witch and wizard awakenings are finally out
who still /blackdesert/ here?
witch and wizard awakenings are finally out
who still /blackdesert/ here?
Looks cool
But I thought the wizard was an old dude, I guess they caved an allowed young ones?
Also is this for the NA version or are these just released on KR
Also does NA have a retarded IP block still? I gave up after seeing I couldn't play from Singapore
is it worth getting into?
how is the group content?
witch has always been a woman, idiot
Started playing a week ago, enjoy it quite a lot. It's funny how the game feels more Dragon's Dogma than DDO, and character customization is by far the best I've ever dealt with.
He said wizard, idiot
>Also does NA have a retarded IP block still? I gave up after seeing I couldn't play from Singapore
Why would you want to play in NA from across the world?
And yes, IP block is still a thing, but it's really easy to avoid. You just have to use some browser VPN to register yourself and run any free VPN to run the game in launcher, after that you can turn it off and play the game without it.
Just loggin in for the first time in months, didn't know the game added snow for the xmas event. This game just got more comfy.
>unironically playing a korean MMO
>Get BDO
>spend 10hrs on the character creation screen
>Get into the game
>Absolutely no fucking idea what to do
I'm just hoarding money and items til Dark Knight releases in NA.
>f2p with p2w cash shop in asia
>b2p in the west and the p2w cash shop is STILL there
Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with the publishers?
Grind and talk to NPCs to get stat boosts then PVP all day when you reach the end of your grind
I wish the PvP wasn't so gay. I hit level 55 and some level 56 faggot walked up to me and 2 shot me. I'm guessing I have to grind a fuckload of gear too if I want to actually have fun? I just hate when gear gives such an insane boost that you don't stand a fucking chance against someone with better gear.
Practically nothing to do in groups. You can party up with people but it's better to solo grind. Not even guilds do anything with each other unless it's for clusterfuck pvp.
Its like 4$ now nigga its barely even b2p
not him but im murrickan living in other country temporarily , huge pain in the ass to log in, need to use a free vpn , then quit it after theg ame starts loading
Because playing games at 100ping is better than not playing at all. Also won't be here forever. Kinda stupid question desu
Is it really only 4$?
Close enough
there's a monthly fee tho.
Pay2win garbage with shitty PvP, I'm mad because it has so much potential to be an amazing game. Just autistically upgrading your gear gets old quick and gear makes too much of a difference.
I'd only play around for the character customizations.
If you don't have the latest Titan XP/1080ti, you'll see lots of graphic pop ins(due to intensive graphics requirement), gets annoying over time.
I played on a black desert online, and that was the case. The combat is decent, could be better but still decent compared to lot of other mmos.
Its definitely not suited for largescale pvp/pve, its too GPU/CPU intensive.
>monthly fee
well fuck that
No there isn't.
There is no monthly fee
>Began playing it 4 months ago
>Stopped playing it 2 months ago
well endgame is all grind like in most mmos but I heard its insane in bdo. Crazy rng rates on enchanting your gear to +15 and there will always be a guy a higher level than you because leveling is pretty much infinite. Well, to stay competitive in pvp you have to work for it.
What about PvE? Is this one of those games where you can solo everything?
Excessive grind to win in a game that has nothing really going for it other then free for all "competitive" pvp is bad. As it is it's a shitshow for nolifers to get their turn at bullying through the guild war system like they never could in reality.
Would have some merit if it was an actual sandbox game instead of this goofy ass "we wanted to make a sandbox but got peer pressured into making it a themepark mmo" clusterfuck
Would have the most merit if there were no character levels and no gear enhancement and full corpse looting, just baseline gameplay and economy balanced for war
PvE endgame is grinding mobs that don't really drop anything. Like playing the shittiest version of Diablo 2 you've ever seen.
you can solo grind monsters because it's the fastest way to level up and you can fight big world boss monsters with lots of players for rare loot. I heard if you're a melee class you'll get one shot though so ranged classes are preferred.
The game is a sandbox. You do stuff you want to do, explore the world at your own pace. If MMOs are about going from quest to quest until you clear the area for you, you won't like BDO.
Play Guild Wars 2 or an actual FPS / Fighting Game instead
Try blade and soul if you want better pvp