main reasons i don't play overwatch.. that and the fact that i have like 20* games in my backlog
*more than 20
the funny thing is , it is not a hard thing to do. try to reflect arrow with a pyro gun ;) wait, there is no such thing in OW
you are everything that is wrong with tf2.
i'm part of why the game is still alive
>6v6 moba garbage
>16v16 2fort
sure does sound fun and exciting, the lower player count seems like a fun and engaging mechanic :^)
Ovwrwatch is way more fun to play at this point. Tf2 is done to death, so hard hat I get mildly sick looking at it.
>have to grind for hours just to get a new weapon set so you can play the class how you want
I can agree with TF2, but Overwatch is pretty much that way right now. OW has no sense of community and thus you get get the most cancer matches constantly.
TF2 has a higher amount of trashcan maps m8
stfu, turbine is great
But ow is more modern so I can actually play with friends
Also sometimes I just want a casual experience. I have tons of hardcore games, I just want a fun comfy team based shooter. The many characters ensure that there's some more variety
Nobody really uses voice in Tf2 either so I can at least pretend there's a strategic community .
Truth be told I don't know why everyone on Sup Forums shits on OW, it has different objectives then stuff like quake champions
>Lijiang Tower
>Route 66
>Watchpoint: Gibraltar
>Temple of Anubis
>Volskaya Industries
>Ecopoint: Antarctica
>King's Row
Overwatch has more trashcan maps.
This. Main difference is reputation and waifus. Nothing more.
Why do devs purposefully sabatoge their own games?
they didn't. they just didn't care to put enough effort into the updates. dota blew up so most of the people working on tf2 had to work on dota.
its not
TF2 is just almost 10 years old at this point and has stagnated with an awful community
OW launched with an awful community
By making one of the characters gay.
>I don't know why everyone on Sup Forums shits on OW
For me its:
-shitty hitboxes
-league of legends community
-"press key for awesome" skills
Also I really hate Blizzard, but that's not related to OW.
>By making a good game instead of trying to nickel and dime their customers with ugly cosmetics.
>launched with the orange box along with half life 2 with no microtransactions for 50$
>wasn't meant to competitive but a fun team shooter but after awhile brought around ranked matchmaking because the users asked for it
>became Free with hat microtransactions
>has unique characters with unique personalities and accents
>launched 60$ WITH microtransactions with full intent to jew customers from the start
>playerbase slowly dying because the game is actually boring after playing for a while
>being shoved in peoples faces as a competitive shooter
>generic shitty character designs whose only purpose is to pander to the masses and waifufags\
>Also I really hate Blizzard, but that's not related to OW.
do tell
if you have actually played..... I have almost 3 or 4 same kind of every weapons, except for hats... drop rate is nothing to worry about except for hat. and I can trade extra weapons I have for the one I don't. I don't care about hat, I just like playing the game..... but whenever I get a hat I sell them for cash.
press key for awesome skills.
that's the thing that disgusts me....
>best weapons are by far the stock
>waiting to get weapons
>currently the price of those weaker weapons are $0,004 a piece
there's no reason to not trade for weapons, the game encourages trading.
they could also just not give you any drops if you rather wanted that instead.
oh and plenty of weapons can be unlocked with achievements(hats too!).
Better to die a dignified death than an eternity of humiliation.
>Reddit and morty shit
Fuck off underage.
you'll learn not to care about such silly things when you grow up kid
I was talking about the post itself, I agree with most of it except that weapons are balanced
>push for the picture!
it's kinda like family guy but a bit better, still shit though.
is it your autism acting up again
So again. I have to grind for fucking HOURS to get ANY weapons
15v15 is where its at
10 engineers and 5 pyros on one team protecting the final point
10 medics charging ubers on 2 heavies 1 soldier 1 demo and 1 pyro on the other
fuck its time to reinstall tf2 i guess
>Hey let's make giant chokepoints and massive sightlines in a game that clearly benefits from neither outside of very specific spots.
>Let's make a good widowmaker fuck every player in the ass because there's barely shit you can do to counter her if she's at any range beyond 5 meters except hoping your hitscan isn't dead and shoots her before she shoots you.
>Let's make defense a tug or war at a doorway that the enemy has a massive advantage over, and make sym torb the most annoying thing in the world.
>But it's okay because I might be able to press Q if I'm the right hero and possibly make it through the door.
Literally cherrypicking. The map you gave are either release map (2fort/turbine/hydro) or community (junction) and oh god you should shut up because since them most maps have an amazing level design (like badland for example) with many ways to reach the point or flank.
every overwatch maps are chokepoint fest that forces reinhardt and makes him literally mandatory.
holy shit are you me, i hate all these maps as well
what are your favorites?
nobody ever plays the good maps
There's something like 170 weapons, that's pretty hard to balance, still they are doing well.
that's not valve or the game fault, that's the community, and valve has nothing to do with the community.
you can literally just go on an achievement server and type "/giveitems" and get a bunch of shit
if you don't want to buy anything, that's fair, but don't expect people just to hand you stuff for free because you're crying for items
lol fuck this. everyone let's go outside and throw a frisbee.
>Weapons are balanced
>No they are not
>Well it's hard to balance them
Come on now, I love TF2 but that's some heavy goalpost moving. I'm still mad about the Demoknight nerf
The only fucking the connecting factor between the two is that they're both fps, but for the sake of arguemnt:
Oversnatch is a simplified version for babies and Team Penetration 2 is an over complicated mess.
Overbotch development team are made up of cucks who appeal to the widest margin and have no artistic dignity, while Titan Fortress 2 has 5 children in a basement who, despite having g a rock-hard foundation of a game constantly fuck up the artstyle and game mechanics.
Both can be ripped to shreds but no one's does because they enjoy what they enjoy, stop baiting for the sake of baiting.
>How Did Blizzard Make Overwatch So Much Better Than Team Fortress 2?
They released it like a decade and a half later, added cute girls, and added instant gratification buttons so that anyone could feel like a winner without actually being very good.
Its like TF2 but focus grouped to death for maximum marketing appeal for normies, and all of the core mechanics that make it a good FPS are taken out so that no one feels bad for losing to people that got gud.
Guerrilla SFM porn marketing.
nope the game just revolves around who is able to ult better
grinding = go through same boring shit again and again to hopefully get weapon. in tf2 they just drop as you play any game mode you enjoy. if there is no mode or map that you enjoy playing you might as well just quit.....