Can we all agree PC is objectively the best platform?
Can we all agree PC is objectively the best platform?
What games it getting currently?
All of them.
That's nice names you provided OP. I can't think of single worthwile PC game in 2016 aside of some cheap indie garbage.
>I can't think
We know
Why are you so mad? Some petition for console games failed again?
No. I like the wii u better
I can't comprehend people that don't like to have fun. You need profestional help.
I asked for games but you avoid answer. I can't have fun with petitions only.
Civiliation 6
Total war:Warhammer
Heart of Iron 4
Grim Dawn
Why the fuck would we need petitions when we have more and better games?
>spreadsheet simulators
No thanks.
Or maybe if you have brain you can go search for games yourself and stop being this retarded ?
Because you don't? Everyday we have threads bitching for console games.
Everyone knows that PC is objectively the best platform. PC can't even be compared to consoles since it just so much better.
So this is what average consolefag brain work
Guess thats why top game on console are either CoD or CoD clone #1231234 eh
>being retarded
>said PC fanboy
Except we don't and its just ps4 console war baiting by the same couple of autists.
Maybe facebook is better place for ya, since this place require you to be 18+
And top PC games are Minecraft and Sims.
Really makes you think.
>Strategy games
I like to actually have fun
>implying i play CoD or CoD-like games
Top PC games are LoL
And its alone require more strategy,skill and thinking compare to CoD
Really make you think eh ?
Poor faggots.
all i see is Pajeet shill for Nintendo in a "paralogic" way by biggest spread of "killer apps"
being on Tentodler side.
>also,our reasrch shows that average console owner buys 5-10 new games over console lifecycle,so why make more
This thread belongs on reddit
>Except we don't
Strategy is objectively the best genre.
>require skill for PC fans
Really makes you think.
>Total war for PS4 when
See how easy it is ?
Nope, has just as many disadvantages as it has advantages, just like any other platform.
Considering I like Jrpgs and action games way more than RTS's currently PS4 is vastly superior, especially in the very near future with multiple release I'm going to buy per month.
Last PC game I got and enjoyed was Dragon's Dogma, ironically a console port I played half a decate ago.
What? When someone invaded TW thread and begged for it for PS4?
It is one of the most competitive game in the world
If you are so sure about your skill how about you post your acc and we shall see your skill then ?
Now,when someone else posts like you do ,do you slowly become aware of your immaturity?
PC is without doubt the best platform, yes, but you have got to be severely retarded if you think average metacritic score is what decides which platform is best
That's like saying CoD is most competitive game in the world because lot of people playing and asking someone for profile pic. You are seriously funny.
This pc mastrc circlejerk must be amongst'11- $15 year old fags because honestly i refuse to believe that grown man take part in this fucking retarded thread
>Considering I like Jrpgs and action games
This is what the average console cuck looks like. Just in for some casual shallow entertainment, no passion for games at all.
The last time I check CoD doesnt have a prize pool of million dollar and if you are that good you would be playing as a pro right now instead of jerking off to Sup Forums like an autist
>Redditors trying to make retarded argument always starting with the word objectively
How about you see for yourself consolefag
Oh nice, I was playing LastTitanStanding on Titanfall2, climbing the tower in LetItDie and finishing up GravityRush before the second comes out.
I'm glad I can do all of that on PC too.
>it takes skill because there is a large prize for it
Clinical autist confirmed
You must be mentally challenged along with everyone else that thinks age represents how wise you are. Even when this board has a lot of underage most 20-30 year old people on here are filthy manchildren.
Says the guy who don't own the console and thus is ACTUALLY the cuck.
I'm an idort, you are the sad one here Mr.PCMR
>Doesnt take skill and not playing it for easy money
Supreme retard confirmed
If anything this is the generation where you must be an absolute retard to be an idort.
>threads bitching for console games.
>he shows posts inside exclusives asking for a PC port and general dissent toward exclusivity
>meanwhile entire threads are created by sony ponies to decry 'PCkeks' for being unable to play their exclusives
If you like JRPG and saying PS4 is superior then you are either falseflag or a retard
JRPG on PS4 now are all western games in disguise of anime shit with shitty writting and "muh action combat"
Real JRPG are all on the 3DS
Last console i owned was a chinese nintendo copy in 1990s you faggotrace autistic child
My other guess would have been manchildren you niggercumlover
>remove exclusives
>literally zero reason to ever buy a console again
try to name a single pro consoles have over PC if you remove exclusives. even the one "muh comfy couch" is no longer valid.
>ask for games
>get games listed
Guys, we do this every single thread. Every single day. Every single fucking year.
Don't you ever get tired of it?
Do you really need so much validation about where you choose to waste your money?
I'm an idort so fuck off.
This is Sup Forums
This is daily thing
As long as there are autist who arent tired of the wole console war it will always be like that
Unless they somehow changed the mods or make the mods do their work, THIS EXACT THREAD WILL HAPPEN EVERY SINGLE DAY until no one even interest in this place anymore
So threads like this is a good thing
You either fix it or let it crash and burn
i can't agree on ANYTHING until i get this build Sup Forums approved.
Like I said, It's sad to see the cuck talking down to his superior.
But keep at it if you want, pretty hilarious.
