Why is the "hardcore gamer" stereotype a neckbeard, socially deprived fat guy that never leaves his home? When I'm pretty sure most people who are hardcore are skinny as fuck?
Why is the "hardcore gamer" stereotype a neckbeard, socially deprived fat guy that never leaves his home...
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dumb makiposter
I want to give Maki a christmas present and tell her it's from Santa :3
i'm a neckbeard, socially deprived fat guy that never leaves his home and i feel offended. Don't call me Hardcore gamer when i'm a huge casual and proud of it.
Because when a normie gets fragged they have to make up excuses and strawman their opponent to protect their ego
This desu.
When I rarely trash someone, being called fat is one of the most common insults I receive, even though I weigh as much as a small girl.
Well, I'm certainly not fat. Skinnyfat is more appropriate. But yeah I'm a socially awkward fuck and physically weak too, and it's because I played videogames heavily during childhood.
I also like Maki. She's best raibu.
Anyways, this isn't videogames.
let's fuck
Nah I ain't gay
Cause just the mass majority of the US is fat. Therefore imagining somebody as/calling somebody fat means your more likely to be right than wrong.
Everyone I've met that puts proper time into vidya has been skinnyfat, including me.
Fatties tend to be casual as fuck.
Because people like to feel superior to others
>Did you know that geniuses are generally autistic and socially inept?
>This guy only play well because he has no social life
>This guy who just destroyed me in an argument is probably fat, has no friends and is a virgin
They do it all the time, it's just too painful for them to admit that someone is better than them at something
If you aren't a socially inept virgin, you don't belong on Sup Forums.
The influx of normalfags is what destroyed this board.
Add being fat to the list and you're spot-on.
At this point I'm just happy to see you type normalfags instead of normies.
>If you aren't a socially inept virgin like myself you're a normalfag
This /r9k/ meme has to end
It's all about keeping life on track. Once it's off rails, you fall behind and never catch up.
Being on track is what defines a normalfag.
Skinny fat-chubby trans chicks are also gamers I've seen a few of. Shitty fast food diet is a common thread for gamers regardless of gender.
I've yet to meet a truly skinny gamer. Fit army bros playing CoD is another stereotype that is true.
I live in one of the fattest regions in the world, even weighing so little myself, know a lot of average weight gamers.
>/r9k/ meme
This has been a fact way before /r9k/'s existence. The influx of normalfags and casuals destroyed the quality of Sup Forums. I miss Sup Forums when it stood for Sup ForumsIRGINS. Get it? Sup Forumsirgins?
Of course a filthy normalfag like you wouldn't understand.
No, that's being americunt. Nothing to do with gaming.
If you're fat you're a normalfag.
Honestly I think that is a much better indicator of whether or not you belong. If you can't use -fag as a suffix you should get the fuck out.
NEET, skinny, hardly shower or change my clothes, smoke dude weed & play vidyagames 6+ hours a day.
My only redeemable quality is that I have an affinity for studying 4+ hours each day.
Look, I don't have a problem if you're a /fit/ person who bangs a lot of women on the daily, or you have a well paying job with a loving wife, or you go to parties, have a lot of friends, and is a unvirgin, and whatnot. I just don't want you talking about it on Sup Forums because it encourages shitposting.
It encourages shitposting because you are in a place full of loser virgins who are hugless and kissless and suffer from crippling depression, like me. By going against the societal norm of this site, you're only looking to destroy any form of discussion to be had with your normalfaggotry beliefs, and it never improves any discussion on video games, or anime, or whatever. So either fit in and pretend to be a loser, or just don't talk about your "normal life" at all.
That's not what I meant retard, the term was butchered overtime and people now just use to describe anyone with a life style that doesn't fit in the autistic virgin stereotype. It was supposed to be about behavior and posting style instead of whether you managed to insert your dick in a piece of meat or not.
>play vidyagames 6+ hours a day.
Fucking casual
This is not your super secret club for pathetic virgins, faggot.
This to be honest.
It's like a group of friends, you have to fit in or get the fuck out.
>be a skellington
>family helps me move to a new place
>set desk up and place tower on top
>what are you doing user
>why do you put your pc on the desk
>that looks stupid
>spit at their feet for talking shit about my battle station setup
Same here. I've turned into a huge casual. Last game I played was the new walking dead game, and before that I had 11 hours of gameplay these last two weeks.
Like what you see, user?
I have a gf, some friends and a loving family.
Im also a neet, have cripling depression and like reading mangas. Do I fit in?
>I have a gf
>Im also a neet
what the fuck
>this entire thread
Why did you let the normalfags take over, Sup Forums?
You become a normalfag when you start blogging about your normal life, which tends to encourage shitposting from roneryfags with "tfw no gf" shit.
That is why normalfags are scum.
I want to marry Maki and live a happy life with her, but 2D is too good for this cruel world.
She's real in your heart user.
It's diet, mainly. Lots of soda + little moving around = bloating up, unless you've got the craziest fucking metabolism burning that shit off you at all times. Even then, sooner or later it'll probably catch up.
Gamers are notorious for soda consumption, so it follows. The ones who stay away from that and don't eat a lot otherwise can probably stay skinny though, yea.
she is also a conservative qt that let me take her virginity.
Is not really that hard user...
You're obviously both kids. Being a pathetic nigger is directly reflecting of your intelligence.
There is a degree of board culture here, sure but it isn't living or pretending to live in an abysmal state.
I genuinely wonder what keeps normalfags staying around here. There's clearly better places for serious vidya discussion. Is it the format? Is it the shitpostings? They clearly get annoyed by the general company of the NEETS, shut-ins, virgins, etc. that are clearly not going anywhere.
to be honest, I take pleasure on bullying virgins in here that want a gf.
