Your opinion on Sonic the Hedgehog
Your opinion on Sonic the Hedgehog
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It's not mario.
I miss 3D sonic games without any 2D shit crammed in them
Last sonic i bought was colors
Shonen Looney Tunes/10
Project 2017 news when?
Originals were great. Probably the first game I ever played back in the early 90s. The 3D games weren't good. They were just fast. Gotta go fast but fucking hell all of those rings fucking everywhere and the stupid voice. Dumb. If any of your Sup Forumsaginas think he 3D sonic is the best sonic then you should probably go back to sucking dick instead of cancering up this thread.
Another arbiter telling everyone what to like, you sound like a guy from another thread from a few hours ago
sonic fans are the brony of video games
deep down we all just want chaos to take care of
I'd rather have a little chip or blaze to take care of 2bh
Chip would be way happier upon being taken care of and blaze would do her pouty kuudere stuff
He's cool.
Nor Ape Escape
That would be Toupoo
post more cute Sonic
he's fast
He was my favorite video game mascot at one time. I still like him and look forward to what 2017 has in store for him. He's had his horrid shit but I hope he's past that.
I hope Mania turns out to be good
Are you sure?
he' fastest thing alive...
any news about Sonic Mania?
tried going too fast & now lost its way
No news until next year.
I like him better when he's a crossdressing slut
He's way past cool but that's a fact, not an opinion.
If it was made before 1995, it's gold. If it was made after 1997, it's trash.
I don't know about that
The games are good, the earliest ones being my favourite. Played all the Sonic games throughout the years but nothing more than that really. I don't understand why the fan shit is so popular and why everyone has to have some weird character of themselves in the Sonic universe.
Most of them are shit. The early ones rely too much on memorisation before they become fun, but after that they are enjoyable.
cool pape, bro. have another
Aside from recycled stages, I have no doubt it will be.
I like the series even with its downfalls.
Some of the earlier games were frustrating as fuck. Like, a lot of stupid ass pits and cheap deaths, but they had a real sense of adventure and level polish.
The advance games were okay too. I liked em. Especially 2. The running bosses were a challenge, and the chao garden was fun.
Sonic Battle was fucking great. I wish more people played it. It has a good premise and it felt like a fighting game ya know?
SA2 was cool. I never owned it.
Heroes was good enough for me. I wish the camera was better and I wish it was a bit more polished and I wish there was more enemy variety and I wish they did a much better job on the bosses cause bosses were trash. But I really liked using the ring dash and I really loved switching out characters and I liked fighting smaller enemies. I wish they would've expanded on the battle system to make it less mash to win. I also wish there was a way to use the flying characters special abilities without having to throw everyone else off. I thought the special stage concept was the coolest even though they fucked it up. I really enjoyed the 1 - 4th stages and hang castle. They should've made 3 teams and added more levels and polished the rest. Then I would've loved it.
The Rush games were fun too. I feel like they were crippled because of screen crunch. I wish they re-did them with a wider screen.
I haven't played any of the new stuff yet. Looking forward to Mania and getting a rig nice enough to play generations.
Cursed by the character trait of gotta go fast. The 3D auto run levels in generations were alright the first time, but were not very interactive. The 2d levels are where he's at home but so many people complain it's not fast enough. But when they do get going fast, something like springs or spikes always fuck it up.
Sonic's biggest problem which I don't think is a problem but a lot of people do, especially modern day reviewers and gamers, is it's a platformer rooted in arcade ideology in that repeated plays where you have more knowledge and insight into the level and what's ahead gives you an inherent advantage, such as gotta go fast and maintaining it.
Speed is a reward, and should be.
>Speed is a reward, and should be.
Great point. Which is why I think generations felt fake and just like bunch of QTEs string together and not an actual platformer.
>is it's a platformer rooted in arcade ideology in that repeated plays where you have more knowledge and insight into the level and what's ahead gives you an inherent advantage, such as gotta go fast and maintaining it.
This is correct.
>Speed is a reward, and should be.
This is also correct
The problem is that when you first play the game, it's not fun. The game is designed around going fast, but when you don't go fast you don't derive much enjoyment from it.
There's nothing wrong with a platformer that rewards high levels of play, but for a player to want to reach that skill level it should at least be accessible. The first time player gets fucked over by obstacles that can't be anticipated and awkward clumsy physics that take a while to get used to, so it's no wonder people get dejected after only 15 minutes of play.
Compare Super Metroid which has a ton of depth in its physics system but remains enjoyable to play even if you can't do all the fancy speedrunner shit. You can pick it up, spend ages having to line up jumps and still enjoy it because there is a goal other than reaching the end of the level quickly.
For someone picking up Sonic today for the first time, it'll just feel kind of stiff and unrewarding. It's only people who played it back in the day and didn't have much else to distract them who mastered it and went on to become fans.
he's a good boy
I think reaching that point where gotta go fast is something you can DO though is a reward in itself. Taking the time to get good at a game when you sucked at it, didn't understand it, ect is a reward that not many games these days even try to give you.
Hi Tracker
Autism: The Series.
Same with Kingdom Hearts.
Sonic 1 is still one of my favorite games in the genre. A lot of people prefer 2 or 3&K but Sonic 1 is my jam. It's a master piece.
You're right to an extent but I still think the idea of a game being boring until you're good at it is very damaging.
Not simply like Souls or other meme "hardcore" games where you simply can't beat it if you're no good, but where you spend hours and just have a miserable time and feel like you've finished the game without discovering the real depth.
Sonic is a ball of condensed autism.
I've actually come to appreciate Sonic 1 a lot in recent years, didn't like it as a kid because no spindash, but the game is designed well around not having it. I actually kinda prefer it without the spindash even if recent ports added it in.
You are right, but I guess I just never found Sonic as a whole boring? Though my above reply about Sonic 1 does lend you a bit of credence, I will concede that. Sonic games, real ones, are easy to bounce off of, especially these days.
I'm talking mainly about classic Sonic here, the Genesis trilogy.
The later games have much more accessible physics systems which means normalfags can enjoy them, but are less rewarding to advanced players (Colors, Generations etc.)
>I actually kinda prefer it without the spindash even if recent ports added it in.
I feel the same way about it. I always turn the feature off on the 3DS version, for example.
Oh yeah, that's why I said real Sonic games. I was referring to the Genesis trilogy on that, I think the newer games are...I guess fine for what they are, and people gobble that shit up, but they are so goddamn throw away and pretty much only good for one playthrough. I won't go back to them the same way I will Sonic 2.
I'm glad Sega is splitting the difference, Mania will probably be fantastic if they can nail it, and what little I got to play of it was very promising, and people that dig the modern shit can get it in 2017.
Yup, same. Got that 3DS collection when Hastings went out of business and played Sonic 1 twice, once with it on and once with it off and it was more fun with it off.
>I was referring to the Genesis trilogy on that,
What about CD?
Outside of the soundtrack, aesthetic, and anime videos that open and end the game, I am no fan of Sonic CD. It's either a snooze fest beating it without the good ending, or a scavenger hunt that's an exercise in frustration when you do go for it.
That said...I know it has its fans, and good on them. I'd play it over a lot of other Sonic games.
Remove Iizuka
If only
He can really move
But does he have an attitude?
Perharps, personally I think he's the fastest thing alive