I fucked a 14 year old in this game
7th Dragon III
poor mans etrian odyssey
Sounds like GOTY to me.
Its something to do until 5 comes out in English.
Handles the story elements better than EO, consistently interesting classes, can the the character models during fights, bring new members to your level doesn't take an entire afternoon of grinding...
I wish EO would take notes from this.
You just held hands on a hospital bed.
I can't tell if the story was pretty good or fucking garbage. It was a ride, at least.
Yeah, okay user
>tfw leader is the red-head ara-ara
I have awakened to the pure light that is lesbian-loli
>not pink meido god hand voiced by Aoi Yuuki
None of the maids are pink though
I like how nobody ever mentioned her clearly pointy ears
Close enough
You don't have to make Godhands a maid.
This is my Godhand
That's not even close to Hibiki though, at least red-haired meido kinda looks like Yuuna and Yuuna is pretty much a younger Hibiki
Long-haired Samurai as Nana is literally perfect though, if she had blue hair she would literally be Tsubasa
I hadn't realized they had a class in mind for every character
Checking the website now, only 3 out of my 9 squad members escaped their predictions.
Rune Knights break the game so hard it's not even funny
Or maybe, just maybe, you can make your own characters
>not being autistic
>RPGs you play from here on will never have this range for setting custom nip nop voices
Played this game months ago when it was leaked and got it again recently. Mindless fun, very enjoyable.
I used the Rune Knight trick to cheese the ultimate optional boss
I just wish it was a bit harder.
Also I feel like 3 party members is too constraining
Duelist is a cool class but it's a strictly worse version of Mage which is lame.
Yeah I get what you mean, I mean there's the end game dungeon but that's just a drag really. There was that thing with having extra teams to assist but I never found that useful outside of purposely raising it during boss fights to spectacularly kill shit.
Banishers also make dragons a joke.
Guard for one turn and wait for the 6k comet drop.
I find Banishers to be complete dead weight until endgame when you're able to give them the points they need in shit like bomb capacity
You get them pretty late so it's not that long a wait
Either they level up in the third squad or you switch to one by reclassing, either way you get skill points for days.
>tfw auto-hack triggers on a high/true dragon and it doesn't miss
It's such a shame I didn't pay attention to hacking early on.
but holy fuck when hack connects the battle is yours
>lost power
I just wish Etrian Odyssey wasn't married to that weird semi-chibi artstyle. I can't stand it.
Yuma is blatantly "hit me with an Unison attack: the boss".
It's like they realized it was unlikely to ever use that mechanic without going out of your way and still wanted people to remember it exists
>Yuma is blatantly "hit me with an Unison attack: the boss".
I hacked him and made him punch himself to death
Crystallized homosexuality made into words
Artstyle is a big reason why I can't get into a lot of jrpgs. FF9 and Etrian Odyssey really stand out, and they just look so horrible to me that I can't get over it, even though the music, which is the thing I look for most in jrpgs, is excellent.
wtf I ordered this game now !?
I can see where you're coming from since I'm allergic to Toriyama and thus refuse to touch DQ, but hot damn are you missing out
Don't I know it. I'd kill for a dungeon crawler that plays like Etrian Odyssey (and 7th Dragon, to an extent), but looks like Stranger of Sword City.
I also have that problem with Toriyama, but it's not bad enough that I don't love Chrono Trigger and DQVIII.
Why does chibi artstyle trigger me and make me want to burn puppies?
Literally worse than pixel indieshit.
You are both really missing out.
>save the sentai dude
>no sentai class
Really disappointed
My main character right here. She fucked every single one on the team.
Are talking about Blaster Raven? You can unlock his character model and portrait to use on any class from one of the DLCs.
Fuck you too.
but we are talking about 7th Dragon not Dungeon Travelers
I mean that's good enough I guess.
is this sengoku rance?
Rance 03 (the remake)