Now THIS is fucking awesome!

Now THIS is fucking awesome!

Other urls found in this thread:

where can I buy all of them ?

here we go again

>Brb smoke



How to spot a storm fag.

Rings are generally the most uncomfortable accessories

>brb smoke break
>*mic queues*
>alright guys *cough* im back


even millennials are smart enough to know this is absolutely disgusting

>Doesn't smoke

I'd say this is a 18+ website but you should have started a long time before that.

You're just mama's boy manchildren.

Why would you ruin your home by smoking inside?

I rather rip a bong than smoke a disgusting faggot stick stinking up my fucking mouth and house

Hey smokers, try this!
*Unzips dick*
Not nearly as hazardous as those ciggies you're smoking.

t. tobacco company

Enjoy having everything around you including yourself smell like shit.

Woah, now people can make their room smell like burning garbage AND play garbage at the same time!

Weed smells like shit though

I thought vaping was all the rage nowadays

Recently stopped smoking. I'm over the hill and don't crave them at all anymore. Never felt better.



There's better ways to inhale. Breathing in the smoke of your product is bad in every way.

I don't smoke but I think it smells nice. Unless your asthmatic I don't see how you can be this autistic

Smoked for 8 years of my life, quit 2 years ago. If you're lucky like me you can have the mental fortitude and maturity to quit. Saved a bunch of money too.

I guess you've never been to a concert

Dude. Stop

Depends. I don't smoke low quality shit that smells like a fucking skunk. Rather have a house smelling of bong rips than a fucking disgusting ashtray

keep telling yourself that

i bet you also shit on fat people online supposedly not because they are ugly but because "they are unhealthy and a strain on the health system"

Fucking how? Please help.

I smoke a pack a day and can't stop despite trying all the time.

>not forwarding cigarette use
What's your excuse?

>wastes money killing themselves

there are cheaper more efficient ways of doing that.

How long did you have to grimace through the terrible taste and smell and tell yourself how cool you looked in order to find yourself actually addicted to the things?



>he doesn't vape
loving every laff

You fags and your mouth fedoras can fuck yourselves and the horse you rode in on.

Anyways that is a retarded invention thats gonna get ash everywhere. Besides it'll ruin your buzz if you are focusing on the game

Just stop. Of course you'll feel like shit and desperate for one. But that requires you to actively go out and buy a packet and light one up.
Just put up with the withdrawals.

I don't smoke, but wouldn't squeezing a cigarette into that tiny hole crush the filter and ruin it?

Step 1. Don't touch a cigarette

everytime you want to smoke, suck off a friend instead

Most cigarette smoke smells nice though. Cigars smell better though.

>Smoking cigarettes

Fucking disgusting.

Stop being retarded and just smoke weed. It's infinitely better in literally every way.

Hahaha this is pathetic.

>tfw putting your cigge in your bowl and taking a bong rip

>retarded invention
>helps you stop smoking the cigarette to its tip
Kill yourself

Quit smoking the tobacco jew here

feels really good
enjoy smelling like shit all the time and wheezing

1 year clean faggots

I've quit 5 times roughly, ranging from a week to a month until I relapsed. I tried E-cigs, those nicotine patches, I even considered vaping the most recent relapse but decided against it.

All I did was chuck all my packs out, gave em away etc, got rid of my ash trays, my skins, even stopped smoking weed. The whole 9 yards.

Cold turkey is the only way to stop, it's fucking horrible, cold sweats, sleepless nights, stress, anger. You;ll experience it all when you're starting to withdraw from it. But it's worth it, my breathing cleared up, I can actually walk up a slight incline without losing breath, and you don't realize while you're smoking, but your cloths smell like absolute shit.

Tl;dr go cold turkey and take it like a man.

Do you mean pure weed or mixed with tobacco?

>Most cigarette smoke smells nice though. Cigars smell better though.
Your sinuses and taste buds have been fucked by your cancer stick. Congrats


WKUK is elder god tier comedy.

>Most cigarette smoke smells nice though.
only pipe tobacco smells ok from time to time

>Most cigarette smoke smells nice though.

t. disgusting smoker

Pure weed, you disgusting, crooked-toothed, toast-sandwich-eating Brit

Good goyim! Of course you look cool like your favorite fictional character!

This is why anime is retarded. No heart is pouring from the writing


She should arrest herself for that smoking body of hers.

How can anyone actually enjoy, let alone get addicted to cigarettes.
After smoking weed as my first "smoke", I just don't see the point of tobacco. Friend gave me one to smoke and it was fucking nothing but a headache inducer.

How old are you?

That's like saying alcohol is better than soda.

She's a kid

>Spending more money to ruin your life when you already have video games for that

anti-smokers are worse than vegan cucks

DuDe WeEd LmAo

What are some other deep stop smoking pictures to help our fellow anons stop smoking?

You're a gay

Threads like this really make me realize how lame is, I smoke, yeah it's fucking lame and is killing me but knowing you're grown men bashing smokers is far more pathetic than I'll ever be.

Let me guess, you can't find weed and you don't have friends anyway so you're adverse to all things fun huh?

oh i liked to take 100mg adderal and jerk off for 6 hrs straight or play doom, i like to huff cans of air duster and watch end of evangelion, playing stalker while shitfaced on vodka and stoned out my gourd

drugs are fun :))))))) people who bash them are not, and probably have a personality about as attractive as a slug

You also get your sense of taste and smell back to near full strength.
I remember noticing that after going a month off the smokes and digging into homemade spag bol. It was amazing.

now stop baiting and go play vidya

>You must be underaged because you don't like cigarette
The mentality of a dipshit


Why does Sup Forums gets triggered by cigarettes so much? Same shit with alcohol. I thought this was supposed to be an 18+ board.

Could you stop giving me lung cancer, please?

well at least alcohol actually does something
soda is just calories for no reason

Smokers smell like garbage, get away from me you disgusting fuck.
And stop touching door, you make them greasy and gross.

>adults aren't judgemental
Hello manchild

>I like to huff cans of air duster
No wonder your fucking retarded.

older than you apparently, atleast mentally


Mine isn't fully back, I mean I can smell better but not as good as I can remember. Taste though, I remember the first steak I had after quitting smoking, that was awesome.

You deserve all of it.

At least alcohol smell nice.

>smoking anything
Do you hate your lungs?

>can't capitalize
>can't spell
Uh-huh, sure you are.

Yes, with the difference being the "soda" is addictive and will end up costing you far more money that the premium "alcohol" which is infinitely better in terms of how good it makes you feel.

When you eat meat that doesn't influence me in the slightest, when you smoke and I breath in your smoke you fuck up my health. Stick that burning cig up ur ass faggot.

sorry sad loli

Smokefags will defend this


wow youre so fucking unique, youre the only underraged faggot that gets fucked up wow so cool.

fuck off


t. alcoholics


>Not smoking after fucking.

Might as well start eating literal shit. If you smoke or drink alcohol you need to kill yourself.
Stop being a faggot and start drinking water and eating healthy vegetables and fruit instead of the shit you are ingesting right now.
Fucking degenerates.

Learn to fucking read, you troglodyte.

>Huffing air dusters
You're a god damn idiot by choice.