Funny how it's coming from you Michlan who's in law school, you fucking normalfag supreme. You're pretending to be a loser which is just pathetic
Being a jackass for no reason at all is nigger-tier as well, friendo.
I love being anonimous, people cant know Im a filthy south american this way or track my other answers. I just wish capcha was no more.
>both kids
Your post tells me you are obviously new. See
And I'm in my mid 20s too, so there goes your argument.
Lurk more before you post.
Stop making me want to kill myself please
This. The influx of Sup Forumstards also ruined it.
Sup Forums was an islamic board once.
>Being this triggered.
Why are egging him on? Do you want to be bullied?
chill friend, is all fun and games.
Can confirm, am hardcore gamer but also skinny and have a boyfriend
Some of them still think Sup Forums is somehow supersekret l33t and shit. It makes them feel like they're being rebel dawg.
I guess we were good for content once upon a time. Now that /t/ is complete shit, and /rs/ has been gone for years though, even reddit's better to grab free stuff of off.
wasn't 4 chan full of libtard before ?
Sup Forums was counter culture. Whatever was the norm Sup Forums would take the polar opposite and run with it.
It still is liberal.
go back to your containment board shitlord
That was the bush years. Sup Forums just like to be the counter party to the current president.
As far as Sup Forums went, only insofar as the internet in general leans that way, and most enemies of vidya were conservative.
Now that it's mostly liberals fagging up the games, it's a tip the other direction.
Anarchists, not libtards. I preferred that simply because it was never a serious atmosphere.
aw please don't user, who would I tease if you were gone? just let me play with you for a little while, you might even enjoy it.
but even fat,socially inept autists can be normalfags
You are the newfriend trash who destroys the traditional terms because you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
Lurk more faggot
is right
also pic related
Probably because it's true? Although the type of people who are hardcore enough to get paid to play have some work ethic so they're not fatasses.
Now thats something I haven't seen in a while
m'ok i guess trump is the exception then
;_; It's not fair, I just want to wake up next to a cute girl and hug her real right and maybe cry into her chest a little bit
None of you are making any compelling claims. You're all barneyfag types that no one wants around in your actual lives or here and for a good reason. You're aggressively retarded.
nice buzzword, faggot. I'm merely exclaiming my opinion like the rest of you.
For Sup Forums maybe can't say for the rest of the boards tho, if they even give a shit about american politics anymore desu.
I cannot keep living knowing that I will never hold hands with her. What to do...
Keep to your anime bud because real girls are nothing like that.
There's a reason why people say Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums. Simply put, they aren't counter culture; they have a chosen side. I'm curious as to how Sup Forums will change when Trump goes deeper into his presidency years. Problem with the recent newfags they were told this place was the "alt-right hellhole", so that's an issue in itself.
Gotta cut out the weed and the studying
6+ hours is fucking nothing.
You know you've got 24 in a day, right?
yeah i guess it's true
>This thread
Kill all normalfags.
Also kill all tripfags.
Not to mention your a homo who likes to get drunk and cry about his inane life on 4chins, christ just do yourself a favor and stop posting.
kill yourself
No, namefagging was a mistake.
Kill yourself, faggot.
Hardcore gamers are made of both extremes. I know giant blobs with beards that play the shit out of games as much as skinny clean shaven guys.
>this entire thread
>Why did you let the normalfags take over, Sup Forums?
Most of the original posters have long since moved onto other chans and/or killed themselves. It wasn't so much old Sup Forums getting pushed out as new Sup Forums filling a void.
And don't get me wrong, I don't have any illusions about old Sup Forums. It was a shithole too-- it was just a different kind of shit.
The real problem is that the new shit is somehow worse than the old shit, which is honestly more impressive than anything else. Each year I think this place can't possibly get any worse and each year I am proven wrong.
>Fuck, telling Sup Forums I'm in law school was a big mistake on my part. You assholes can't stop talking about it, it's insane.
Here's a wacky idea: How about you stop namefagging on an anonymous image board?
thats sweet user, sharing heat under the sheets in a could an rainy night is really a good feeling, I should now.
I hope you will experience it too one day.
the fuck was it?
gee way to fucken rub it in user, as if I didn't have any more reason to drop myself off a cliff.
Sup Forums and /o/ are pretty pro trump
Sup Forums is just shit tough
i was always told Sup Forums was a dark side of the internet
but it's like any other forums except you're free to say as you please no need to be polite or nice
feels more spontaneous than other forums
Some faggot being a faggot, nothing to worry about.
Also, it really isn't hard to check the archive, not that you'd need it if you used Sup Forums X fucking phoneposting cunt
Tripfag being a tripfag.
b-but I'm a socially inept virgin who likes to lift
don't bully
T-thanks user, I wish the best for you too ;_;
That never happened. I don't post on Sup Forums while drunk. I'm not moot.
It's not my fault I casually mentioned it when the topic of discussion was "what degree did you get, Sup Forums?"
No, but it's your fault that you were namefagging.
Again, kill yourself, faggot.
cone on user, that is not nessesary, if you keep living you might actually find love, if you die is an eternity alone in the void.
Meanwhile I can describe you those feelings if you like :^)
>this denial
Lel whatever michy bitch the good part is that your like a battered wife, you always come back after a good beating.
Michlan is a namefag. Not any worse but at are at least less obnoxious.
Threadly reminder that an user has PROVED that Michlan is Cebruz. They are one and the same person
Because normalfags are too busy going outside and being active.
>if you die is an eternity alone in the void
Doesn't sound too bad. If there's nothing around to remind me how lonely I am, I sometimes even manage to forget it.
Nobody should even know who those people are, user.
Report and ignore.