Another peasant being negative about something he doesn't own, what a surprise. You can only lie when you talk to people who don't know what you're talking about. When you are adressing a PS4 owner (or whichever console he happens to own) about what is on his system when you yourself don't have it and know very little about it, you just look like a retard.
This year I've got 4 turn based Jrpgs/Srpgs on PS4, all from 2016. Of course the 3DS also gets some but not so much this year, although I admit I've lost interest in pokemon a long time ago, and unfortunately I think DQ7 is one of the weakest entries. Outside of those there was SMT4A and.. nothing else I think. EOV will take forever to get localized, if it does at all.
So I'm not sure why you are shitting on PS4 if this year it got the same ammount of turn-based Jrpgs as the 3DS. Well I know why, you're a pathetic fanboy, it really is that simple.
If you get a console you'll spend less time looking for validation and reasons to own one on Sup Forums all day, and more time actually playing vidya.
Keep crying my butthurt little nigger.
None of the games I like are on PC.
Recently I've been playing Persona 5, Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates, SMT IV and I'm planning on buying Princess is Money Hungry and Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain pretty soon.
None of them are on PC.
If not for all the PC eroge, I would dismiss it as a platform that caters to normies.
No time, I'm actually playing games.
Can we all agree OP is a faggot?
I didnt know you can shitpost on Sup Forums with a PS4
PC has no games, so no.
>Muh exclusives
like those matter when a console runs them like fucking garbage
>Monster Hunter
>7th Dragon
>Bravely Default
>Fire Emblem Fate
>Another peasant being negative about something he doesn't own, what a surprise
You sure you are not talking about yourself?
Then you're pretty stupid because every curent gen console, even Wiis, can shitpost on Sup Forums.
Pic related is last years
>haha those PC exclusives are lame and boring!
>*justifies entire console with autistic weeb garbage designed for manchildren*
Every time
Only thing which can shitpost well is a desptop PC
Laptops can do it ok
Phones can shitpost but are terrible for it
Anything else is JUST tier
For $60
How can you type without a keyboard?
You move the indicator for each word with controller like an autist?
Why do Amerifats buy consoles still?
Literally ZERO advantages anymore. In europe almost everyone plays on PC.
Goes to show how you don't know jack shit. Even teh 3DS has a web browser, of couse the PS4 has one too. How can you possibly be this much of a cuck?
>Monster Hunter
not turn-based. If I added non-turn based PS4 action/rpg games this year the number would triple, at the very least.
>7th Dragon
>Bravely Default
>Fire Emblem Fate
I'll fully admit I forgot about the first one completely and thought the other two were late 2015 releases. They have one thing in common: completely unremarkable or mediocre compared to previous entries, which is why I forgot about their existance or release date.
>bought PS4 today
>"alright I'm going to download some exclusives on PSN!"
>"great, Bloodborne is on sale! I'll just get Let it Die downloaded and then I'll get that too!"
>it will take over 5 hours to download this 15GB game
>it would take less than an hour for steam to download a game of the same size
how do console-only fags deal with this shit?
Not baiting, I'm liking how small and quiet my PS4 is and I look forward to playing it but I've got to wait until tomorrow to even try my first game...
You know what he meant you autist, anything apart from a desktop or laptop is terrible for browsing the internet.
He didn't mean that at all. He's clearly saying it's impossible to post from a PS4. He didn't mention the ease of use or anything like that. He only said "I didnt know you can" meaning that he thought you couldn't.
How about you talk about PS4 JRPG worthwhile this year then, because as far as I know there is only one and it has a fucking chibi art style look
Shitposting is different from normal posting
Like this one for example Do you know how much time and effort it takes to make a post like this on a PS4?
And even if its on Sup Forums I refuse to believe anyone can be this autistic to spend this much of time just for the shake of shitposting
You can type on any keyboard on your PS4, so it would require no extra effort at all
>check up on PS4 & Xbone exclusives
>around 7 on the PS4, and maybe 4-5 on the xbone that piqued my interest
please try harder, both of you. are there more than 3 promising exclusives on the PS4 next year?
PS4 only has 2 USB port,and you use both of them for the shake of shitposting ?
WTF is this autism ?
And dont bullshit me with shit like you can play games on PS4 with random mouse and keyboard from a PC
PC is the best
Exclusives are the reason I have w ps4. Playing ps4 is comfy also.
>PS4 only has 2 USB port
And the controller is wireless, so what would the USBs be occupied with? I always have a keyboard attached to type in games with lobby or chat functions
>And dont bullshit me with shit like you can play games on PS4 with random mouse and keyboard from a PC
You actually can, natively, with FF14, full M&K support.
You can type of all games with a chat function, such as EDF4.1
And through XIM4 you can play every game ever with M&K, I use it for shooter only though.
but no I'm not posting from the PS4, but it is possible and just as easy
The thing I like about console is I can buy 30 games a year and resell them only losing like 300 bucks compared to keeping $2000 on my steam account
somehow gamescores average at 70 instead of 50.
This is why scores dont mean shit these days
No, we can't. Your games blows.
>remove games
>0 reasons to buy gaming platform
Well yes, retard?
>lottery takes skill because you can win large money
Mentally challenged hospitlized PCuck confirmed.
>games blows